So far, I have over 300 Legendary permanents in the cube and many cards that support each of the legendary creatures- including but not limited too- Zurgo Bellstriker, Nekusar, Bruma and many of the other legendary creatures that require specific strategies to run them.
The idea behind this is to draft but so far I've only been able to play this with one other person so instead of drafting we just shuffle up the deck into one pile and the lands into a separate pile even though everyone is considered to be one library.
So far these are the rules....
1. You may choose up to 3 legendary creatures to be your commanders but you may go down to one if you wish but everyone must have the same amount before starting.
2. The player that will play first chooses their generals last.
3. When searching or drawing, you can only search or draw from one pile from within the library (The library has gotten so big that we've split it up into 3 different piles- with the lands being the 4th pile) during that instance of drawing or searching. In other words, after drawing your initial 7 cards however you like (4 from lands and 3 from the others is about what is usually drawn) you can't draw a card from the land pile and a card from some other pile if you play divination. Both cards must come from the same pile.
4. Battle of the Wits is the main win condition and for that sake all of the cards within the piles are to be considered as "one library".
5. Dead cards that are in your hand that are outside of your Commanders colors you may consider to be colorless (This mostly applies to the Richard Garfield, Ph.D.).
6. You may play dead cards in your hand but not cast them if you have to pay their CmC (like regular EDH rules).
7. LAST BUT NOT LEAST- You must choose new generals to play with unless the rest of the group consents to you using the same one over again.
Fun Generals to play with....
1. Prosh + Prime Speaker Zeganna
2. Bosh + Who bars the Way
3. Nekusar plus the guy who forces others to draw 2 additional cards during their upkeep.
4. Kresh + Thraximundar
Lastly I do encourage all of you who like EDH to try out something like this because it's radically different and fun and it's alot of fun- especially since you must play with different generals every time.
JacobBeezaw says... #1
June 21, 2015 3:30 p.m.