Cards | 23 |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
Top Draft Picks
4.32 | Vendilion Clique |
5.33 | Battlewand Oak |
6.0 | Rhys the Exiled |
6.64 | Nath of the Gilt-Leaf |
7.25 | Maralen of the Mornsong |
8.07 | Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile |
8.41 | Wydwen, the Biting Gale |
8.89 | Ashling the Pilgrim |
9.06 | Ballyrush Banneret |
9.36 | Wort, Boggart Auntie |
9.42 | Doran, the Siege Tower |
9.71 | Arbiter of Knollridge |
10.2 | Auntie's Snitch |
10.32 | Avian Changeling |
10.34 | Brion Stoutarm *oversized* |
10.8 | Bosk Banneret |
11.09 | Gaddock Teeg |
11.45 | Horde of Notions |
11.55 | Brighthearth Banneret |
12.28 | Sygg, River Guide |
13.5 | Axegrinder Giant |
Adder-Staff Boggart | |
Battletide Alchemist |