cube colorwheel

6 Person 2 Card Combo Cube

By Zeatch

Score: 1

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This cube has roughly 60 2 card combos and enough cards for 6 people to draft.

These numbers ensure that every card is drafted, and every deck has around 4 combos, some decent permission, and some filter before the end of the third pack.

Having enough cards to support any more than 6 people would probably ruin the odds of collecting a combo in highlander format draft.

Still adjusting some of the combos to have 6 major archetypes that will always prove to be effective and draftable.

Some of the easiest decks to draft are Splinter Twin, artifacts, sneak and show, Reanimater, trix, ramp, or strait control.

Enjoy. . . .

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Cards 253
Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years