Colorless (465)
Artifact (263)
- 1x Accorder's Shield
- 1x Aether Spellbomb
- 1x Aether Vial
- 1x Altar of Shadows
- 1x Angel's Feather
- 1x Arcane Spyglass
- 1x Argentum Armor
- 1x Avarice Totem
- 1x Banshee's Blade
- 1x Barbed Battlegear
- 1x Baton of Courage
- 1x Batterskull
- 1x Bladed Pinions
- 1x Blasting Station
- 1x Blinkmoth Urn
- 1x Bonehoard
- 1x Bonesplitter
- 1x Caged Sun
- 1x Chalice of the Void
- 1x Chimeric Coils
- 1x Chimeric Egg
- 1x Chimeric Mass
- 1x Chromatic Sphere
- 1x Chrome Mox
- 1x Clearwater Goblet
- 1x Clock of Omens
- 1x Conjurer's Bauble
- 1x Contagion Clasp
- 1x Contagion Engine
- 1x Conversion Chamber
- 1x Copper Carapace
- 1x Cranial Plating
- 1x Crucible of Worlds
- 1x Crystal Shard
- 1x Culling Dais
- 1x Culling Scales
- 1x Damping Matrix
- 1x Darksteel Axe
- 1x Darksteel Brute
- 1x Darksteel Forge
- 1x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Darksteel Pendant
- 1x Darksteel Plate
- 1x Darksteel Reactor
- 1x Darksteel Relic
- 1x Dead-Iron Sledge
- 1x Decimator Web
- 1x Demon's Horn
- 1x Door to Nothingness
- 1x Doubling Cube
- 1x Dragon Blood
- 1x Dragon's Claw
- 1x Echo Circlet
- 1x Empyrial Plate
- 1x Energy Chamber
- 1x Engineered Explosives
- 1x Ensouled Scimitar
- 1x Eon Hub
- 1x Extraplanar Lens
- 1x Farsight Mask
- 1x Fireshrieker
- 1x Fist of Suns
- 1x Flayer Husk
- 1x Flight Spellbomb
- 1x Galvanic Key
- 1x Gate to the AEther
- 1x Gemstone Array
- 1x Genesis Chamber
- 1x Geth's Grimoire
Gilded Lotus
- 1x Glint Hawk Idol
- 1x Goblin Cannon
- 1x Goblin Charbelcher
- 1x Golden Urn
- 1x Golem Foundry
- 1x Golem-Skin Gauntlets
- 1x Golem's Heart
- 1x Grafted Exoskeleton
- 1x Grafted Wargear
- 1x Granite Shard
- 1x Gremlin Mine
- 1x Grindclock
- 1x Grinding Station
- 1x Guardian Idol
- 1x Healer's Headdress
- 1x Heartseeker
- 1x Heartwood Shard
- 1x Heavy Arbalest
- 1x Heliophial
- 1x Helm of Kaldra
- 1x Horizon Spellbomb
- 1x Horned Helm
- 1x Ichor Wellspring
- 1x Icy Manipulator
- 1x Infiltration Lens
- 1x Infused Arrows
- 1x Isochron Scepter
- 1x Isolation Cell
- 1x Jinxed Choker
- 1x Knowledge Pool
- 1x Kraken's Eye
- 1x Krark-Clan Ironworks
- 1x Krark's Thumb
- 1x Lantern of Insight
- 1x Lashwrithe
- 1x Leonin Bladetrap
- 1x Leonin Bola
- 1x Leonin Scimitar
- 1x Leonin Sun Standard
- 1x Liar's Pendulum
- 1x Lich's Tomb
- 1x Lifespark Spellbomb
- 1x Lightning Coils
- 1x Lightning Greaves
- 1x Liquimetal Coating
- 1x Livewire Lash
- 1x Loxodon Warhammer
- 1x Lux Cannon
- 1x Magnetic Mine
- 1x Mask of Memory
- 1x Mesmeric Orb
- 1x Mimic Vat
- 1x Mindcrank
- 1x Mind's Eye
- 1x Mindslaver
- 1x Mindstorm Crown
- 1x Mirrorworks
- 1x Mortarpod
- 1x Mourner's Shield
- 1x Mox Opal
- 1x Mycosynth Lattice
