Common (192)
Colorless (54)
- 1x Aetherium Forge
- 1x Alduins Wall
- 1x Begin the Greymarch
- 1x Burial Mound
- 1x Chaurus Matron
- 1x City of Dagoth-Ur
- 1x Cogent Brush
- 1x Cogent Courtyard
- 1x Cogent Fortress
- 1x Cogent Hillside
- 1x Cogent Pools
- 1x Common Soul Gem
- 1x Curse of the Moon
- 1x Divine Counsel
- 1x Dragon Priest Mask
- 1x Dreugh Sentry
- 1x Dwarven Ballista
- 1x Dwarven Repurposing
- 1x Dwemer Orrery
- 1x Dwemer Spider Guardian
- 1x Dwemer Spider Worker
- 1x Fruit of the Shivering Isles
- 1x Greybeard of High Hrothgar
- 1x Hircines Altar
- 1x Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
- 1x Imperial Prison Cell
- 1x Knight of Order
- 1x Obelisk of Order
- 1x Remains of the Mysterium Xarxes
- 1x Shrine of Dagon
- 1x Shrine of Hermaeus Mora
- 1x Shrine of Hircine
- 1x Shrine of Meridia
- 1x Shrine of Nocturnal
- 1x Slaughterfish
- 1x Soul Cairn Fields
- 1x Soul Cairn Keep
- 1x Soul Cairn Memorial
- 1x Soul Cairn Staircase
- 1x Soul Cairn Tower
- 1x Soul Cairn Well
- 1x Souless Roar
- 1x Spectral Hound
- 11x Wastes
Black (19)
- 1x Ageless Necromancer
- 1x Apocrypha Seeker
- 1x Archaic Hagraven
- 1x Black Worm Necromancer
- 1x Blood Relief
- 1x Boethias Amusement
- 1x Bonemold Guard
- 1x Draugr Guardsmen
- 1x Dwarven Disappearance
- 1x Dwemeri Expedition
- 1x Face of Domination
- 1x Fruit of Shade Perilous
- 1x Mannimarcos Order
- 1x Marsh Shaman
- 1x Minions Minions
- 1x Quest for the Black Hand
- 1x Reanimate Dragon
- 1x Royal of Bal
- 1x Sigil Stone
Gold (30)
- 1x Ash Spawn
- 1x Ash Zombie
- 1x Atronach Forge
- 1x Black Marsh Barbarian
- 1x Civil War
- 1x Companion Huntress
- 1x Dawnguard Hunters
- 1x Defiance of the Dov
- 1x Dragon Aspect
- 1x Dragon Cult Subjugation
- 1x Dragonborn Cultist
- 1x Dragonmage of Aetherius
- 1x Fruit of Ashpit
- 1x Fruit of Boethias Realm
- 1x Fruit of Coldharbour
- 1x Fruit of Moonshadow
- 1x Fruit of Quagmire
- 1x Fruit of the Madhouse
- 1x Fruit of the Myriad Realms of Revelry
- 1x Fruit of the Pits
- 1x Fruit of the Scuttling Void
- 1x Fruit of the Spiral Skein
- 1x Fruit of Viles Plane
- 1x Heroic Khajiit
- 1x Jaws of Oblivion
- 1x Khajiit Chemister
- 1x Pilgrim Orc
- 1x Reincarnation Prophecy
- 1x Telvanni Wizard
- 1x Unrelenting Force
Blue (21)
- 1x Aetherium Dynamo Core
- 1x Apprentice High Elf
- 1x Ayleid Expedition
- 1x Binding Seal
- 1x Coldharbour Banekin
- 1x College Mage
- 1x Cornered Mazken
- 1x Daedric Counsel
- 1x Dragonrend
- 1x Dungeon Wraith
- 1x Epistolary Acumen
- 1x Falmer Gloomlurker
- 1x Fruit of Apocrypha
- 1x Glimpse of Aetherius
- 1x Pestering Mudcrab
- 1x Quest for the Tribunal
- 1x Restricted Knowledge
- 1x Sewage Scamp
- 1x Snow Elf Memory
- 1x Studious Dunmer
- 1x Successful Illusion
White (18)
- 1x Akaviri Expedition
- 1x Armored Legion
- 1x Emperor of Tamriel
- 1x Fruit of the Colored Rooms
- 1x Giant Shepherd
- 1x Imperial Legionnaire
- 1x Khajiit Trade Caravan
- 1x Meridias Embrace
- 1x Passing Hero
- 1x Quest for the Empire
- 1x Scrollbearer Squadron
- 1x Skaal Warrior
- 1x Spectral Ward
- 1x Stormcloak Rebellion
- 1x Tribune Counsel
- 1x Watchtower Dragonfall
- 1x Wear of Alikr
- 1x Werebear Victim
Green (28)
- 1x Admiration of Kyne
- 1x Adrenal Dragon
- 1x Aggressive Land Dreugh
- 1x Aldmeri Raiding Party
- 1x Dovah Counsel
- 1x Dragonbone Hunter
- 1x Flying Viper
- 1x Fruit of the Hunting Grounds
- 1x Landscape Dragon
- 1x Lone Stormcloak
- 1x Mammoth-Feller
- 1x Migratory Mammoth
- 1x Misplaced Confidence
