Common (212)
White (44)
- 1x Araba Mothrider
- 1x Blessed Breath
- 1x Cage of Hands
- 1x Call to Glory
- 1x Cowed by Wisdom
- 1x Curtain of Light
- 1x Devoted Retainer
- 1x Ethereal Haze
- 1x Harsh Deceiver
- 1x Heart of Light
- 1x Hundred-Talon Kami
- 1x Hundred-Talon Strike
- 1x Indomitable Will
- 1x Kabuto Moth
- 1x Kami of Ancient Law
- 1x Kami of False Hope
- 1x Kami of Tattered Shoji
- 1x Kami of the Painted Road
- 1x Kitsune Blademaster
- 1x Kitsune Bonesetter
- 1x Kitsune Dawnblade
- 1x Kitsune Diviner
- 1x Kitsune Healer
- 1x Kitsune Loreweaver
- 1x Kitsune Riftwalker
- 1x Lantern Kami
- 1x Mending Hands
- 1x Moonlit Strider
- 1x Moonwing Moth
- 1x Mothrider Samurai
- 1x Pious Kitsune
- 1x Plow Through Reito
- 1x Quiet Purity
- 1x Shinen of Stars' Light
- 1x Silent-Chant Zubera
- 1x Silverstorm Samurai
- 1x Spiritual Visit
- 1x Split-Tail Miko
- 1x Takeno's Cavalry
- 1x Terashi's Cry
- 1x Terashi's Grasp
- 1x Torii Watchward
- 1x Vigilance
- 1x Waxmane Baku
Red (41)
- 1x Akki Avalanchers
- 1x Akki Blizzard-Herder
- 1x Akki Drillmaster
- 1x Akki Rockspeaker
- 1x Akki Underling
- 1x Barrel Down Sokenzan
- 1x Battle-Mad Ronin
- 1x Blademane Baku
- 1x Brutal Deceiver
- 1x Crack the Earth
- 1x Crushing Pain
- 1x Devouring Rage
- 1x Ember-Fist Zubera
- 1x First Volley
- 1x Frost Ogre
- 1x Frostling
- 1x Frostwielder
- 1x Glacial Ray
- 1x Glitterfang
- 1x Goblin Cohort
Hearth Kami
- 1x Inner Fire
- 1x Into the Fray
- 1x Ire of Kaminari
- 1x Kami of Fire's Roar
- 1x Kumano's Blessing
- 1x Path of Anger's Flame
- 1x Ronin Cavekeeper
- 1x Ronin Houndmaster
- 1x Shinen of Fury's Fire
- 1x Shinka Gatekeeper
- 1x Sokenzan Bruiser
- 1x Sokenzan Spellblade
- 1x Soul of Magma
- 1x Spiraling Embers
- 1x Stone Rain
- 1x Torrent of Stone
- 1x Unearthly Blizzard
- 1x Unnatural Speed
- 1x Yamabushi's Flame
- 1x Yamabushi's Storm
Black (44)
- 1x Ashen-Skin Zubera
- 1x Befoul
- 1x Bile Urchin
- 1x Blessing of Leeches
- 1x Call for Blood
- 1x Crawling Filth
- 1x Cruel Deceiver
- 1x Cursed Ronin
- 1x Death Denied
- 1x Death of a Thousand Stings
- 1x Deathcurse Ogre
- 1x Deathknell Kami
- 1x Deathmask Nezumi
- 1x Devouring Greed
- 1x Distress
- 1x Gibbering Kami
- 1x Gnat Miser
- 1x Horobi's Whisper
- 1x Kagemaro's Clutch
- 1x Kami of Empty Graves
- 1x Kami of the Waning Moon
- 1x Kuro's Taken
- 1x Midnight Covenant
- 1x Nezumi Cutthroat
- 1x Nezumi Ronin
- 1x Okiba-Gang Shinobi
- 1x Psychic Spear
- 1x Pull Under
- 1x Rag Dealer
- 1x Ragged Veins
- 1x Raving Oni-Slave
- 1x Rend Flesh
- 1x Rend Spirit
- 1x Scuttling Death
- 1x Shinen of Fear's Chill
- 1x Sink into Takenuma
- 1x Skullmane Baku
- 1x Skullsnatcher
- 1x Soulless Revival
- 1x Stir the Grave
- 1x Takenuma Bleeder
- 1x Villainous Ogre
- 1x Waking Nightmare
- 1x Wicked Akuba
Blue (42)
- 1x Callous Deceiver
- 1x Consuming Vortex
- 1x Counsel of the Soratami
- 1x Cut the Earthly Bond
- 1x Descendant of Soramaro
- 1x Dreamcatcher
- 1x Eye of Nowhere
- 1x Field of Reality
- 1x Floating-Dream Zubera
- 1x Floodbringer