- 1x Mycosynth Wellspring
- 1x Myr Incubator
- 1x Myr Matrix
- 1x Myr Reservoir
- 1x Myr Turbine
- 1x Necrogen Censer
- 1x Necrogen Spellbomb
- 1x Necropouncer
- 1x Nemesis Mask
- 1x Neurok Hoversail
- 1x Neurok Stealthsuit
- 1x Nightmare Lash
- 1x Nihil Spellbomb
- 1x Nim Deathmantle
- 1x Nuisance Engine
- 1x Oblivion Stone
- 1x Omen Machine
- 1x Opaline Bracers
- 1x Origin Spellbomb
- 1x Panic Spellbomb
- 1x Panoptic Mirror
- 1x Paradise Mantle
- 1x Pearl Shard
- 1x Pentad Prism
- 1x Piston Sledge
- 1x Possessed Portal
- 1x Power Conduit
- 1x Pristine Talisman
- 1x Proteus Staff
- 1x Prototype Portal
- 1x Psychogenic Probe
- 1x Pyrite Spellbomb
- 1x Quicksilver Fountain
- 1x Ratchet Bomb
- 1x Relic Barrier
- 1x Rusted Relic
- 1x Salvaging Station
- 1x Scale of Chiss-Goria
- 1x Scrabbling Claws
- 1x Sculpting Steel
- 1x Scythe of the Wretched
- 1x Semblance Anvil
- 1x Serum Powder
- 1x Serum Tank
- 1x Shield of Kaldra
- 1x Shriekhorn
- 1x Shrine of Boundless Growth
- 1x Shrine of Burning Rage
- 1x Shrine of Limitless Power
- 1x Shrine of Loyal Legions
- 1x Shrine of Piercing Vision
- 1x Sickleslicer
- 1x Silverskin Armor
- 1x Skeleton Shard
- 1x Skinwing
- 1x Skullcage
- 1x Skullclamp
- 1x Slagwurm Armor
- 1x Soul Conduit
- 1x Soul Foundry
- 1x Sparring Collar
- 1x Spawning Pit *list*
- 1x Specter's Shroud
- 1x Spellbinder
- 1x Spellweaver Helix
- 1x Sphere of the Suns
- 1x Spine of Ish Sah
- 1x Staff of Domination
- 1x Strandwalker
- 1x Strata Scythe
- 1x Strider Harness
- 1x Summoning Station
- 1x Sun Droplet
- 1x Sunbeam Spellbomb
- 1x Surestrike Trident
- 1x Surge Node
- 1x Sword of Body and Mind
- 1x Sword of Feast and Famine
- 1x Sword of Fire and Ice
- 1x Sword of Kaldra
- 1x Sword of Light and Shadow
- 1x Sword of War and Peace
- 1x Sylvok Lifestaff
- 1x Synod Sanctum
- 1x Talisman of Dominance
- 1x Talisman of Impulse
- 1x Talisman of Indulgence
- 1x Talisman of Progress
- 1x Talisman of Unity
- 1x Talon of Pain
- 1x Tanglebloom
- 1x Tangleroot
- 1x Tel-Jilad Stylus
- 1x Thought Dissector
- 1x Thought Prison
- 1x Throne of Geth
- 1x Thunderstaff
- 1x Timesifter
- 1x Titan Forge
- 1x Tooth of Chiss-Goria
- 1x Torpor Orb
- 1x Tower of Calamities
- 1x Tower of Champions
- 1x Tower of Eons
- 1x Tower of Fortunes
- 1x Tower of Murmurs
- 1x Trigon of Corruption
- 1x Trigon of Infestation
- 1x Trigon of Mending
- 1x Trigon of Rage
- 1x Trigon of Thought
- 1x Trinisphere
- 1x Tumble Magnet
- 1x Unwinding Clock
- 1x Ur-Golem's Eye
- 1x Vedalken Orrery
- 1x Vedalken Shackles
- 1x Venser's Journal
- 1x Viridian Claw
- 1x Viridian Longbow
- 1x Vorrac Battlehorns
- 1x Vulshok Battlegear
- 1x Vulshok Gauntlets
- 1x Vulshok Morningstar
- 1x Wand of the Elements
