cube colorwheel

JA14732's First Cube Attempt

By JA14732

Score: 2

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So one of my friends built a cube a while back that's a bit of a dumpster fire. I decided that I would, in my infinite wisdom, attempt to one-up him. I'm an idiot, and have no idea what I'm doing, but here's my start. Please note, I am not powering this, nor am I making this a high power level cube; think of it as about the level of a Masters set-ish.


Mono-W: Standard White Weenies. Some tax effects, but mostly just Weenies and Anthems.

Mono-U: Devotion. Midrange and symbols.

Mono-B: "Ramp"-ish. Basically just swamps matters with a Devotion subtheme. Has a hand control subtheme.

Mono-R: Burn. Light shit on fire. That's it.

Mono-G: Ramp. Ramp into a big finisher.

U/W: Flyers. Evasion, flying dudes and tempo-ish.

W/B: Control. Has a lifegain subtheme.

U/B: Zombies. Self-mill, recursion, etc. Also lord-enhanced.

U/R: Spells-Matter. Flashback subtheme.

B/R: Sacrifice. Grindy. Basically pseudo-stax, but much kinder.

B/G: Dredge. Chuck cards into yard, then take advantage of abilities like Delve and Threshold.

R/G: Go-Wide aggro. Hasty dudes, efficient dudes, etc.

R/W: Tokens. Token producers and mass pump spells.

G/W: Humans. Lords, dudes and some hatebears-y stuff.

G/U: +1/+1 Counters. Build-a-beater, use Evolve and Graft to an advantage.

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Cards 370
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years