- 1x Hisoka's Defiance
- 1x Hisoka's Guard
- 1x Ideas Unbound
- 1x Kami of Twisted Reflection
- 1x Lifted by Clouds
- 1x Minamo Scrollkeeper
- 1x Minamo's Meddling
- 1x Moonbow Illusionist
- 1x Murmurs from Beyond
- 1x Mystic Restraints
- 1x Ninja of the Deep Hours
- 1x Oboro Breezecaller
- 1x Oppressive Will
- 1x Peer Through Depths
- 1x Phantom Wings
- 1x Psychic Puppetry
- 1x Quillmane Baku
- 1x Reach Through Mists
- 1x Ribbons of the Reikai
- 1x River Kaijin
- 1x Shimmering Glasskite
- 1x Shinen of Flight's Wings
- 1x Sift Through Sands
- 1x Soratami Cloudskater
- 1x Soratami Mirror-Guard
- 1x Soratami Rainshaper
- 1x Teardrop Kami
- 1x Teller of Tales
- 1x Thoughtbind
- 1x Toils of Night and Day
- 1x Veil of Secrecy
- 1x Wandering Ones
Green (41)
- 1x Burr Grafter
- 1x Child of Thorns
- 1x Commune with Nature
- 1x Dosan's Oldest Chant
- 1x Dripping-Tongue Zubera
- 1x Elder Pine of Jukai
- 1x Feral Deceiver
- 1x Fiddlehead Kami
- 1x Gnarled Mass
- 1x Harbinger of Spring
- 1x Humble Budoka
- 1x Inner Calm, Outer Strength
- 1x Joyous Respite
- 1x Jukai Messenger
- 1x Kami of the Hunt
- 1x Kashi-Tribe Warriors
- 1x Kodama's Might
- 1x Matsu-Tribe Birdstalker
- 1x Matsu-Tribe Decoy
- 1x Matsu-Tribe Sniper
- 1x Moss Kami
- 1x Nightsoil Kami
- 1x Okina Nightwatch
- 1x Order of the Sacred Bell
- 1x Orochi Leafcaller
- 1x Orochi Ranger
- 1x Orochi Sustainer
- 1x Petalmane Baku
- 1x Promised Kannushi
- 1x Rending Vines
- 1x Roar of Jukai
- 1x Sakura-Tribe Springcaller
- 1x Scaled Hulk
- 1x Serpent Skin
- 1x Shinen of Life's Roar
- 1x Traproot Kami
- 1x Uproot
- 1x Venerable Kumo
- 1x Vine Kami
- 1x Vital Surge
- 1x Wear Away
Uncommon (195)
Red (39)
- 1x Akki Coalflinger
- 1x Akki Raider
- 1x Akki Underminer
- 1x Ashen Monstrosity
- 1x Aura Barbs
- 1x Blind with Anger
- 1x Blood Rites
- 2x Brothers Yamazaki
- 1x Burning-Eye Zubera
- 1x Captive Flame
- 1x Cunning Bandit Flip
- 1x Desperate Ritual
- 1x Earthshaker
- 1x Feral Lightning
Flames of the Blood Hand
- 1x Gaze of Adamaro
- 1x Genju of the Spires
- 1x Ghost-Lit Raider
- 1x Godo's Irregulars
- 1x Hanabi Blast
- 1x Hidetsugu's Second Rite
- 1x Honden of Infinite Rage
- 1x Initiate of Blood Flip
- 1x Kumano's Pupils
- 1x Mana Seism
- 1x Ogre Recluse
- 1x Oni of Wild Places
- 1x Ore Gorger
- 1x Overblaze
- 1x Pain Kami
- 1x Ronin Cliffrider
- 1x Sideswipe
- 1x Sokenzan Renegade
- 1x Sowing Salt
- 1x Strange Inversion
- 1x Sunder from Within
- 1x Uncontrollable Anger
- 1x Yuki-Onna
Colorless (19)
- 1x Blinding Powder
- 1x Cloudcrest Lake
- 1x Ebony Owl Netsuke
- 1x Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai
- 1x Hankyu
- 1x Ivory Crane Netsuke
- 1x Jade Idol
- 1x Lantern-Lit Graveyard
- 1x Manriki-Gusari
- 1x Nine-Ringed Bo
- 1x No-Dachi
- 1x Pinecrest Ridge
- 1x Reito Lantern
- 1x Ronin Warclub
- 1x Shuko
- 1x Shuriken
- 1x Soratami Cloud Chariot
- 1x Tranquil Garden
- 1x Waterveil Cavern
White (35)
- 1x AEther Shockwave
- 1x Bushi Tenderfoot Flip
- 1x Candles' Glow