- 1x Wayfarer's Bauble
- 1x Welding Jar
- 1x Well of Lost Dreams
- 1x Whispersilk Cloak
- 1x Wirefly Hive
- 1x Worldslayer
- 1x Wurm's Tooth
Creature (175)
- 1x Alloy Myr
- 1x Alpha Myr
- 1x Anodet Lurker
- 1x Arachnoid
- 1x Arcbound Bruiser
- 1x Arcbound Crusher
- 1x Arcbound Fiend
- 1x Arcbound Hybrid
- 1x Arcbound Lancer
- 1x Arcbound Overseer
- 1x Arcbound Ravager
- 1x Arcbound Reclaimer
- 1x Arcbound Slith
- 1x Arcbound Stinger
- 1x Arcbound Wanderer
- 1x Arcbound Worker
- 1x Auriok Replica
- 1x Auriok Siege Sled
- 1x Battered Golem
- 1x Bladed Sentinel
- 1x Blightsteel Colossus
- 1x Blinding Souleater
- 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
- 1x Bottle Gnomes
- 1x Brass Squire
- 1x Cathodion
- 1x Chrome Steed
- 1x Clockwork Beetle
- 1x Clockwork Condor
- 1x Clockwork Dragon
- 1x Clockwork Vorrac
- 1x Clone Shell
- 1x Cobalt Golem
- 1x Composite Golem
- 1x Copper Myr
- 1x Core Prowler
- 1x Coretapper
- 1x Corpse Cur
- 1x Darksteel Colossus
- 1x Darksteel Gargoyle
- 1x Darksteel Juggernaut
- 1x Darksteel Myr
- 1x Darksteel Sentinel
- 1x Death-Mask Duplicant
- 1x Drill-Skimmer
- 1x Dross Golem
- 1x Dross Ripper
- 1x Dross Scorpion
- 1x Duplicant
- 1x Duskworker
- 1x Eater of Days
- 1x Elf Replica
- 1x Etched Champion
- 1x Etched Monstrosity
- 1x Etched Oracle
- 1x Ferropede
- 1x Frogmite
- 1x Gemini Engine
- 1x Goblin Dirigible
- 1x Goblin Replica
- 1x Goblin War Wagon
- 1x Gold Myr
- 1x Golem Artisan
- 1x Grid Monitor
- 1x Gust-Skimmer
- 1x Hematite Golem
- 1x Hex Parasite
- 1x Hexplate Golem
- 1x Hovermyr
- 1x Ichorclaw Myr
- 1x Immolating Souleater
- 1x Insatiable Souleater
- 1x Iron Myr
- 1x Juggernaut
- 1x Kiln Walker
- 1x Kuldotha Forgemaster
- 1x Leaden Myr
- 1x Leveler
- 1x Lodestone Myr
- 1x Lumengrid Gargoyle
- 1x Lunar Avenger
- 1x Malachite Golem
- 1x Memnarch
- 1x Memnite
- 1x Mirror Golem
- 1x Molten-Tail Masticore
- 1x Moriok Replica
- 1x Mycosynth Golem
- 1x Myr Adapter
- 1x Myr Battlesphere
- 1x Myr Enforcer
- 1x Myr Galvanizer
- 1x Myr Landshaper
- 1x Myr Mindservant
- 1x Myr Moonvessel
- 1x Myr Propagator
- 1x Myr Prototype
- 1x Myr Quadropod
- 1x Myr Retriever
- 1x Myr Servitor
- 1x Myr Sire
- 1x Myr Superion
- 1x Myr Welder
- 1x Necropede
- 1x Needlebug
- 1x Neurok Replica
- 1x Nim Replica
- 1x Omega Myr
- 1x Ornithopter
- 1x Oxidda Golem
- 1x Palladium Myr
- 1x Peace Strider
- 1x Pentavus
- 1x Perilous Myr
- 1x Pestilent Souleater
- 1x Pewter Golem
- 1x Phyrexian Digester
- 1x Phyrexian Hulk
- 1x Phyrexian Juggernaut
- 1x Phyrexian Revoker
- 1x Pierce Strider
- 1x Plague Myr
- 1x Platinum Angel
- 1x Platinum Emperion
- 1x Precursor Golem
- 1x Psychosis Crawler
- 1x Razor Golem
- 1x Razorfield Rhino
- 1x Razorfield Thresher
