
W A: disruptive weenies :19 B: smaller midrangey stuff :19 removal: clunky/ enchantment based unconditional :12

U A: card draw / selection :19 B: disruptive weenies :19 removal: countermagic / bounce :12

B A: reanimation :19 B: disruptive midrangey stuff :19 removal: discard / sacrifice :12

R A: aggressive creatures :19 B: big dudes / looting :19 removal: burn spells / artifact removal :12

G A: ramp :19 B: larger / midrangey dudes :12 removal: fight / artifact and enchantment removal :12

C A: color fixing : 5 B: macro aggro :5 control :5 fatties :5

Multicolor Each Pair: 5

Lands 10 Buddy lands 10 shock lands 10 fast lands

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Cards 360
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years