- 1x Nordic Expedition
- 1x Orcish General
- 1x Pride of Hircine
- 1x Provoked Spriggan
- 1x Quest for the Dovah
- 1x Road to Glory
- 1x Seclude
- 1x Shadowscale Progeny
- 1x Silt Strider
- 1x Snowstorm Dragon
- 1x Stormcloak Rebel
- 1x Thalmor Politician
- 1x Thalmor Ranger
- 1x Thundering Wamasu
- 1x Welkynd Whispers
Red (22)
- 1x Adolescent Clannfear
- 1x Ambushing Daedroth
- 1x Armored Daedroth
- 1x Blasphemous Huntwife
- 1x Defaulted Contract
- 1x Dragon Cults Secrets
- 1x Dragonic Expedition
- 1x Dremora Kynval
- 1x Fiery Desolation
- 1x Flame Atronach
- 1x Fruit of the Deadlands
- 1x Imperial Counsel
- 1x Khajiit Bandit
- 1x Lightning Trap
- 1x Mythic Dawn Cultist
- 1x Orcish Blood-Hero
- 1x Prideful Dragon
- 1x Quest for the Daedra
- 1x Steely Futility
- 1x Territorial Dragon
- 1x Triumphant Aurael
- 1x Windreaper Dragon
Uncommon (96)
Gold (39)
- 1x Aldmeri Dominion
- 1x Bull Netch
- 1x Cloudlevel Cascader
- 1x Crystal Tower
- 1x Daggerfall Covenant
- 1x Direnni Tower
- 1x Doomcrag
- 1x Dwarven-Armored Plunderer
- 1x Ebonheart Pact
- 1x Elden Tree
- 1x Frost Troll
- 1x Gift of the Mask
- 1x Lesser Dragon Priest
- 1x Mepahalas Example
- 1x Moon Priest
- 1x Numidium
- 1x Orichalc Tower
- 1x Planemeld Harvester
- 1x Priest of Decay
- 1x Priest of Domination
- 1x Priest of Madness
- 1x Priest of Nightmares
- 1x Priest of Outcasts
- 1x Priest of Pestilence
- 1x Priest of Plots
- 1x Priest of Revels
- 1x Priest of Secrets
- 1x Priest of Vanity
- 1x Priest of Wishes
- 1x Red Mountain
- 1x Resurging Tactician
- 1x Rotting Citadel
- 1x Soul Tear
- 1x Spriggan Matron
- 1x Storm Atronach
- 1x Throat of the World
- 1x Triumphant Histwalker
- 1x Vampire Lord
- 1x White-Gold Tower
Colorless (15)
- 1x Daedra Lord Impact
- 1x Daedric Siege Engine
- 1x Dim Ruins
- 1x Dwemer Centurion
- 1x Dwemer Lexicon
- 1x Dwemer Sphere
- 1x Folly of Kagrenac
- 1x Overgrown Ruins
- 1x Perched Ruins
- 1x Priest of Order
- 1x Sotha Sil, the Clockwork City
- 1x Sprawling Ruins
- 1x Submerged Ruins
- 1x Tools of Kagrenac
- 1x Word Wall
Blue (7)
- 1x Bend Will
- 1x Confrontation at the Eye
- 1x Dwemer Archivist
- 1x Frost Atronach
- 1x High Elf Battlemage
- 1x Miraaks Lurker
- 1x Priest of Fate
Red (7)
Black (12)
- 1x Coldharbour Infestation
- 1x Dark Elf Retributionist
- 1x Devout of the Reclamations
- 1x Dragon Cult Burial
- 1x Marked for Death
- 1x Masked Dragon Priest
- 1x Necroslave Dragon
- 1x Nerevars Shield Companion
- 1x Priest of Luck
- 1x Restless Draugr
- 1x Unprepared Assassin
- 1x Venombone Dragon
White (10)
- 1x Bold Adventurer
- 1x Combat Expertise
- 1x Destined for Greatness
- 1x Dovahkiins Housecarl
- 1x For the Empire
- 1x Lorkhans Shift
- 1x Passive Flyover
- 1x Peryites Purge
- 1x Priest of Life
- 1x Wispmother
Green (6)
Rare (48)
Colorless (26)
- 1x Azuras Star
- 1x Blackreach
- 1x Cyrodiil, Seat of the Empire
- 1x Dagoth-Ur, the Sharmat
- 1x Dawnbreaker
- 1x Deadlands, Realm of Dagon
- 1x Draconic Steam Centurion
- 1x Ebony Blade
- 1x Goldbrand
- 1x Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
- 1x Mace of Molag Bal
- 1x Masque of Clavicus Vile
- 1x Mehrunes Razor
- 1x Morrowind, Dwemeri Homeland
- 1x Oghma Infinium
- 1x Ring of Namira
- 1x Sanguine Rose
- 1x Saviors Hide
- 1x Skull of Corruption
- 1x Skyrim, the Old Kingdom
- 1x Sotha Sil, Clockwork God
- 1x Sovngarde, Alduins Feast
- 1x Spellbreaker
- 1x Sword of Jyggalag
- 1x Volendrung
- 1x Wabbajack
Gold (14)
- 1x At the Summit of Apocrypha
