cube colorwheel

Arena Cube: Theros Updated

By mmp5bf

Score: 0


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This is an Arena Cube for streamers!


1) White: Very low to the ground aggro.

2) Blue: Control, emphasis on casting spells on opponent's turn.

3) Black: Sacrifice and recursion, using the graveyard to get value in a midrange strategy.

4) Red: Aggro burn, cheap threats with burn for range.

5) Green: Big mana, survive to the late game to overrun opponents.

wU- Control and fliers

Ub- Control and stealing

Br- Sacrifice burn

rG- Haste attackers

gW- Go wide tokens

Wb- Knight token control

Bg- Fill the Graveyard

Gu- Ramp and +1/+1 counters

uR- Spells matter

wR- Aggro knights

Gold (105)

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