
So this cube is designed from the ground up to be a tribal cube based around the idea that you arent forced into a tribe but you are rewarded for playing it and the archetype in each 2 color combination supports common mechanics of each tribe.

The tribes are as follows.

R/G werewolves

R/B Eldrazi

B/U Spirits

U/W Wizards

W/G Cats

G/B Warriors

R/U Pirates

B/W Knights

U/G Elementals

W/R Monks

The synergies and archetypes for those 2 color combos are as follows

R/G midrange decks and instant speed non-spell toolbox effects, morph, bloodrush, channel, Ect...

R/B Aristocrats goblin support or mana rush ritual into eldrazi bigstuff

B/U mill and selfmill control support, hand disruption and counterspells

U/W Artifact/Historic control with lots of tap effects, minor stax effects (Magus of the Tabernacle)

W/G Tempo +1/+1 counters and a splash of D&T.

G/B Toughness matters and lifegain grindy creatures. Heavy removal, good board wipes. Good for grinding down control decks.

R/U Hyper Aggro and Blue Tempo decks. Minor land discard theme to squeeze the maximum value out of your landbase. Lots of risky cards with huge payoff, Standstill, Censorship, ect...

B/W Reanimator support with a legendary matters subtheme. Enchantment support with a fair bit of removal enchantment spells as well as a few enchantment matters cards.

U/G Land animation, lands matter, sacrafice subtheme. Big elementals and solid value and ramp

W/R Prowess aggro with efficient creatures and many non-creature spells. Storm Support with ramp, rituals, and payoffs. Empty the Warrens, ignite Memories, Wing Shards, Astral Steel, and Haze of Rage

Colorless (76)

Red (71)

Green (65)

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Cards 450
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years