- 1x Razorgrass Screen
- 1x Razormane Masticore
- 1x Rust Elemental
- 1x Rust Tick
- 1x Rusted Slasher
- 1x Rustspore Ram
- 1x Saberclaw Golem
- 1x Sawtooth Thresher
- 1x Shimmer Myr
- 1x Signal Pest
- 1x Silent Arbiter
- 1x Silver Myr
- 1x Skyreach Manta
- 1x Snapsail Glider
- 1x Solarion
- 1x Soldier Replica
- 1x Solemn Simulacrum
- 1x Soliton
- 1x Spellskite
- 1x Spin Engine
- 1x Spinal Parasite
- 1x Spincrusher
- 1x Spire Golem
- 1x Steel Hellkite
- 1x Steel Wall
- 1x Summoner's Egg
- 1x Suncrusher
- 1x Sundering Titan
- 1x Suntouched MYr
- 1x Sylvok Replica
- 1x Synod Centurion
- 1x Tangle Golem
- 1x Tangle Hulk
- 1x Thopter Assembly
- 1x Titanium Golem
- 1x Training Drone
- 1x Trespassing Souleater
- 1x Triskelion
- 1x Vector Asp
- 1x Voltaic Construct
- 1x Vulshok Replica
- 1x Wall of Tanglecord
- 1x Wizard Replica
- 1x Wurmcoil Engine
- 1x Yotian Soldier
Land (26)
- 1x Ancient Den
- 1x Blackcleave Cliffs
- 1x Blinkmoth Nexus
- 1x Blinkmoth Well
- 1x Cloudpost
- 1x Contested War Zone
- 1x Copperline Gorge
- 1x Darkslick Shores
- 1x Darksteel Citadel
- 1x Forest
- 1x Glimmerpost
- 1x Glimmervoid
- 1x Great Furnace
- 1x Inkmoth Nexus
- 1x Island
- 1x Mirrodin's Core
- 1x Mountain
- 1x Phyrexia's Core
- 1x Plains
- 1x Razorverge Thicket
- 1x Seachrome Coast
- 1x Seat of the Synod
- 1x Stalking Stones
- 1x Swamp
- 1x Tree of Tales
- 1x Vault of Whispers
Planeswalker (1)
Gold (4)
Creature (2)
- 1x Glissa, the Traitor *oversized*
- 1x Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
Planeswalker (2)
White (135)
Creature (75)
- 1x Abuna Acolyte
- 1x Accorder Paladin
- 1x Ardent Recruit
- 1x Auriok Bladewarden
- 1x Auriok Champion
- 1x Auriok Edgewright
- 1x Auriok Glaivemaster
- 1x Auriok Salvagers
- 1x Auriok Steelshaper
- 1x Auriok Sunchaser
- 1x Auriok Survivors
- 1x Auriok Transfixer
- 1x Auriok Windwalker
- 1x Blade Splicer
- 1x Bringer of the White Dawn
- 1x Cathedral Membrane
- 1x Chancellor of the Annex
- 1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- 1x Emissary of Hope
- 1x Ghalma's Warden
- 1x Glimmerpoint Stag
- 1x Glint Hawk
- 1x Gore Vassal
- 1x Hero of Bladehold
- 1x Indomitable Archangel
- 1x Inquisitor Exarch
- 1x Kemba, Kha Regent
- 1x Kemba's Legion
- 1x Kemba's Skyguard
- 1x Leonin Abunas
- 1x Leonin Arbiter
- 1x Leonin Battlemage
- 1x Leonin Den-Guard
- 1x Leonin Elder
- 1x Leonin Relic-Warder
- 1x Leonin Shikari
- 1x Leonin Skyhunter
- 1x Leonin Squire
- 1x Lost Leonin
- 1x Loxodon Anchorite
- 1x Loxodon Convert
- 1x Loxodon Mender
- 1x Loxodon Mystic
- 1x Loxodon Partisan
- 1x Loxodon Peacekeeper
- 1x Loxodon Punisher
- 1x Loxodon Stalwart
- 1x Loxodon Wayfarer
- 1x Luminous Angel
- 1x Master Splicer
