
Innistrad is a Gothic world of gloom and horror, it is also one of the most interesting worlds in Magic: The Gathering. This cube is a love letter to the plane and everything I love about it.

There are ten supported archetypes:

UW Spirit Tempo

Spirits are all tricks and evasion. They plan to out-tempo your opponent with disruptive creatures and well-placed removal and counter spells. While the plan is to slowly chip away at the opponent's life total Spirits also has access to powerful haymakers like Drogskul Captain and Geist of Saint Traft.

UB Zombie Control

Zombies are slow and plodding, but if they are not dealt with in time they will overwhelm your opponent with endless zombies! In the early game Zombies wants to control the game with removal and counter spells while playing value creatures like Relentless Dead and Cryptbreaker. In the late game Zombies will swarm the board with powerful token makers like From Under the Floor Boards or giant sticky threats like Geralf's Mindcrusher!

BR Vampire Midrange

Vampires are stricken with Madness. They can be very quick with cards like Stromkirk Noble and Rakish Heir, but they can also grind their opponents out with their Madness value engines such as Call the Bloodline and payoffs like Voldaren Pariah. Vampires can produce some incredible card advantage while also putting consistent pressure on the opponent.

GR Werewolf Aggro

Werewolves are the premiere aggro deck in this environment. They seek to curve out and smash face! Early powerful plays such of Wolfbitten Captive and Reckless Waif force the opponent to cast their spells at inopportune times under the fear of facing too much damage to handle! Their end the game with Pyreheart Wolf or Arlinn Kord giving them the evasion needed to punch through the last few points of damage!

GW Human Aggro

Humans are the most populous tribe on Innistrad and as such they plan to swarm the opponent with too many attackers to deal with. Cards like Increasing Devotion and Hanweir Militia Captain help this plan. On the flip side sometimes Humans can go super tall with Champion of the Parish and Gavony Township while Thalia's Lieutenant fills both roles! Then if Humans makes it to the late game Angelic Overseer will surely punch through as an impossible-to-kill threat while you control a Human.

WB Token Midrange

Similar to Humans, Tokens wants to swarm the boards with creatures, unlike Humans almost all these creatures are, well, tokens! This deck thrives on all the powerful token producers Spirits and Zombies has access to as well as they're own powerful Planeswalker in Sorin, Lord on Innistrad. It can be surprisingly difficult to deal with a deck that produces, and buffs, two to three creatures a turn.

BG Delirium Midrange

Delirium is grindy midrange deck that uses its titular mechanic to gain great advantage in the late game. Grim Flayer is a fantastic piece that both sets up and profits from Deliriun while Ishkanah, Grafwidow provides a hard-to-beat boardstate.

UG Flash

Blue-Green Flash plays similarly to Spirits, they want to play disruptive instant-speed creatures and win through pure tempo. The real key to this strategy lies in Ongoing Investigation, by playing evasive and tricky creatures you are constantly getting value when you connect with your opponent so you can continue to keep the value train going. Tamiyo, Collector of Tales is also a great tool in this deck as she is able to dig to specific cards, return cards from the graveyard, and even hate against sacrifice and discard!

UR Spell Control

Spells in the premiere control deck in this environment. The deck wants to slow down their opponent with blue and red's large arsenal of burn and counter spells. After taking grasp of the game, casting cards like Rise from the Tides or Docent of Perfection is usually "Good game"!

RW Aggro

Red-White is all about racing your opponents and counting to 20. You get access to a lot of great aggressive threats like Silverblade Paladin and Hanweir Garrison backed up by a plethora of burn spells. Other tools such of Tibalt, Rakish Instigator and Balefire Liege help to put pressure on your opponent and end the game quickly!

While these archetypes are expressly supported, many other decks can be built within this cube.

I hope this cube brings you fond memories of Innistrad and encapsulates its incredible flavor within the limited draft environment.

Colorless (78)

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