Colorless (66)
Land (34)
- 1x Alchemist's Refuge
- 1x Choked Estuary
- 1x Clifftop Retreat
- 1x Desolate Lighthouse
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Foreboding Ruins
- 1x Forsaken Sanctuary
- 1x Fortified Village
- 1x Foul Orchard
- 1x Game Trail
- 1x Gavony Township
- 1x Geier Reach Sanitarium
- 1x Ghost Quarter
- 1x Grim Backwoods
- 1x Hanweir Battlements Flip Meld
- 1x Haunted Fengraf
- 1x Highland Lake
- 1x Hinterland Harbor
- 1x Isolated Chapel
- 1x Kessig Wolf Run
- 1x Moorland Haunt
- 1x Nephalia Drownyard
- 1x Port Town
- 1x Shimmering Grotto
- 1x Slayers' Stronghold
- 1x Stensia Bloodhall
- 1x Stone Quarry
- 1x Sulfur Falls
- 1x Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
- 1x Vault of the Archangel
- 1x Warped Landscape
- 1x Westvale Abbey Flip
- 1x Woodland Cemetery
- 1x Woodland Stream
Artifact (20)
- 1x Avacyn's Collar
- 1x Blazing Torch
- 2x Butcher's Cleaver
- 1x Cobbled Wings
- 1x Demonmail Hauberk
- 1x Geistcatcher's Rig
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Bell
- 1x Inquisitor's Flail
- 1x Mask of Avacyn
- 1x Neglected Heirloom Flip
- 1x Runechanter's Pike
- 1x Sharpened Pitchfork
- 1x Silver-Inlaid Dagger
- 1x Slayer's Plate
- 1x Traveler's Amulet
- 2x True-Faith Censer
- 1x Witchbane Orb
- 1x Wooden Stake
Gold (65)
Creature (40)
- 1x Altered Ego
Anje Falkenrath
- 1x Bloodhall Priest
- 1x Cruel Celebrant
- 2x Diregraf Captain
- 2x Drogskol Captain
- 1x Drogskol Reaver
- 1x Evil Twin
- 1x Falkenrath Aristocrat
- 1x Fiend Artisan
- 1x Geist of Saint Traft
- 1x Gisa and Geralf
- 1x Grim Flayer
- 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
- 1x Havengul Lich
- 1x Heron's Grace Champion
- 1x Huntmaster of the Fells Flip
- 2x Immerwolf
- 1x Indulging Patrician
- 1x Mercurial Geists
- 1x Molderhulk
- 1x Mournwillow
- 1x Obsessive Stitcher
- 1x Olivia, Mobilized for War
- 1x Olivia Voldaren
- 1x Possessed Skaab
- 1x Prized Amalgam
- 1x Regal Bloodlord
- 1x Rhizome Lurcher
- 1x Rotwidow Pack
- 1x Sigarda, Heron's Grace
- 1x Spell Queller
- 2x Stromkirk Captain
- 1x Twinblade Assassins
- 1x Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip
- 1x Wavesifter
Instant (12)
- 1x Anguished Unmaking
- 1x Consign / Oblivion
- 1x Destined / Lead
- 1x Electrolyze
- 1x Farm / Market
- 1x Grisly Salvage
- 1x Heaven / Earth
- 1x Prepare / Fight
- 1x Ride Down
- 1x Road / Ruin
- 1x Start / Finish
- 1x Struggle / Survive
Enchantment (2)
Sorcery (7)
- 1x Beacon Bolt
- 1x Claim / Fame
- 1x Cut / Ribbons
- 1x Grind / Dust
- 1x Spring / Mind
- 1x Terminal Agony
- 1x Vindicate
Planeswalker (4)
White (172)
Creature (105)
- 1x Abbey Griffin
- 1x Angel of Finality
- 1x Angel of Flight Alabaster
- 1x Angelic Overseer
- 1x Anointed Chorister
- 1x Apostle of Purifying Light
- 1x Apothecary Geist
- 1x Archangel Avacyn Flip
- 1x Avacynian Missionaries Flip
