
Using cards I already have I am creating a Cube for the purpose of playing multiplayer games of EDH after drafting. Cube will be designed for 4/5 player games of EDH.

Cards in the cube will be chosen on the basis of 1) General usefulness is multiplayer EDH 2) Ability to be utilized in multiple decks. 3) Card color. Will try to balance the numbers of cards in each color. 4) There will be many colorless and artifact cards as they may be played in any deck, while avoiding three colored cards as they will be limited to only a few deck possibilities. 5) Cards that help build any particular one archetype will be avoided. 6) Commanders/Generals will be generic type generals that fit in many decks rather than being specific to one fixed deck...(ex. not Zur the Enchanter or Kaalia of the Vast)

There will first be a draft of Commanders/Generals, then the draft itself. each player will draft several commanders and then can choose which way to go with their own drafting from there.

Size of the Cube is still pending, as well as if the deck size will stay traditional to 100 cards.

Total # of generals = Total number of cards =

Blue (91)

Black (91)

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Cards 453
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years