cube colorwheel

Captain's Casual Cube v1.1

By Captain_G1029

Score: 0


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Thank you for checking out my cube! If you have a question or suggestion about this list please let me know I'd love to hear input about it!

So this is the result of being a fan of playing Cubes, a spare 4 1/2 hours, and lots of bulk cards I wasn't playing. Observant viewers may notice a lot of these come from either Conspiracy or Take the Crown, and you would be right. My first cube was a Conspiracy themed one with all cards from both sets, Conspiracies and Draft Matter Cards included. Sadly, that cube had to be sold of bigger pieces as I hit financial difficulties, but I retained almost all the common and uncommon goodies.

Fast forward to this year and I'm beginning to teach newer players how to play Magic, so this is where this cube came from. My personal collection of spare cards picked to be made into a casual kitchen table style of cube draft.

The core focus of this Cube is to exemplify the traits of the two color Guild combinations. A very basic outline of the draft archetypes are as follows:

Izzet Spells (Blue/Red): Spell-slinging various Instant and Sorceries along side other permanents that help discount those spells or benefit from casting them. Burn, Card Draw, Counterspells.

Rakdos Agro (Red/Black): Cheap Aggressive creatures to deal fast damage, followed with destruction of other player's permanents. Agro, Removal, Burn.

Golgari Mid-Range (Black/Green): Effective use of sacrificing creatures, graveyard synergy, and board stalls until bigger threats can close out matches. Graveyard Synergy, Sacrifice, Ramp.

Gruul Monsters (Green/Red): Excelerate in mana to reach powerful high costing threats, along with mild agro selection and permanent removal spells. Ramp, Big Creatures, Removal

Boros Weenies (Red/White): Smaller creatures and tokens attack as a "go wide" strategy paired with combat tricks to pump your team and remove threats in your way. Agro, Combat Tricks, Tokens

Selesnya Enchantments (White/Green): Keep the board clear using various removal enchantments, then using Aura buffs on your team to get an advantage in combat. Enchantments, Tokens, Removal

Simic Card Draw (Green/Blue): Use assorted spells to draw lots of cards to keep your hand full of answers, while also gaining advantages with permanents that care about card draw. Card Draw, Ramp, Counterspells

Azorius Blinks (Blue/White): Control the boardstate using effective counter magic and board wipes, followed with efficient permanents with "Enter the Battlefield" triggers to stabilize your advantage for the win. Counterspells, "Blink" Effects, Board Wipes.

Orzhov Attrition (White/Black): Using powerful removal spells and gaining extra life, stay ahead of everyone else and then cast devastating spells to drain your opponents of their life. Removal, Life Gain, Resource Denial

Dimir Mill (Black/Blue): Send your oppoent's library into the graveyard to deck them out for the victory while keeping the board clear using counter magic and removal. Mill, Counterspells, Removal.

A few notes about the cube before someone types out some useless advice to me.

1) This was designed using cards I had sitting around, I did not go out of my way to buy cards for this cube. So if an inclusion looks a little out of place right now, suggest a filler but note that I didn't purposely chose cards like that, I just started with what I had available.

2) This is not trying to replicate much more powerful cubes like Legacy, Modern, or Legendary cubes. This is meant to be a "kitchen table style" casual cube that a new player could understand with a few practice rounds.

  • UPDATED 12/14/18 +

Thanks to some recent advice I went back through what I had and, along with a few recent purchases of Guild Kits and UMA, several changes have been made.

Cards Added Lightning Bolt Affectionate Indrik Fog Bank Harmonize Song of Freyalise Strength of the Pack Diamond Mare On Serra's Wings Woodborn Behemoth Urbis Protector Ember Weaver Mystic Retrieval Miraculous Recovery Faithless Looting Ronom Unicorn Mahamoti Djinn Watchwolf Pollenbright Wings Call the Cavalry Tatyova, Benthic Druid Grunn, the Lonely King Witchbane Orb Mishra's Self-Replicator Pyxis of Pandemonium Venerated Loxodon Hundred-Handed One Followed Footsteps Squee, the Immortal Goblin Dark-Dwellers Wolfbriar Elemental Emperor Crocodile Polis Crusher Camaraderie Loxodon Hierarch Well of Lost Dreams Sigil of the Empty Throne Verduran Enchantress Territorial Allosaurus Sylvan Caryatid Thorn Lieutenant Mistcutter Hydra Blood Baron of Vizkopa Armada Wurm Elvish Mystic Llanowar Elves Naga Vitalist Avacyn's Pilgrim Crested Herdcaller Merfolk Branchwalker Burning-Tree Emissary Dampening Pulse Feral Hydra

Notes About Changes The biggest thing I was suggested is that the creature count was a little low, removal was heavy, and there was very little ramp creatures for the Green/Red strategy. In this regard I ensured to try as find many new cards to buff up those categories while not trying to push down the Control or Removal archetypes too hard (I figured this would happen as I personally have a bias toward Control rather than Creatures).

Of cards removed the cycle of Multikicker creatures came out as I had them in there just to have another set in a cycle for some consistancy. The Land Cycle ones are still here as the mana fixing is good with those. I also don't know what I was thinking having Grand Arbiter in the list, so he got the boot too.

Thank you again for checking it out! Please leave me feedback on how it looks or what I can improve upon.

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Cards 415
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years