- 1x Avacynian Priest
- 1x Bruna, the Fading Light Flip Meld
- 1x Bygone Bishop
- 1x Cathedral Sanctifier
- 1x Champion of the Parish
- 1x Chapel Geist
- 1x Cloistered Youth Flip
- 2x Courageous Outrider
- 1x Crusader of Odric
- 1x Dauntless Cathar
- 1x Dawn Gryff
- 1x Daysquad Marshal
- 1x Dearly Departed
- 1x Desperate Sentry
- 1x Doomed Traveler
- 1x Drogskol Cavalry
- 1x Drogskol Shieldmate
- 1x Elder Cathar
- 1x Elgaud Inquisitor
- 1x Elite Inquisitor
- 1x Emancipation Angel
- 1x Extricator of Sin Flip
- 1x Fiend Binder
- 1x Fiend Hunter
- 1x Gallows Warden
- 1x Gavony Ironwright
- 1x Geist-Honored Monk
- 1x Geist of the Lonely Vigil
- 1x Geist of the Moors
- 1x Gisela, the Broken Blade Meld
- 1x Goldnight Commander
- 1x Guardian of Pilgrims
- 1x Hallowed Priest
- 1x Hallowed Spiritkeeper
- 1x Hanged Executioner
- 1x Hanweir Militia Captain Flip
- 1x Hollowhenge Spirit
- 1x Hushwing Gryff
- 1x Inspiring Captain
- 1x Inspiring Commander
- 1x Ironclad Slayer
- 2x Lone Rider Flip
- 1x Loyal Cathar Flip
- 1x Mausoleum Guard
- 1x Mentor of the Meek
- 1x Midnight Guard
- 1x Mikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1x Militant Inquisitor
- 1x Militia Bugler
- 1x Moorland Drifter
- 1x Moorland Inquisitor
- 1x Nearheath Chaplain
- 1x Nearheath Pilgrim
- 1x Niblis of the Mist
- 1x Niblis of the Urn
- 1x Odric, Master Tactician
- 1x Paranoid Parish-Blade
- 1x Perimeter Sergeant
- 1x Pious Evangel Flip
- 1x Remorseful Cleric
- 1x Requiem Angel
- 1x Restoration Angel
- 1x Riders of Gavony
- 1x Sanctifier of Souls
- 1x Selfless Cathar
- 1x Selfless Spirit
- 1x Seraph of Dawn
- 1x Sigardian Priest
- 1x Silverblade Paladin
- 1x Silverchase Fox
- 1x Slayer of the Wicked
- 1x Spectral Rider
- 1x Spectral Shepherd
- 1x Steadfast Cathar
- 1x Steadfast Sentry
- 1x Subjugator Angel
- 1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
- 1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
- 1x Thalia's Geistcaller
- 1x Thalia's Lancers
- 1x Thalia's Lieutenant
- 1x Thraben Doomsayer
- 1x Thraben Heretic
- 1x Thraben Inspector
- 1x Thraben Sentry Flip
- 1x Thraben Valiant
- 1x Thraben Watcher
- 1x Topplegeist
- 1x Town Gossipmonger Flip
- 1x Twinblade Paladin
- 1x Undead Slayer
- 1x Unruly Mob
- 1x Village Bell-Ringer
- 1x Voiceless Spirit
Instant (35)
- 1x Afterlife
- 1x Blessed Alliance
- 1x Borrowed Grace
- 1x Break of Day
- 1x Cloudshift
- 1x Confront the Assault
- 1x Devouring Light
- 1x Divine Deflection
- 1x Expose Evil
- 1x Faith's Shield
- 1x Feeling of Dread
- 1x Fight as One
- 1x Hallowed Moonlight
- 1x Humble the Brute
- 1x Long Road Home
- 1x Midnight Haunting
- 1x Moment of Heroism
- 1x Momentary Blink
- 1x Puncturing Light
- 1x Purify the Grave
- 1x Rally the Peasants
- 1x Ray of Revelation
- 2x Rebuke
- 1x Repel the Abominable
- 1x Righteous Blow
- 1x Silverstrike
