cube colorwheel

Elder Scrolls Cube | 360 Custom Draft Experience

By kanokarob

Score: 2


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A custom, 8-player cube designed around the Elder Scrolls franchise. Drafted in a pod of 8 and played in two multiplayer pods of 4, this set features mostly existing Magic mechanics, with mostly-cosmetic additions. There are several archetypes, some less fleshed-out than others, but the five main draft archetypes that the set is designed around are as follows.

  • Jund: Dragon Cult. Features Dragons and their zombie servants. Revolves around the Suspend mechanic.
  • Grixis: Daedric Realms. Features Demons. Revolves around the Convoke mechanic, as well as the new Daedric supertype.
  • Esper: Elves and Automatons. Features mages and artifacts. Revolves around a historic-matters theme.
  • Naya: Imperial Army. Features and revolves around tokens.
  • Bant: Natural Order. Features animals and primitive species. Revolves around a power-and-toughness-matters theme.

There are many cycles in the cube, distributed among the different rarities. This is the intended pack distribution, with each card appearing exactly once unless specified otherwise.

  • 1 Mythic Rare
  • 2 Rares
  • 4 Uncommons
  • 8 Commons (11 duplicates of Wastes)

In the Mythic Rares are the 17 Daedric Princes, one for each individual color or color pair, one three-color, and one colorless. They are powerful, game-warping creatures that require sacrifices to cast, but they were weakened or even thwarted by the Uncommon mana rocks, the Towers.

All mechanics present in the cube are standard Magic mechanics, with two exceptions: The Daedric Princes have the Oblivion Lord keyword, used to simplify their maintenance abilities, and the Daedric supertype requires a Demon to be revealed or controlled as the spell is cast.

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Common (192)

Gold (30)

Blue (21)

White (18)

Uncommon (96)

jazzarazza says... #1

Very fun and inspiring cube!

Things I like:

  • The tower cycle

  • The overall theme

  • The amount of care put in

Balancing issues:

These cards stood out to me as undeniably very unbalanced, but i have not had a chance to explore every facet of this cube yet! Good luck with your future projects :)

May 16, 2020 2:22 p.m.

kanokarob says... #2

I definitely do continue to work on balancing through iteration. I will speak to some of those things you pointed out as balance issues, but I appreciate and will consider the feedback as I continue to work on the set moving forward! :)

  • Epistolary Acumen did use to be too powerful, as it formerly behaved like a Howling Mine for only it's controller. However now, it almost exclusively behaves like a cantrip with extra steps; so far, no one has yet reached the third chapter.
  • Priest of the Hunt seems powerful, but do keep in mind that the creature it gives a worship counter to doesn't remain a 4/4 after the Priest leaves. Worship counters are more like divinity counters than poison counters; they don't have rules attached, and there is pretty widespread creature removal available.
  • Trackers Focus, I will concede, reads very powerful. So far it hasn't really seen a lot of play, so I haven't had an opportunity to see by how much it needs to be adjusted, but it's definitely on the hot list for the next big update.
  • Soul Tear hasn't proved overpowered yet, as due to its colors, it does rarely see play. However, that may just mean no one has opted to draft it and make use of it, so it can remain on a hotlist as well. May just need a Mana cost increase.
  • The cairn lands (I assume you refer to the colorless ones, specifically) are not as troublesome as you might think. Utilizing them to enough of a degree that they become problematic requires drafting a lot of them (a difficult enough feat) and drafting enough colorless, or few enough color-restricting, cards such that they don't make you otherwise unable to play the game. Drafting colorless does end up being quite a challenge, and therefore one worth rewarding with progressive abilities like these. It hasn't been a problem, and they have been in the cube since the first iteration (and back then there were three copies of each draftable!)
May 16, 2020 2:47 p.m.

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