cube colorwheel

Return to Ravnica Cube

By skillfulabbot

Score: 0

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180 cards = 18 Multi-colored cards per guild

80 cards = 8 Mono-color per guild (Example for Azorius 4 white watermarked, 4 Blue watermarked - there are only 8 total of these per guild in RTR, gatecrash and Dragon's maze combined based on my research so we are using all of them)

40 cards = 8 Mono color guildless per color

22 cards = 20 guildgates + 2 other nonbasic land

30 cards = artifacts with both cluestone and keyrune for each guild

8 cards = multi-player cards from conspiracy

Total: 360 cards

Gold (184)

Creature (108)

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Cards 350
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years