- 1x Skillful Lunge
- 1x Smite the Monstrous
- 1x Spare from Evil
- 1x Strength of Arms
- 1x Survive the Night
- 1x Tenacity
- 1x Urgent Exorcism
- 1x Zealous Strike
Enchantment (17)
- 1x Always Watching
- 2x Bonds of Faith
- 1x Bound by Moonsilver
- 2x Choking Restraints
- 1x Commanding Presence
- 1x Faith Unbroken
- 1x Force of Virtue
- 1x Gryff's Boon
- 1x Hope Against Hope
- 2x Intangible Virtue
- 1x Nahiri's Machinations
- 1x Reprobation
- 1x Sanctuary Lockdown
- 1x Search the Premises
Sorcery (15)
Blue (161)
Creature (84)
- 1x Aberrant Researcher Flip
- 1x Armored Skaab
- 1x Battleground Geist
- 1x Beguiler of Wills
- 1x Captain of the Mists
- 1x Civilized Scholar Flip
- 1x Curious Homunculus Flip
- 1x Daring Sleuth Flip
- 2x Delver of Secrets Flip
- 1x Deranged Assistant
- 1x Docent of Perfection Flip
- 1x Drownyard Explorers
- 1x Drunau Corpse Trawler
- 1x Dungeon Geists
- 1x Enlightened Maniac
- 1x Erdwal Illuminator
- 1x Exultant Cultist
- 1x Fettergeist
- 1x Fogwalker
- 1x Forgotten Creation
- 1x Fortress Crab
- 1x Foul Watcher
- 1x Furtive Homunculus
- 1x Geist of the Archives
- 1x Geralf's Masterpiece
- 1x Geralf's Mindcrusher
- 1x Grizzled Angler Flip
- 1x Gryff Vanguard
- 1x Havengul Runebinder
- 1x Headless Skaab
- 1x Ingenious Skaab
- 2x Invisible Stalker
- 1x Laboratory Drudge
- 1x Laboratory Maniac
- 1x Lantern Spirit
- 1x Latch Seeker
- 1x Lone Revenant
- 1x Ludevic's Test Subject Flip
- 1x Makeshift Mauler
- 1x Mausoleum Wanderer
- 1x Mindshrieker
- 1x Mirror-Mad Phantasm
- 1x Mist Raven
- 1x Misthollow Griffin
- 1x Moon Heron
- 1x Murder of Crows
- 1x Nebelgast Herald
- 1x Nephalia Seakite
- 1x Nephalia Smuggler
- 1x Niblis of Dusk
- 1x Niblis of Frost
- 1x Niblis of the Breath
- 1x Rattlechains
- 1x Reckless Scholar
- 1x Relentless Skaabs
- 1x Roaming Ghostlight
- 1x Scrapskin Drake
- 1x Screeching Skaab
- 1x Selhoff Occultist
- 1x Shacklegeist
- 1x Shriekgeist
- 1x Silent Observer
- 1x Skaab Goliath
- 1x Skaab Ruinator
- 1x Snapcaster Mage
- 1x Soul Seizer Flip
- 1x Stitched Drake
- 1x Stitched Mangler
- 1x Stitcher Geralf
- 1x Stitcher's Apprentice
- 1x Stitchwing Skaab
- 1x Stormbound Geist
- 1x Stormrider Spirit
- 1x Sturmgeist
- 1x Supreme Phantom
- 1x Tandem Lookout
- 1x Tattered Haunter
- 1x Thing in the Ice Flip
- 1x Tower Geist
- 1x Undead Alchemist
- 1x Uninvited Geist Flip
- 1x Wharf Infiltrator
Instant (31)
- 1x Bone to Ash
- 1x Cackling Counterpart
- 1x Chilling Grasp
- 1x Commit / Memory
- 1x Compelling Deterrence
- 1x Confirm Suspicions
- 1x Crippling Chill
- 1x Displace
- 1x Dissipate
- 2x Dream Twist
- 1x Epiphany at the Drownyard
- 1x Essence Flux
- 2x Forbidden Alchemy
- 1x Fortune's Favor
- 1x Frightful Delusion
- 1x Ghostly Flicker
- 1x Glimpse of Freedom
- 1x Griptide
- 1x Hysterical Blindness
- 1x Jace's Scrutiny
- 1x Just the Wind
