
Cycles I guess.

A list of all of them: Shard-blades (Alara) Outlanders (Alara) Demigods (LRW/SHM) Demigod Auras (LRW/SHM) Lieges (LRW/SHM) Hybrid Three-Drops (LRW/SHM) Boons (Brainstorm substituted for Ancestral Recall) (A/B/U) Souleaters (New Phyrexia) Obelisks (Alara) Spellbombs (Scars/Mirrodin--took the best ones from both cycles) Emissaries (Theros) Exarchs (New Phyrexia) Commands (LRW/SHM) Zeniths (Scars) New Guildmages (RtR) Volvers (Apocalypse) Alara Charms RtR Charms Keyrunes (RtR) Expeditions (Zendikar) Genju (Kamigawa) Ultimatums (Alara) Incarnations (LRW/SHM) Duos (LRW/SHM) Hatchlings (LRW/SHM) Mimics (LRW/SHM) Signets (Ravnica) Ur-Dragons (Planar Chaos and originals) Slith (Mirrodin) Towers (Mirrodin) Mana Myr (Mirrodin) Pulses (Mirrodin) Words (Onslaught) Dragon Auras (Scourge) Swords (Mirrodin/Scars) Enemy Flashbacks (Dark Asc.) Vows (Commander) Titans (Core 11/12) Planeswalker's X Lorwyn 5 walkers Lorwyn 5 companions (Core Set) Wedge Sanctuaries (Apocalypse) 5 Enemy Walkers (Bolas filling in for UG) Core Set Rings (Core 13) Leylines (Ravnica/Core 11- best of both) RtR Mechanics (one common, one unc, one rare) Replicas (Scars) Dragon Stars (Kamigawa) Allied Bounce creatures (Planeshift) 2 or C (LRW/SHM) Best 1CMC Phyrexian mana (New Phyrexia) Bringers (Mirrodin) Choices (Invasion) Ravnica Splits

Lands Filters (LRW/SHM) Checks (Core 10/Innistrad) Hideaways (LRW/SHM) Vivids (LRW/SHM) Bounces (Ravnica)

Changes: -Removed Guildgates for the Ravnica split cards

Colorless (103)

Gold (141)

Creature (91)

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