- 1x Mirran Crusader
- 1x Myrsmith
- 1x Porcelain Legionnaire
- 1x Priests of Norn
- 1x Pristine Angel
- 1x Pteron Ghost
- 1x Puresteel Paladin
- 1x Raksha Golden Cub
- 1x Razor Hippogriff
- 1x Salvage Scout
- 1x Sensor Splicer
- 1x Shattered Angel
- 1x Shriek Raptor
- 1x Skyhunter Cub
- 1x Skyhunter Patrol
- 1x Skyhunter Prowler
- 1x Skyhunter Skirmisher
- 1x Slith Ascendant
- 1x Steelshaper Apprentice
- 1x Sunblast Angel
- 1x Sunspear Shikari
- 1x Suture Priest
- 1x Taj-Nar Swordsmith
- 1x Tine Shrike
- 1x Victory's Herald
Instant (39)
- 1x Abuna's Chant
- 1x Altar's Light
- 1x Apostle's Blessing
- 1x Armed Response
- 1x Awe Strike
- 1x Banishment Decree
- 1x Beacon of Immortality
- 1x Blinding Beam
- 1x Choking Fumes
- 1x Dispatch
- 1x Dispense Justice
- 1x Divine Offering
- 1x Due Respect
- 1x Echoing Calm
- 1x Frantic Salvage
- 1x Fulgent Distraction
- 1x Hallow
- 1x Marrow Shards
- 1x Master's Call
- 1x Metal Fatigue
- 1x Pulse of the Fields
- 1x Purge
- 1x Raise the Alarm
- 1x Razor Barrier
- 1x Retaliate
- 1x Roar of the Kha
- 1x Second Sunrise
- 1x Seize the Initiative
- 1x Soul Nova
- 1x Soul Parry
- 1x Stand Firm
- 1x Stir the Pride
- 1x Tempest of Light
- 1x Test of Faith
- 1x Turn the Tables
- 1x Vanquish
- 1x War Report
- 1x White Sun's Zenith
- 1x Whitesun's Passage
Enchantment (11)
- 1x Arrest
- 1x Circle of Protection: Artifacts
- 1x Exclusion Ritual
- 1x Forced Worship
- 1x Phyrexian Unlife
- 1x Rule of Law
- 1x Sphere of Purity
- 1x Stasis Cocoon
- 1x Tempered Steel
- 1x True Conviction
- 1x Vigil for the Lost
Sorcery (8)
- 1x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 1x Remember the Fallen
- 1x Revoke Existence
- 1x Ritual of Restoration
- 1x Roar of Reclamation
- 1x Solar Tide
- 1x Soulscour
- 1x Steelshaper's Gift
Planeswalker (1)
Artifact (1)
Blue (135)
Creature (64)
- 1x Advanced Hoverguard
- 1x Argent Sphinx
- 1x Blighted Agent
- 1x Bringer of the Blue Dawn
- 1x Broodstar
- 1x Chained Throatseeker
- 1x Chancellor of the Spires
- 1x Chromescale Drake
- 1x Consecrated Sphinx
- 1x Cryptoplasm
- 1x Darkslick Drake
- 1x Deceiver Exarch
- 1x Fatespinner
- 1x Grand Architect
- 1x Hoverguard Observer
- 1x Hoverguard Sweepers
- 1x Impaler Shrike
- 1x Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
- 1x Looming Hoverguard
- 1x Lumengrid Augur
- 1x Lumengrid Drake
- 1x Lumengrid Sentinel
- 1x Lumengrid Warden
- 1x Mirran Spy
- 1x Neurok Commando
- 1x Neurok Familiar
- 1x Neurok Invisimancer
- 1x Neurok Prodigy
- 1x Neurok Spy
- 1x Neurok Transmuter
- 1x Oculus
- 1x Phyrexian Ingester
- 1x Phyrexian Metamorph
- 1x Plasma Elemental
- 1x Plated Seastrider
- 1x Psychic Membrane
- 1x Quicksilver Behemoth
- 1x Quicksilver Elemental
