
Going to gleam past limited environments to put together a solid "Good-Stuff" limited environment. This is a Common/Uncommon cube. I've started to tweak it for architypes, giving subthemes more support (G/W tokens, B/W aggro discard, U/W control, etc.) I've also started drafting, and have been taking note of which cards always go 13-14 and might make some changes based on that.

Looking for:

300 Colored

130 Lands/Artifact/Colorless

80 Hybrid/Gold

510 Total.

But those numbers and that distribution diffinately isn't set in stone. I want the cube big enough to run an actual 8-man draft (336) as well as a 6-man sealed (504). Pack shape (#U/#C) is going to be random.

Well my goal was met, I'm actually going to keep this very fluid as I draft it more and more, so far this has a been a blast to play and I'm going to start adding the cards I had to proxy into T/O wants list so I can fill it out with real cards.

Colorless (118)

Gold (97)

White (78)

Black (87)

Red (85)

ottosmagic13 says... #1

From playing this cube a few times here are the Architypes and themes I found to exist in my cube (no particular order):

U/X/x Control - Typically U/W/x and U/B/x sometimes U/R/w:

This architype consists of counters, sweepers, spot removal and finishers. U/B tends to go light on spot removal and run discard.

4-color "counterless" control - B/R/w/g:

This architype likes removal (sweepers, spot, edicts), 187 or "Kavu" creatures, burn, and hand or land disruption. Doesn't try to counter anything ratehr deal with it in hand or after it hits.

Tempo (Aggro-Control) - U/G:

Creatures that gain advantage (Aether Adepts, Coiling Oracle, etc.), bounce, tap effects and counters

Control-Burn - U/R:

Counters, Burn, bounce, and fast creatures.

Stompy/Midrange - G/R/b:

Efficient creatures and disruption

Ramp - G/X:

Mana acceleration and fatties.

Weenie/Tokens - W/x:

Pump effects and token makers.

Red Aggro Burn - R/x:

Fast aggro and burn

Aggro Discard - B/r:

hand disruption, burn, efficient creatures

Aggro LD - B/r:

Land disruption, burn, efficient creatures.

If you happen to draft my cube let me know: what did you first pick? What was picked last.

May 8, 2012 2:30 p.m.

ottosmagic13 says... #2

With a few additions a few more architypes have come up:

Unblockable Equipment - Ubw: Unblockable creatures (includes cretures with shadow) and fast/value equipment can be built both aggro and more controlish

Reanimate - Bwurg:Classic architype, put fatties in grave, get out cheap for value. Can run along side discard, land disruption, and/or counter magic.

May 16, 2012 2:43 p.m.

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Cards 624
Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years