cube colorwheel

Combo Mechanics Cube (Playtesting)

By TheWaywardBullet

Score: 0


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Cube based on mechanical synergy and combos on cards to exploit them within 3 color archetypes: 1. Esper Spells, 2. Grixis Artifacts, 3. Jund +1/+1 & -1/-1 Counters, 4. Naya Enchantments, 5. Bant Tokens, 6. Jeskai Tempo, 7. Sultai Cycling, 8. Mardu Aggro, 9. Temur Ramp, 10. Abzan Graveyard, 11. Any Combination Between Archetypes You Want.

There are many combos and synergies within the cube itself to exploit. For example, there are 2 card combos such as Phyrexian Scriptures and Clockspinning for constant board wipe, Combat Celebrant and Mobile Garrison for potentially infinite combats, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Cauldron of Souls for auto-reanimation. There are also powerful synergies to be taken advantage of. Cycling with Fluctuator, Abandoned Sarcophagus, or Library of Leng. The utility of Treasure and Clue tokens accumulated from casting control effects to help cast your other cards with Improvise or Inspiring Statuary. Or just hitting the ground running with cheap, value aggro such as Legion Loyalist, Tithe Taker, and Ammit Eternal.

I'm working on polishing the cube now to figure out what needs to be balanced, so if you wouldn't mind giving some constructive critiques if you draft this and let me know what you think, I would appreciate it. Thanks

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Other (75)

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