- 1x Quicksilver Gargantuan
- 1x Qumulox
- 1x Riddlesmith
- 1x Scrapdiver Serpent
- 1x Screeching Silcaw
- 1x Serum Raker
- 1x Sky-Eel School
- 1x Slith Strider
- 1x Somber Hoverguard
- 1x Spined Thopter
- 1x Spire Monitor
- 1x Spire Serpent
- 1x Synod Artificer
- 1x Thought Courier
- 1x Thrummingbird
- 1x Treasure Mage
- 1x Trinket Mage
- 1x Vedalken Anatomist
- 1x Vedalken Archmage
- 1x Vedalken Certarch
- 1x Vedalken Engineer
- 1x Vedalken Infuser
- 1x Vedalken Mastermind
- 1x Viral Drake
- 1x Wanderguard Sentry
- 1x Wing Splicer
Instant (38)
- 1x Annul
- 1x Argent Mutation
- 1x Assert Authority
- 1x Blinkmoth Infusion
- 1x Blue Sun's Zenith
- 1x Condescend
- 1x Corrupted Resolve
- 1x Disarm
- 1x Disperse
- 1x Dream's Grip
- 1x Early Frost
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Fold into AEther
- 1x Fuel for the Cause
- 1x Halt Order
- 1x Into Thin Air
- 1x Last Word
- 1x Machinate
- 1x Magnetic Flux
- 1x Mental Misstep
- 1x Override
- 1x Psychic Barrier
- 1x Pulse of the Grid
- 1x Quicksilver Geyser
- 1x Regress
- 1x Retract
- 1x Second Sight
- 1x Spectral Shift
- 1x Steady Progress
- 1x Steel Sabotage
- 1x Stoic Rebuttal
- 1x Thirst for Knowledge
- 1x Turn Aside
- 1x Turn the Tide
- 1x Twisted Image
- 1x Vapor Snag
- 1x Vault Skyward
- 1x Vex
Enchantment (18)
- 1x Artificer's Intuition
- 1x Bonds of Quicksilver
- 1x Carry Away
- 1x Corrupted Conscience
- 1x Defensive Stance
- 1x Disruption Aura
- 1x Dissipation Field
- 1x Domineer
- 1x Eyes of the Watcher
- 1x Inertia Bubble
- 1x Inexorable Tide
- 1x March of the Machines
- 1x Numbing Dose
- 1x Psychic Overload
- 1x Psychic Surgery
- 1x Volition Reins
- 1x Xenograft
Sorcery (15)
Black (138)
Creature (74)
- 1x Blackcleave Goblin
- 1x Bleak Coven Vampires
- 1x Blind Creeper
- 1x Blind Zealot
- 1x Blistergrub
- 1x Bringer of the Black Dawn
- 1x Cackling Imp
- 1x Carnifex Demon
- 1x Caustic Hound
- 1x Chancellor of the Dross
- 1x Chimney Imp
- 1x Chittering Rats
- 1x Contagious Nim
- 1x Corrupted Harvester
- 1x Dementia Bat
- 1x Desecration Elemental
- 1x Disciple of the Vault
- 1x Dross Crocodile
- 1x Dross Harvester
- 1x Dross Hopper
- 1x Dross Prowler
- 1x Ebon Drake
- 1x Emissary of Despair
- 1x Entomber Exarch
- 1x Flayed Nim
- 1x Flensermite
- 1x Flesh-Eater Imp
- 1x Fleshgrafter
- 1x Fume Spitter
- 1x Geth, Lord of the Vault
- 1x Greater Harvester
- 1x Grimclaw Bats
- 1x Hand of the Praetors
- 1x Ichor Rats
Massacre Wurm
- 1x Mephidross Vampire
- 1x Mephitic Ooze
- 1x Moriok Reaver
- 1x Moriok Rigger
- 1x Moriok Scavenger
- 1x Mortis Dogs
- 1x Necrogen Scudder
- 1x Necrotic Ooze
- 1x Nested Ghoul
- 1x Nim Abomination
- 1x Nim Devourer
- 1x Nim Grotesque
- 1x Nim Lasher
- 1x Nim Shambler