- 1x Lost in the Mist
- 1x Memory's Journey
- 1x Radical Idea
- 1x Saving Grasp
- 1x Scour the Laboratory
- 2x Think Twice
- 1x Thought Scour
Planeswalker (2)
Sorcery (27)
- 1x Artful Dodge
- 1x Chill of Foreboding
- 1x Deep Analysis
- 1x Divination
- 2x Drag Under
- 1x Gone Missing
- 2x Grasp of Phantoms
- 1x Hard Evidence
- 1x Increasing Confusion
- 1x Into the Void
- 1x Mass Appeal
- 1x Mass Diminish
- 1x Mystic Retrieval
- 1x Nagging Thoughts
- 1x Of One Mind
- 1x Pore Over the Pages
- 1x Quiet Speculation
- 1x Rise from the Tides
- 1x Runic Repetition
- 1x Scour All Possibilities
- 2x Silent Departure
- 1x Startled Awake Flip
- 1x Sweet Oblivion
- 1x Welcome to the Fold
Enchantment (17)
Black (178)
Creature (107)
- 1x Abattoir Ghoul
- 1x Accursed Witch Flip
- 1x Archfiend's Vessel
- 1x Asylum Visitor
- 2x Bitterheart Witch
- 1x Black Cat
- 1x Blood Artist
- 1x Bloodgift Demon
- 1x Bloodline Keeper Flip
- 1x Bloodline Necromancer
- 1x Bloodthirsty Aerialist
- 1x Bone Picker
- 1x Boneyard Mycodrax
- 1x Butcher Ghoul
- 1x Caged Zombie
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Carrion Feeder
- 1x Carrion Grub
- 1x Cemetery Reaper
- 1x Chosen of Markov Flip
- 1x Cordial Vampire
- 1x Corpse Augur
- 1x Crow of Dark Tidings
- 1x Cryptbreaker
- 1x Diregraf Colossus
- 1x Diregraf Ghoul
- 1x Disciple of Griselbrand
- 1x Driver of the Dead
- 1x Elusive Tormentor Flip
- 1x Epicure of Blood
- 1x Falkenrath Noble
- 1x Farbog Boneflinger
- 1x Geralf's Messenger
- 1x Ghoulcaller Gisa
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
- 1x Ghoulraiser
- 1x Gloom Surgeon
- 1x Goremand
- 1x Gorging Vulture
- 2x Graf Rats Flip Meld
- 1x Grave Scrabbler
- 1x Graveblade Marauder
- 1x Gravecrawler
- 1x Griselbrand
- 1x Haunted Dead
- 1x Heir of Falkenrath Flip
- 1x Hell Mongrel
- 1x Highborn Ghoul
- 1x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Kindly Stranger Flip
- 1x Liliana's Devotee
- 2x Liliana's Elite
- 1x Liliana's Standard Bearer
- 1x Lotleth Giant
- 1x Marauding Blight-Priest
- 1x Markov Dreadknight
- 1x Markov Patrician
- 2x Midnight Scavengers Meld
- 1x Mindwrack Demon
- 1x Morkrut Banshee
- 1x Olivia's Bloodsworn
- 2x Olivia's Dragoon
- 1x Pale Rider of Trostad
- 1x Pit Keeper
- 1x Priest of the Blood Rite
- 1x Reaper from the Abyss
- 1x Relentless Dead
- 1x Revenant
- 1x Sadistic Skymarcher
- 1x Sanctum Seeker
- 1x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 1x Savage Gorger
- 1x Scion of the Swarm
- 1x Screeching Bat Flip
- 1x Shambling Ghoul
- 1x Silversmote Ghoul
- 1x Skirsdag Flayer
- 1x Skirsdag High Priest
- 1x Stitcher's Supplier
- 1x Stromkirk Condemned
- 1x Stromkirk Mentor
- 1x Thirsting Bloodlord
- 1x Tooth Collector
- 1x Typhoid Rats
- 1x Unbreathing Horde
- 1x Undead Augur
- 1x Vampire Aristocrat
- 1x Vampire Cutthroat
- 1x Vampire Interloper
- 1x Vampire of the Dire Moon
