cube colorwheel

150-card Thundercube(Trius' Version)

By TriusMalarky

Score: 0


Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


I had a bunch of sleeves(but not quite enough) and absurd amounts of bulk cards!

Special Rules: - 3-5 players for draft, 2-3 for sealed - in draft, the packs are 10 cards - in sealed, each player gets 40 cards - decks are 25 cards total - after deckbuilding, it's an FFA where everyone has 10 life to start with - one free mulligan, each one after that just draw 7 but lose 1 life.

As you might be able to tell, this puts a weird power level into the cube. It's actually really low power, but it can easily feel almost like a Vintage cube because of the impact that some cards have. It is, of course, unfinished, which is why I am posting it. Tips are welcome!

Note: I proxied the fast lands and OG duals. I don't actually have money.

Noteworthy Cards:

Metalwork Colossus is a POWERHOUSE and is an auto-pick when you can. Casting a 1-swing insta-kill threat for 2-5 mana or even 0 is ABSURD. If you get this, you suddenly have a use for ALL cluestones/keyrunes, no matter the color.

Glyph Keeper has won most games. It avoids 60% of the removal(I added more that could kill it because it was too good), and comes back for a reasonable price. It's absurd!

Cataclysmic Gearhulk Is almost as good as Keeper. When used together, it dominates.

Night Market Lookout on turn 1 is absurd, basically putting the aggro player into a position that makes it harder for the slower decks(which often revolve around 1-2 hits with a large creature to take out an enemy in one swing) to win, in more ways than one. It MUST be answered early to keep aggro from winning.

Notable Archetypes:

Blue-White is absurd, but don't run too many card selection spells or card draw because you'll mill yourself before you can win. Wants Gearhulk and Keeper, likes Dovin and Cloudskate, as well as Manowar.

Aggro just runs black and white. They take down the most dangerous decks early and then either lose because the other players crush them or win because nobody else can do anything.

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Cards 150
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years