Soltari PriestSavannah Lions	Leonin Relic-Warder	Porcelain Legionnaire	Restoration AngelThalia, Guardian of Thraben
Steppe Lynx	Lone Missionary	Silverblade Paladin	Sublime ArchangelParallax WaveNearheath Pilgim
MoatSoltari MonkElite Vanguard	Accorder Paladin	Blade Splicer	Exalted Angel	Baneslayer Angel	Elesh Norn Grand Cinobite
Isamaru, Hound of Konda	Knight of Meadowgrain	Mirran Crusader	Kor Sanctifiers	Karmic Guide	Sun TitanMother of Runes	Kor Skyfisher	Mirror Entity	Ranger of Eos	Reveillark	Yosei, the Morning StarStoneforge Mystic
Martial Coup	Land Tax	Disenchant	Oblivion Ring	Armageddon	Gideon JuraSoltari TrooperSwords to Plowshares			Faith's Fetters
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