- 1x Nim Shrieker
- 1x Painsmith
- 1x Phyrexian Crusader
- 1x Phyrexian Obliterator
- 1x Phyrexian Rager
- 1x Phyrexian Vatmother
- 1x Pith Driller
- 1x Plague Stinger
- 1x Reaper of Sheoldred
- 1x Reiver Demon
- 1x Relentless Rats
- 1x Sangromancer
- 1x Scavenging Scarab
- 1x Scourge Servant
- 1x Septic Rats
- 1x Sheoldred, Whispering One
- 1x Skinrender
- 1x Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
- 1x Slith Bloodletter
- 1x Toxic Nim
- 1x Vault Skirge
- 1x Vermiculos
- 1x Wall of Blood
- 1x Whispering Specter
- 1x Woebearer
Sorcery (30)
- 1x Aether Snap
- 1x Barter in Blood
- 1x Beacon of Unrest
- 1x Black Sun's Zenith
- 1x Caress of Phyrexia
- 1x Consume Spirit
- 1x Death Cloud
- 1x Despise
- 1x Essence Drain
- 1x Exsanguinate
- 1x Fill with Fright
- 1x Flesh Allergy
- 1x Gruesome Encore
- 1x Horrifying Revelation
- 1x Hunger of the Nim
- 1x Ichor Explosion
- 1x Life's Finale
- 1x Memoricide
- 1x Morbid Plunder
- 1x Night's Whisper
- 1x Postmortem Lunge
- 1x Praetor's Grasp
- 1x Promise of Power
- 1x Psychic Miasma
- 1x Pulse of the Dross
- 1x Scrounge
- 1x Shattered Dreams
- 1x Spread the Sickness
- 1x Vicious Betrayal
- 1x Wrench Mind
Instant (22)
- 1x Betrayal of Flesh
- 1x Burden of Greed
- 1x Devour in Shadow
- 1x Dismember
- 1x Echoing Decay
- 1x Geth's Verdict
- 1x Go for the Throat
- 1x Grasp of Darkness
- 1x Grim Affliction
- 1x Grim Reminder
- 1x Instill Infection
- 1x Irradiate
- 1x Lose Hope
- 1x Murderous Spoils
- 1x Plunge into Darkness
- 1x Shriveling Rot
- 1x Spoils of the Vault
- 1x Surgical Extraction
- 1x Tainted Strike
- 1x Terror
- 1x Virulent Wound
- 1x Wail of the Nim
Enchantment (12)
Red (136)
Creature (71)
- 1x Arc-Slogger
- 1x Atog
- 1x Barrage Ogre
- 1x Blade-Tribe Berserkers
- 1x Blisterstick Shaman
- 1x Bloodshot Trainee
- 1x Bringer of the Red Dawn
- 1x Chancellor of the Forge
- 1x Cosmic Larva
- 1x Crazed Goblin
- 1x Drooling Ogre
- 1x Embersmith
- 1x Fallen Ferromancer
- 1x Ferrovore
- 1x Flameborn Hellion
- 1x Flameborn Viron
- 1x Furnace Dragon
- 1x Furnace Scamp
- 1x Furnace Whelp
- 1x Galvanoth
- 1x Gnathosaur
- 1x Goblin Archaeologist
- 1x Goblin Brawler
- 1x Goblin Gaveleer
- 1x Goblin Striker
- 1x Goblin Wardriver
- 1x Hellkite Igniter
- 1x Hero of Oxid Ridge
- 1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 1x Invader Parasite
- 1x Iron-Barb Hellion
- 1x Koth's Courier
- 1x Krark-Clan Engineers
- 1x Krark-Clan Grunt
- 1x Krark-Clan Ogre
- 1x Krark-Clan Shaman
- 1x Krark-Clan Stoker
- 1x Kuldotha Flamefiend
- 1x Kuldotha Phoenix
- 1x Kuldotha Ringleader
- 1x Magma Giant
- 1x Megatog
- 1x Moltensteel Dragon
- 1x Ogre Geargrabber
- 1x Ogre Leadfoot
- 1x Ogre Menial
- 1x Ogre Resister