- 1x Vampire Sovereign
- 1x Veinwitch Coven
- 1x Village Cannibals
- 1x Vindictive Vampire
- 1x Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
- 1x Voldaren Pariah Flip
- 1x Voracious Vampire
- 1x Wailing Ghoul
- 1x Wakedancer
- 1x Walking Corpse
- 1x Xathrid Necromancer
- 1x Young Necromancer
Sorcery (29)
- 1x Army of the Damned
- 1x Bone Splinters
- 1x Call to the Netherworld
- 1x Cemetery Recruitment
- 1x Certain Death
- 1x Collective Brutality
- 1x Dark Petition
- 1x Dark Salvation
- 1x Deadly Allure
- 1x Death's Caress
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Ever After
- 1x Feast of Blood
- 1x From Under the Floorboards
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Chant
- 1x Gisa's Bidding
- 1x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Moan of the Unhallowed
- 1x Murderous Compulsion
- 1x Never / Return
- 1x New Blood
- 1x Ransack the Lab
- 1x Reap the Seagraf
- 1x Rise from the Grave
- 1x Ruthless Disposal
- 1x Sanguine Indulgence
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 2x Unburial Rites
Planeswalker (3)
Artifact (1)
Instant (21)
- 1x Altar's Reap
- 1x Cling to Dust
- 1x Corpse Lunge
- 1x Cruel Revival
- 1x Dark Withering
- 1x Death Wind
- 1x Malicious Affliction
- 1x Mob
- 1x Murder
- 1x Necrotic Wound
- 1x Nightmare's Thirst
- 1x Strangling Soot
- 1x Throttle
- 2x Tragic Slip
- 1x Tribute to Hunger
- 1x Unholy Hunger
- 1x Urge to Feed
- 2x Victim of Night
- 1x Village Rites
Enchantment (17)
- 1x Bastion of Remembrance
- 1x Behind the Scenes
- 1x Boon of Emrakul
- 1x Call the Bloodline
- 1x Curse of Death's Hold
- 1x Curse of Disturbance
- 1x Curse of Misfortunes
- 1x Curse of Shallow Graves
- 1x Curse of Thirst
- 2x Dead Weight
- 1x Demonic Embrace
- 1x Endless Ranks of the Dead
- 1x Exquisite Blood
- 1x Sanguine Bond
- 1x Sarcomancy
- 1x Sinister Concoction
Red (160)
Creature (91)
- 1x Afflicted Deserter Flip
- 1x Alena, Kessig Trapper
- 1x Anje's Ravager
- 1x Ashmouth Hound
- 1x Assembled Alphas
- 1x Backdraft Hellkite
- 1x Bedlam Reveler
- 1x Bloodcrazed Neonate
- 1x Bloodmad Vampire
- 1x Brazen Wolves
- 1x Breakneck Rider Flip
- 1x Charmbreaker Devils
- 1x Conduit of Storms Flip
- 1x Convicted Killer Flip
- 1x Crossway Vampire
- 1x Deranged Whelp
- 1x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Falkenrath Exterminator
- 1x Falkenrath Gorger
- 1x Falkenrath Marauders
- 1x Falkenrath Reaver
- 1x Feral Ridgewolf
- 1x Fervent Cathar
- 1x Flameblade Angel
- 1x Flayer of the Hatebound
- 1x Forge Devil
- 1x Furyblade Vampire
- 1x Gatstaf Arsonists Flip
- 1x Geier Reach Bandit Flip
- 1x Gibbering Fiend
- 1x Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- 1x Goldnight Castigator
- 1x Hanweir Garrison Meld
- 1x Hanweir Watchkeep Flip
- 1x Havengul Vampire
- 1x Havoc Devils
- 1x Heckling Fiends
- 1x Hellrider
