cube colorwheel

Conspiracy Cubed *snicker*

By Citridon

Score: 1

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My first cube. Intended as a Fiore themed cube with the intent of doing multiplayer cube draft. The packs are setup to be 16 card packs (regular 15 cards + 1 conspiracy)

The following 2 color archetypes are baked into the cube. If you put it on custom categories you can see the breakdown of cards and archetypes.

Azorious Control - A Talrand/Noyan Dar style instant and sorceries matter theme with counterspells, fog, and other control effects.

Orzhov Lifedrain - Drain effects like extort get considerably more powerful in multiplayer. Add in Ajani's Pridemate as a growing blocker/beater, and outlast the table.

Boros Wide Beats An aggressive creature rush, tuned to use myriad, melee, and battalion to mitigate the challenge of being aggressive in multiplayer.

Selesnya Population Tokens. Make tokens, give them vigilance (a lifesaver in multiplayer). Sometimes a classic is best. The flexibility of tokena also makes it easy to handle different splashes.

Dimir Rogue-animator Rogue tribal! Some prowl cards, and some "hit the face" matters cards. One small twist, the looters are also rogues, so there are a few reanimator spells and big creatures to pitch and resurrect a finisher.

Izzet Robots? (It's robots) Artifacts matter. Thopter Spy Network and Ghirapur AEther Grid will net you constant value for having artifacts. Then, when you have enough little artifacts, usw broodstar or cranial plating to close. And now you have an incentive to take all those wierd draft robots conspiracy made.

Simic Counters Evolve, monstrous, and proliferate your army of little guys into giant beasts.

Rakdos Mad Doran Toughness matters, in R/B?! Use Daretti and some conspiracies (including Weight Advantage) to get yourself a nice wall to chill behind while the table slugsit out. Then use Vent Sentinel, Thermo-Alchemist, and possibly some burn to wear them down.

Golgari Compost Why use cards once when twice is more? Delve, scavange, and self mill yourself to fuel big spells.

Gruul Durgons 1. Get Mana
2. Cast Dragons 3. ???? (Probably turning stuff sideways)
4. Profit

Currently looking to keep a seperate pack with the following cards seperate for Lore Seeker: All 10 tri-lands 5 colored artifact lands

Colorless (88)

Gold (76)

Citridon says... #1

First update made (this is a little late. The update came after Aether Revolt, but I want it here for tracking):

Deputized Protester -> Kari ZevOath of Gideon -> Selfless Squire Renegade Krasis -> Primeval Protector Hypnotic Siren -> Torrential Gearhulk Battle Rampart -> Combustible Gearhulk Lurking Automaton -> Metalwork Colossus Oblivion Sower -> Wurmcoil Engine

Mirrorwing Dragon -> Freejam Regent Spincrusher -> Scrap TrawlerMiscalculation -> Metallic Rebuke Reclusive Engineer -> Maverick ThopteristTajic, Blade of theLegion -> BruseTarl, Boorish HerderSoul Flayer -> Vial Smasher the Fierce Oona's Prowler -> Glint Sleeve SiphonerGoblin Kaboomist -> Goblin SpymasterTalrand, Sky Summoner -> Whir of Invention Auntie's Snitch -> Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGlaring Spotlight -> Key to the CityBloodspore Thrinax -> Rishkar, Peema Renegade Warmonger's Chariot -> Birthing Pod Scroll of the Masters -> Inspiring Statuary

Knowledge Exploitation -> Reverse Engineer

July 23, 2017 1:12 p.m.

Citridon says... #2

Previous comment became a jumbled mess

Deputized Protester -> Kari Zev

Oath of Gideon -> Selfless Squire

Renegade Krasis -> Primeval Protector

Hypnotic Siren -> Torrential Gearhulk

Battle Rampart -> Combustible Gearhulk

Lurking Automaton -> Metalwork Colossus

Oblivion Sower -> Wurmcoil Engine

Mirrorwing Dragon -> Freejam Regent

Spincrusher -> Scrap Trawler

Miscalculation -> Metallic Rebuke

Reclusive Engineer -> Maverick Thopterist

Tajic, Blade of theLegion -> BruseTarl, Boorish Herder

Soul Flayer -> Vial Smasher the Fierce

Oona's Prowler -> Glint Sleeve Siphoner

Goblin Kaboomist -> Goblin Spymaster

Talrand, Sky Summoner -> Whir of Invention

Auntie's Snitch -> Gonti, Lord of Luxury

Glaring Spotlight -> Key to the City

Bloodspore Thrinax -> Rishkar, Peema Renegade

Warmonger's Chariot -> Birthing Pod

Scroll of the Masters -> Inspiring Statuary

Knowledge Exploitation -> Reverse Engineer

July 23, 2017 1:15 p.m.

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Cards 384
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years