Gold (20)
Creature (14)
Enchantment (3)
Sorcery (1)
Instant (2)
Black (58)
Creature (36)
- 1x Asylum Visitor
- 1x Big Game Hunter
- 1x Bloodghast
- 1x Brain Gorgers
- 1x Cabal Initiate
- 1x Cleaving Reaper
- 1x Deadly Grub
- 1x Deathknell Berserker
- 1x Deepcavern Imp
- 1x Demon's Jester
- 1x Doomed Necromancer
- 1x Evil Eye of Urborg
- 1x Gorgon Recluse
- 1x Grave Scrabbler
- 1x Grim Roustabout
- 1x Hagra Constrictor
- 1x Headless Specter
- 1x Hell Mongrel
- 1x Muck Drubb
- 1x Necrogoyf
- 1x Necromancer's Familiar
- 1x Nether Traitor
- 1x Nightshade Assassin
- 1x Olivia's Dragoon
- 1x Pit Keeper
- 1x Plague Engineer
Putrid Imp
- 1x Revenant
- 1x Ridged Kusite
- 1x Skemfar Avenger
- 1x Skirk Ridge Exhumer
- 1x Soulflayer
- 1x Street Wraith
- 1x Sultai Scavenger
- 1x Tombstalker
- 1x Urborg Syphon-Mage
Sorcery (10)
- 1x Assassinate
- 1x Atrocious Experiment
- 1x Call to the Netherworld
- 1x Demonic Bargain
- 1x Demonic Collusion
- 2x Dread Return
- 1x Infernal Tutor
- 1x Morgue Theft
- 1x Psychotic Episode
Enchantment (4)
Red (68)
Creature (48)
- 1x Abbot of Keral Keep
- 1x Academy Raider
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Ash Zealot
- 1x Assembled Alphas
- 1x Bedlam Reveler
- 1x Bloodbraid Marauder
- 1x Bloodhall Ooze
- 1x Bloodmad Vampire
- 1x Bonecrusher Giant
- 1x Borderland Marauder
- 1x Chandra's Phoenix
- 1x Coal Stoker
- 1x Demanding Dragon
- 1x Dismissive Pyromancer
- 1x Dreadhorde Arcanist
- 1x Expedition Champion
- 1x Firefright Mage
- 1x Firemaw Kavu
- 1x Flowstone Channeler
- 1x Gathan Raiders
- 1x Glorybringer
- 1x Goblin Bushwhacker
- 1x Goblin Guide
- 1x Gore-House Chainwalker
- 1x Immersturm Raider
- 1x Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
- 1x Keldon Champion
- 1x Kird Ape
- 1x Lavacore Elemental
- 1x Legion Loyalist
Lovisa Coldeyes
- 1x Mage-Ring Bully
- 1x Manic Vandal
- 1x Ogre Battledriver
- 1x Orcish Hellraiser
- 1x Ox of Agonas
- 1x Rakdos Pit Dragon
- 1x Reckless Wurm
- 1x Shah of Naar Isle
- 1x Skophos Reaver
- 1x Sparkspitter
- 1x Vexing Devil
- 1x Viashino Bladescout
- 1x Viashino Sandsprinter
- 1x Volcano Hellion
- 1x Wayward Guide-Beast
- 1x Zurgo Bellstriker
Sorcery (8)
Enchantment (7)
- 1x Blood Moon
- 1x Dust Corona
- 1x In the Web of War
- 2x Pyromancer's Swath
- 1x Underworld Breach
- 1x Wild Evocation
Instant (5)
Green (79)
Creature (60)
- 1x Allosaurus Rider
- 1x Ambassador Oak
- 1x Ambitious Dragonborn
- 1x Aquastrand Spider
- 1x Avatar of the Resolute
- 1x Beast Whisperer
- 1x Birds of Paradise
- 1x Blanchwood Prowler
- 1x Boon Satyr
- 1x Bramblewood Paragon
- 1x Centaur Omenreader
- 1x Champion of Rhonas
- 1x Civic Wayfinder
- 1x Colossal Badger
- 1x Dauntless Survivor
- 1x Deepwood Denizen
- 1x Elvish Berserker
- 1x Eternal Witness
- 1x Experiment One
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Gemrazer
- 1x Genesis
- 1x Ghoultree
- 1x Glass Asp
- 1x Gnarlid Colony
- 1x Golgari Raiders
- 1x Greenseeker
- 1x Hatchery Spider
- 1x Horizon Seeker
- 1x Hunting Moa
- 1x Ignoble Hierarch
- 1x Ivy Lane Denizen
- 1x Krosan Restorer
- 1x Longshot Squad
- 1x Manaplasm
- 1x Masked Admirers
- 1x Moldgraf Millipede
- 1x Nimble Mongoose
- 1x Old-Growth Dryads
- 1x Oran-Rief Ooze
- 1x Phantom Tiger
- 1x Pheres-Band Tromper
- 1x Renata, Called to the Hunt
- 1x Sheltering Ancient
- 1x Soul Swallower
- 1x Splinterfright
- 1x Sporeback Troll
- 1x Talara's Battalion
- 1x Thornweald Archer
- 1x Timeless Witness
- 1x Treetop Ambusher
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 1x Uktabi Drake
- 1x Undergrowth Champion
- 1x Undergrowth Scavenger
- 1x Werebear
- 1x Willow Geist
- 1x Winnower Patrol
- 1x World Shaper
- 1x Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
Enchantment (9)
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Cards | 225 |
Date added | 1 year |
Last updated | 1 year |
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