- 1x Charge Across the Araba
- 1x Cleanfall
- 1x Descendant of Kiyomaro
- 1x Eiganjo Free-Riders
- 1x Empty-Shrine Kannushi
- 1x Faithful Squire Flip
- 1x Genju of the Fields
- 1x Ghost-Lit Redeemer
- 1x Hail of Arrows
- 1x Hand of Honor
- 1x Honden of Cleansing Fire
- 1x Horizon Seed
- 1x Indebted Samurai
- 1x Inner-Chamber Guard
- 1x Innocence Kami
- 1x Kami of Old Stone
- 1x Kami of the Honored Dead
- 1x Kami of the Palace Fields
- 1x Kitsune Palliator
- 1x Konda's Hatamoto
- 1x Nagao, Bound by Honor
- 1x Nikko-Onna
- 1x Otherworldly Journey
- 1x Presence of the Wise
- 1x Promise of Bunrei
- 1x Reciprocate
- 1x Samurai Enforcers
- 1x Samurai of the Pale Curtain
- 1x Scour
- 1x Tallowisp
- 1x Terashi's Verdict
- 1x Ward of Piety
Green (34)
- 1x Body of Jukai
- 1x Briarknit Kami
- 1x Budoka Pupil Flip
- 1x Dense Canopy
- 1x Descendant of Masumaro
- 1x Feast of Worms
- 1x Forked-Branch Garami
- 1x Gale Force
- 1x Genju of the Cedars
- 1x Ghost-Lit Nourisher
- 1x Hana Kami
- 1x Haru-Onna
- 1x Honden of Life's Web
- 1x Kami of the Tended Garden
- 1x Kashi-Tribe Elite
- 1x Kashi-Tribe Reaver
- 1x Lifespinner
- 1x Loam Dweller
- 1x Lure
- 1x Mark of Sakiko
- 1x Molting Skin
- 1x Orbweaver Kumo
- 1x Orochi Eggwatcher Flip
- 1x Rootrunner
- 1x Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
- 1x Seek the Horizon
- 1x Soilshaper
- 1x Sosuke, Son of Seshiro
- 1x Sosuke's Summons
- 1x Splinter
- 1x Stampeding Serow
- 1x Strength of Cedars
- 1x Thousand-legged Kami
- 1x Unchecked Growth
Blue (35)
- 1x Aura of Dominion
- 1x Callow Jushi Flip
- 1x Cut the Tethers
- 1x Dampen Thought
- 1x Eerie Procession
- 1x Evermind
- 1x Genju of the Falls
- 1x Ghost-Lit Warder
- 1x Graceful Adept
- 1x Guardian of Solitude
- 1x Heed the Mists
- 1x Hinder
- 1x Honden of Seeing Winds
- 1x Jetting Glasskite
- 1x Kaho, Minamo Historian
- 1x Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch
- 1x Kiri-Onna
- 1x Minamo Sightbender
- 1x Oboro Envoy
- 1x Overwhelming Intellect
- 1x Petals of Insight
- 1x Quash
- 1x Rushing-Tide Zubera
- 1x Secretkeeper
- 1x Shape Stealer
- 1x Shifting Borders
- 1x Sire of the Storm
- 1x Soratami Mindsweeper
- 1x Soratami Mirror-Mage
- 1x Soratami Savant
- 1x Soratami Seer
- 1x Squelch
- 1x Stream of Consciousness
- 1x Student of Elements Flip
- 1x Trusted Advisor
Black (33)
- 1x Bloodthirsty Ogre
- 1x Dance of Shadows
- 1x Eradicate
- 1x Exile into Darkness
- 1x Genju of the Fens
- 1x Ghost-Lit Stalker
- 1x Gutwrencher Oni
- 1x Hand of Cruelty
- 1x Hideous Laughter
- 1x Hired Muscle Flip
- 1x Honden of Night's Reach
- 1x Kami of Lunacy
- 1x Kemuri-Onna
- 1x Kiku's Shadow
- 1x Locust Miser
- 1x Mark of the Oni
- 1x Measure of Wickedness
- 1x Nezumi Bone-Reader
- 1x Nezumi Graverobber Flip
- 1x Nezumi Shadow-Watcher
- 1x Numai Outcast
- 1x Ogre Marauder
- 1x Oni Possession
- 1x Painwracker Oni
- 1x Pus Kami
- 1x Razorjaw Oni
- 1x Scourge of Numai
- 1x Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
- 1x Skull Collector
- 1x Struggle for Sanity