- 1x Hinterland Hermit Flip
- 1x Hound of Griselbrand
- 1x Howlpack Wolf
- 1x Impetuous Devils
- 1x Incorrigible Youths
- 1x Insatiable Gorgers
- 1x Insolent Neonate
- 1x Instigator Gang Flip
- 1x Kessig Forgemaster Flip
- 1x Kessig Malcontents
- 1x Kessig Wolf
- 1x Kruin Outlaw Flip
- 1x Kruin Striker
- 1x Lightning Mauler
- 2x Mad Prophet
- 1x Markov Blademaster
- 1x Markov Warlord
- 1x Mondronen Shaman Flip
- 1x Moonveil Dragon
- 1x Night Revelers
- 1x Pitchburn Devils
- 1x Pyre Hound
- 1x Pyreheart Wolf
- 1x Rage Thrower
- 2x Rakish Heir
- 1x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 1x Reckless Waif Flip
- 1x Riot Devils
- 1x Riot Ringleader
- 1x Sanguinary Mage
- 1x Scourge of Geier Reach
- 1x Scourge Wolf
- 1x Sin Prodder
- 1x Skirsdag Cultist
- 1x Smoldering Werewolf Flip
- 1x Spiteful Prankster
- 1x Stensia Innkeeper
- 1x Stromkirk Noble
- 1x Stromkirk Occultist
- 1x Thermo-Alchemist
- 1x Tormented Pariah Flip
- 1x Ulrich's Kindred
- 1x Vengeful Devil
- 1x Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip
- 1x Village Ironsmith Flip
- 1x Village Messenger Flip
- 1x Voldaren Duelist
- 1x Weaver of Lightning
- 1x Wildfire Devils
- 1x Wolf of Devil's Breach
- 1x Zealous Conscripts
Sorcery (27)
- 2x Alchemist's Greeting
- 1x Avacyn's Judgment
- 1x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Blood Feud
- 1x Burn from Within
- 1x Collective Defiance
- 1x Devil's Play
- 1x Devils' Playground
- 1x Direct Current
- 1x Faithless Looting
- 1x Firebolt
- 1x Ignite the Future
- 1x Incendiary Flow
- 1x Insult / Injury
- 1x Into the Maw of Hell
- 1x Magmatic Chasm
- 1x Make Mischief
- 1x Malevolent Whispers
- 1x Nightbird's Clutches
- 2x Pillar of Flame
- 1x Rolling Temblor
- 1x Stensia Banquet
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Traitorous Blood
- 1x Wrack with Madness
Instant (30)
- 1x Abandon Reason
- 2x Brimstone Volley
- 2x Burning Oil
- 1x Dance with Devils
- 2x Desperate Ravings
- 1x Dissension in the Ranks
- 1x Faithless Salvaging
- 2x Fiery Temper
- 2x Fires of Undeath
- 1x Geistblast
- 2x Geistflame
- 2x Harvest Pyre
- 1x Inner Struggle
- 1x Lightning Axe
- 1x Rush of Adrenaline
- 1x Savage Alliance
- 1x Spreading Flames
- 1x Thrill of Possibility
- 1x Uncaged Fury
- 1x Unholy Heat
- 2x Vampiric Fury
- 1x Violent Eruption
Enchantment (12)
Green (162)
Creature (106)
- 1x Ambush Viper
- 1x Avacyn's Pilgrim
- 1x Backwoods Survivalists
- 1x Bloodbriar
- 2x Boneyard Wurm
- 1x Borderland Ranger
- 1x Briarpack Alpha
- 1x Burlfist Oak
- 1x Byway Courier
- 1x Chainweb Aracnir
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Craterhoof Behemoth
- 1x Cult of the Waxing Moon
- 1x Darkthicket Wolf
- 1x Dawntreader Elk
- 1x Daybreak Ranger Flip
- 1x Deathcap Cultivator
- 1x Deranged Outcast
- 1x Druid's Familiar
- 1x Duskwatch Recruiter Flip
- 1x Elder of Laurels
