This cube contains all Tron cards from the multicoloured pool and additional 1/3 that many cards that are specific for this pool. Under Construction. Suggestions greatly appreciated:)
So a draft for the rules is as follows:
Rulebook for competetive Commander Drafting
Gameplay rules
1.The same rules for the EDH/Commander format do apply for gameplay
1.1 Every deck contains 100 cards and only one copy of any card is legal in each deck
1.2 Each deck has a declared commander
1.0.1 Exceptions
1.0.2 A 15 card sideboard is legal and participants are allowed to adjust their deck in between matches.
Drafting Rules
As to ensure a smooth drafting experience, drafting takes place in digital form and by drafting á 15 card booster. Boosters are drafted from specifically balenced card pools/cubes for EDH gameplay.
There are overall 4 different pool types 1:Legendary Pool, ; 2:multicoloured pool; 3:mono colured pool; 4:Tribal Pool.
The monocoloured pool is further subdivided into 6 distinctive monocoloured pools, i.e. White, Black, Red, Blue, Green and Tron. Both the monocoloured cubes and tribal cubes contain the same named cards from the multicoloured pool respectively for their colour or tribe, plus additional 0.35 times that many external colour/tribal specifik cards that are exclusive for their pool.
Drafting is devided into three stages.
I) Initial draft. Each participants drafts one á 15 card booster from the legendary pool and three boosters from the multicoloured pool.
2) Tier drafting. After the initial draft, participants can select from which pool to choose a booster next. Boosters can be drafted from the mono-, multicoloured, and tribal cubes. However, it is not legal to draft a booster from the legendary pool after the initial draft stage. In between each tier iteration it is legeal to switch pool types. There are 10 tier iterations, this means participant will recieve 10 boosters from their cube of liking. The tier stage is time constrained. A tier lasts 2 minutes and participants need to choos their cube for the next tier within that time. Each participant will recieve 13 boosters a total of 195 cards from which he has to choose his 100 card deck and 15 card sideboard.
The boosters are distributed as follows: From the initial stage and mandatory 1xlegendary boosters, 2xmulticoloured boosters, 10xBoosters of choice, selected from all cubes (except for the legendary cube).
When a participant drafts a digital booster a digital copy is taken(print screen and stored) and a printed spoiler sheet will be handed out to her/him. It is legal to take written notes during drafting on a handed out sheet of paper. It is not legal to take notes on the physical spoiler sheet, since it is reserved for declaring card selection.
3) Deck declaration state, this stage lasts 10 minutes. Within that time participants need to declare their deck and sideboard. Cards are declared by marking them visually with a cross(or something?) on the printed spoiler handouts. After cards are declared, a digital photo will be taken of each spoiler sheet and stored digitally.
Finally, the individually constructed 100 card deck plus 15 card sideboard will be handed out to each participant.
A link to the rulebook