cube colorwheel

Fun With Nothing (reject rare cube)

By vagueabond

Score: 0

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This is the current prototype for my reject rare cube. Nothing too good, all <$1 rares, and a few hopefully interesting subthemes to make it a cohesive limited environment.

I've tried to make it draftable by supporting certain archetypes for each colour pair, sort of like a real Limited environment, though my hope is that even decks not built to these archetypes will have the capacity to be successful. I've also tried to add various combo-enabling cards, as my playgroup has a large number of Johnnies and I'm sure the challenge of drafting a partial combo deck out of reject rares will appeal to them.

Here are the themes I tried to support, with a brief description of each:

WU - enchantments matter, evasion

This deck tends to be a control shell that overpowers its opponents through card advantage and evasion.

See: Righteous Authority, Serra Aviary and Lone Revenant.

WB - life matters (gain/pay life)

This deck runs creatures with lifelink and various "pay life" effects to gain advantage. It can also try to combo out with Near-Death Experience or Celestial Convergence.

WR - general aggro

Because of the constraints of the format, this was actually a really hard colour pair to fill. I knew that I wanted it to be aggressive and creature-based, along with a few buff effects for good measure. I also wanted it to have a better late-game strategy than the other aggro deck, BR goblins, so it has a number of higher-costed bombs to help hold its own.

See: Tivadar of Thorn, Assemble the Legion, Uthden Troll and Blood Hound.

WG - tokens / anthem effects

This deck runs token producers like Caribou Range and White Sun's Zenith and then buffs them with either anthem effects or +1/+1 counters.

UB - zombie tribal

(there's also a Laboratory Maniac self-mill combo deck which falls pretty soundly into UB but I don't want the major archetype to be a specific combo)

This deck runs a bunch of Zombie creatures and cards that care about Zombies. See: Call to the Grave, Rooftop Storm, Graveborn Muse.

UR - Izzet (spellcasting with creature support)

This deck has the most cantrips and recursion, with some beefy creatures to support the Sorceries and Instants that are its main threat.

See: Galvanoth, Spellweaver Volute, Charmbreaker Devils.

UG - ramp (typically into artifacts like the Towers or big overcosted creatures)

This deck does its own thing until it can resolve something really massive. It has a higher reliance on artifacts than the other decks (besides Hellkite Tyrant combo) and can be a real late-game threat.

See: Tower of Calamities, Skill Borrower, Charmed Pendant and Unexpected Results.

BR - goblin tribal, the other aggro deck.

This deck is a bit more reliable than WR aggro, albeit narrower. It's mostly the usual goblin tribal things you'd expect, with a low curve and short-term gains. BR also gets perhaps the bombiest card in the format, the Un-set card Rare-B-Gone, which if followed up by some cheap goblins is a surefire way to turn the tides of the game at the last minute.

See: Mad Auntie, Goblin Assault and Dralnu's Crusade.

BG - graveyard shenanigans with some extra Spirit tribal

I tried for a while to come up with an identity for BG, and I think the combination of graveyard shenanigans/reanimator and Spirit-related effects gives it its own distinct identity. This deck can be weak but it has some real power if built right.

See: Jarad's Orders, Ghoultree, He Who Hungers.

RG - +1/+1 counters, undercosted creatures with drawbacks

The spreadsheet I used to design this cube has this row titled "No One Clan Should Have All This Power". RG builds up a fairly sizeable army on the cheap in the early-to-mid game and overwhelms its opponents by sheer force.

See: Rubblebelt Raiders, Spawnwrithe, and Valleymaker.

27/11/2013 + Cowardice Pillaging Horde Primeval Force Extortion Formation - broken visage goblin assault favor of the mighty beguiler of wills splinterfright

vagueabond says... #1

If you've read this far, please tell me what you think! Are any of the cards too strong? Too edge-case? Am I ridiculous for building what some might consider an anti-Cube? Just what is the deal with airline food, anyway?

October 26, 2013 12:21 p.m.

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Cards 360
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years