- 1x Emrakul's Evangel
- 1x Essence of the Wild
- 1x Festerhide Boar
- 1x Foul Emissary
- 1x Funnel-Web Recluse
- 1x Gatstaf Shepherd Flip
- 1x Ghoultree
- 1x Gloomwidow
- 1x Gnarlwood Dryad
- 1x Graf Mole
- 1x Grave Bramble
- 1x Graverobber Spider
- 1x Gravetiller Wurm
- 1x Grizzled Outcasts Flip
- 1x Halana, Kessig Ranger
- 2x Hamlet Captain
- 1x Hatchery Spider
- 1x Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip
- 1x Hinterland Logger Flip
- 1x Hollowhenge Beast
- 1x Hollowhenge Scavenger
- 1x Howlgeist
- 1x Inexorable Blob
- 1x Intrepid Provisioner
- 1x Ishkanah, Grafwidow
- 1x Kessig Cagebreakers
- 1x Kessig Prowler Flip
- 1x Kessig Recluse
- 1x Kindercatch
- 1x Lambholt Elder Flip
- 1x Lambholt Pacifist Flip
- 1x Lumberknot
- 1x Mayor of Avabruck Flip
- 1x Moldgraf Monstrosity
- 1x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 1x Nightpack Ambusher
- 1x Noose Constrictor
- 1x Obsessive Skinner
- 1x Orchard Spirit
- 1x Pack Guardian
- 1x Permeating Mass
- 1x Predator Ooze
- 1x Quilled Wolf
- 1x Scorned Villager Flip
- 1x Seed Guardian
- 1x Shrill Howler Flip
- 1x Silverfur Partisan
- 1x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 1x Somberwald Alpha
- 1x Somberwald Sage
- 1x Somberwald Spider
- 1x Somberwald Stag
- 1x Soul Swallower
- 1x Spirit of the Hunt
- 1x Splinterfright
- 1x Stoic Builder
- 1x Strangleroot Geist
- 1x Swift Spinner
- 1x Thornhide Wolves
- 1x Timberland Guide
- 1x Tireless Tracker
- 1x Tree of Redemption
- 1x Trusted Forcemage
- 1x Twin-Silk Spider
- 1x Ulvenwald Bear
- 1x Ulvenwald Captive Flip
- 1x Ulvenwald Hydra
- 1x Ulvenwald Mystics Flip
- 1x Ulvenwald Tracker
- 1x Undergrowth Scavenger
- 1x Veteran Cathar
- 1x Village Survivors
- 1x Villagers of Estwald Flip
- 1x Vine Mare
- 1x Vorapede
- 1x Wandering Wolf
- 1x Watcher in the Web
- 1x Webweaver Changeling
- 1x Wolfbitten Captive Flip
- 1x Wolfir Avenger
- 1x Wolfir Silverheart
- 1x Woodland Sleuth
- 1x Young Wolf
Instant (23)
- 1x Aim High
- 1x Arachnogenesis
- 1x Clear Shot
- 2x Confront the Unknown
- 1x Fungal Rebirth
- 1x Gnaw to the Bone
- 2x Grapple with the Past
- 1x Hunger of the Howlpack
- 1x Joint Assault
- 1x Moonlight Hunt
- 2x Moonmist
- 1x Naturalize
- 1x Predator's Howl
- 1x Ranger's Guile
- 1x Spidery Grasp
- 1x Thrill of the Hunt
- 2x Waxing Moon
- 1x Wild Hunger
- 1x Woodcutter's Grit
Planeswalker (2)
Sorcery (18)
- 1x Caravan Vigil
- 1x Creeping Renaissance
- 1x Grim Flowering
- 1x Increasing Savagery
- 2x Mulch
- 3x Prey Upon
- 2x Rabid Bite
- 1x Root Out
- 2x Spider Spawning
- 1x Survivors' Bond
- 1x Tracker's Instincts
- 1x Travel Preparations
- 1x Traverse the Ulvenwald
Enchantment (13)
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Cards | 964 |
Date added | 3 years |
Last updated | 3 years |
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