- 1x Swallowing Plague
- 1x Thief of Hope
- 1x Three Tragedies
Rare (96)
Red (20)
- 1x Adamaro, First to Desire
- 1x Akki Lavarunner Flip
- 1x Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit
- 1x Clash of Realities
- 1x Fumiko the Lowblood
- 1x Heartless Hidetsugu
- 1x Homura, Human Ascendant Flip
- 1x Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot
- 1x Jiwari, the Earth Aflame
- 1x Kumano, Master Yamabushi
- 1x Mannichi, the Fevered Dream
- 1x Mindblaze
- 1x Rally the Horde
- 1x Ryusei, the Falling Star
- 1x Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked
- 1x Skyfire Kirin
- 1x Soulblast
- 1x Thoughts of Ruin
- 1x Twist Allegiance
- 1x Undying Flames
Green (14)
- 1x Ayumi, the Last Visitor
- 1x Bounteous Kirin
- 1x Endless Swarm
- 1x Enshrined Memories
- 1x Iname, Life Aspect
- 1x Isao, Enlightened Bushi
- 1x Iwamori of the Open Fist
- 1x Jugan, the Rising Star
- 1x Kodama of the Center Tree
- 1x Kodama of the North Tree
- 1x Kodama of the South Tree
- 1x Lifegift
- 1x Masumaro, First to Live
- 1x Shisato, Whispering Hunter
Colorless (17)
- 1x Ashes of the Fallen
- 1x Baku Altar
- 1x Hair-Strung Koto
- 1x Imi Statue
- 1x Junkyo Bell
- 1x Kusari-Gama
- 1x Long-Forgotten Gohei
- 1x Moonring Mirror
- 1x Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
- 1x Ornate Kanzashi
- 1x Scroll of Origins
- 1x Shell of the Last Kappa
- 1x Slumbering Tora
- 1x That Which Was Taken
- 1x Tomb of Urami
- 1x Uba Mask
- 1x Wine of Blood and Iron
Blue (15)
- 1x Azami, Lady of Scrolls
- 1x Chisei, Heart of Oceans
- 1x Cloudhoof Kirin
- 1x Hisoka, Minamo Sensei
- 1x Jushi Apprentice Flip
- 1x Keiga, the Tide Star
- 1x Meloku the Clouded Mirror
- 1x Part the Veil
- 1x Reweave
- 1x Soramaro, First to Dream
- 1x Sway of the Stars
- 1x Swirl the Mists
- 1x The Unspeakable
- 1x Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar
- 1x Uyo, Silent Prophet
Black (16)
- 1x Akuta, Born of Ash
- 1x Cranial Extraction
- 1x He Who Hungers
- 1x Hero's Demise
- 1x Iname, Death Aspect
- 1x Infernal Kirin
- 1x Kiku, Night's Flower
- 1x Kuon, Ogre Ascendant Flip
- 1x Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
- 1x Myojin of Night's Reach
- 1x Neverending Torment
- 1x Night Dealings
- 1x Night of Souls' Betrayal
- 1x Patron of the Nezumi
- 1x Toshiro Umezawa
- 1x Yukora, the Prisoner
White (14)
- 1x Eight-and-a-Half-Tails
- 1x Final Judgment
- 1x Hikari, Twilight Guardian
- 1x Hold the Line
- 1x Isamaru, Hound of Konda
- 1x Kitsune Mystic Flip
- 1x Kiyomaro, First to Stand
- 1x Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
- 1x Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
- 1x Pure Intentions
- 1x Reverse the Sands
- 1x Takeno, Samurai General
- 1x Vassal's Duty
- 1x Yosei, the Morning Star
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Cards | 503 |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
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1.0 | Burr Grafter |
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