- 1x Battle for Kvatch
- 1x Blessings of Akatosh
- 1x Blessings of Arkay
- 1x Blessings of Dibella
- 1x Blessings of Julianos
- 1x Blessings of Kynareth
- 1x Blessings of Mara
- 1x Blessings of Stendarr
- 1x Blessings of Talos
- 1x Blessings of Zenithar
- 1x Citadels of the Sixth House
- 1x Way of the Voice
- 1x World-Eaters Eyrie
Red (3)
Black (2)
White (1)
Blue (1)
Green (1)
Mythic Rare (24)
Gold (16)
- 1x Alduin, the World-Eater
- 1x Azura, Prince of Vanity
- 1x Boethia, Prince of Plots
- 1x Clavicus Vile, Prince of Wishes
- 1x Malacath, Prince of Outcasts
- 1x Mephala, Prince of Secrets
- 1x Miraak, the First Dragonborn
- 1x Molag Bal, Prince of Domination
- 1x Namira, Prince of Decay
- 1x Peryite, Prince of Pestilence
- 1x Sanguine, Prince of Revels
- 1x Sheogorath, Prince of Madness
- 1x The Champion of Cyrodiil
- 1x The Last Dragonborn
- 1x The Nerevarine
- 1x Vaermina, Prince of Nightmares
Colorless (2)
White (1)
Blue (1)
Green (1)
Black (2)
Red (1)
I definitely do continue to work on balancing through iteration. I will speak to some of those things you pointed out as balance issues, but I appreciate and will consider the feedback as I continue to work on the set moving forward! :)
- Epistolary Acumen did use to be too powerful, as it formerly behaved like a Howling Mine for only it's controller. However now, it almost exclusively behaves like a cantrip with extra steps; so far, no one has yet reached the third chapter.
- Priest of the Hunt seems powerful, but do keep in mind that the creature it gives a worship counter to doesn't remain a 4/4 after the Priest leaves. Worship counters are more like divinity counters than poison counters; they don't have rules attached, and there is pretty widespread creature removal available.
- Trackers Focus, I will concede, reads very powerful. So far it hasn't really seen a lot of play, so I haven't had an opportunity to see by how much it needs to be adjusted, but it's definitely on the hot list for the next big update.
- Soul Tear hasn't proved overpowered yet, as due to its colors, it does rarely see play. However, that may just mean no one has opted to draft it and make use of it, so it can remain on a hotlist as well. May just need a Mana cost increase.
- The cairn lands (I assume you refer to the colorless ones, specifically) are not as troublesome as you might think. Utilizing them to enough of a degree that they become problematic requires drafting a lot of them (a difficult enough feat) and drafting enough colorless, or few enough color-restricting, cards such that they don't make you otherwise unable to play the game. Drafting colorless does end up being quite a challenge, and therefore one worth rewarding with progressive abilities like these. It hasn't been a problem, and they have been in the cube since the first iteration (and back then there were three copies of each draftable!)
May 16, 2020 2:47 p.m.
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Cards | 360 |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
jazzarazza says... #1
Very fun and inspiring cube!
Things I like:
The tower cycle
The overall theme
The amount of care put in
Balancing issues:
Epistolary Acumen
Priest of the Hunt
Trackers Focus
Soul Tear
All of the cairn lands
These cards stood out to me as undeniably very unbalanced, but i have not had a chance to explore every facet of this cube yet! Good luck with your future projects :)
May 16, 2020 2:22 p.m.