cube colorwheel

Ezra's Peasant Cube

By ezra125

Score: 4

Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


So I wanted to draft. There were a bunch of cards I wanted to play, and a bunch of archetypes I wanted to build, and I really wanted to draft.

So there I was, wanting to play a bunch of random commons and uncommons, but not wanting to spend a fortune building a constructed deck working around each and every one of them.

And so, I built a cube. My god is it fun to build a cube. It's like building a set, where you get to balance an environment and basically do all those things that would come with your dream job of working on Magic for WotC.

Not only that, you can draft whenever you want! (And have a bunch of friends who also want to draft. It happens a lot.)

So, without further ado, I present my peseant cube. I'm always tweaking it, looking to fit in new, fun cards to draft.

Try it out!

Gold (89)

fleishdawg says... #1


April 1, 2013 8:23 p.m.

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Cards 406
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years