- 1x Oxidda Daredevil
- 1x Oxidda Scrapmelter
- 1x Priest of Urabrask
- 1x Razor Swine
- 1x Rustmouth Ogre
- 1x Scoria Elemental
- 1x Slag Fiend
- 1x Slash Panther
- 1x Slith Firewalker
- 1x Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer
- 1x Spark Elemental
- 1x Spikeshot Elder
- 1x Spikeshot Goblin
- 1x Spiraling Duelist
- 1x Tormentor Exarch
- 1x Tunnel Ignus
- 1x Vulshok Battlemaster
- 1x Vulshok Berserker
- 1x Vulshok Heartstoker
- 1x Vulshok Refugee
- 1x Vulshok Sorcerer
- 1x Vulshok War Boar
- 1x War Elemental
Instant (29)
- 1x Act of Aggression
- 1x Artillerize
- 1x Barbed Lightning
- 1x Beacon of Destruction
- 1x Burn the Impure
- 1x Crush
- 1x Electrostatic Bolt
- 1x Feedback Bolt
- 1x Fists of the Anvil
- 1x Forge Armor
- 1x Galvanic Blast
- 1x Grab the Reins
- 1x Gut Shot
- 1x Incite War
- 1x Inflame
- 1x Into the Core
- 1x Magma Jet
- 1x Magnetic Theft
- 1x Pulse of the Forge
- 1x Rain of Rust
- 1x Rally the Forces
- 1x Savage Beating
- 1x Seething Song
- 1x Shatter
- 1x Shrapnel Blast
- 1x Shunt
- 1x Tears of Rage
- 1x Unforge
- 1x Volt Charge
Enchantment (6)
Sorcery (28)
- 1x Arc Trail
- 1x Assault Strobe
- 1x Cerebral Eruption
- 1x Concussive Bolt
- 1x Detonate
- 1x Dismantle
- 1x Echoing Ruin
- 1x Fiery Gambit
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Flamebreak
- 1x Geosurge
- 1x Granulate
- 1x Kuldotha Rebirth
- 1x Mana Geyser
- 1x Melt Terrain
- 1x Metallic Mastery
- 1x Molten Psyche
- 1x Molten Rain
- 1x Red Sun's Zenith
- 1x Reversal of Fortune
- 1x Ruthless Invasion
- 1x Scrapyard Salvo
- 1x Screaming Fury
- 1x Slagstorm
- 1x Trash for Treasure
- 1x Turn to Slag
- 1x Victorious Destruction
- 1x Whipflare
Planeswalker (1)
Artifact (1)
Green (137)
Creature (84)
- 1x Acid Web Spider
- 1x Ageless Entity
- 1x Alpha Tyrranax
- 1x Bellowing Tanglewurm
- 1x Blight Mamba
- 1x Blightwidow
- 1x Bringer of the Green Dawn
- 1x Brown Ouphe
- 1x Brutalizer Exarch
- 1x Carapace Forger
- 1x Chancellor of the Tangle
- 1x Copperhoof Vorrac
- 1x Copperhorn Scout
- 1x Cystbearer
- 1x Death-Hood Cobra
- 1x Engulfing Slagwurm
- 1x Eternal Witness
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
- 1x Ezuri's Archers
- 1x Ezuri's Brigade
- 1x Fangren Firstborn
- 1x Fangren Hunter
- 1x Fangren Marauder
- 1x Fangren Pathcutter
- 1x Glissa Sunseeker
- 1x Glissa's Courier
- 1x Glistener Elf
- 1x Greenhilt Trainee
- 1x Groffskithur
- 1x Infested Roothold
- 1x Joiner Adept
- 1x Karstoderm
- 1x Liege of the Tangle
- 1x Lifesmith
- 1x Living Hive
- 1x Maul Splicer
- 1x Melira, Sylvok Outcast
- 1x Melira's Keepers
- 1x Molder Beast
- 1x Molder Slug
- 1x Mycosynth Fiend
- 1x Ouphe Vandals
- 1x Phyrexian Hydra
- 1x Phyrexian Swarmlord
- 1x Plaguemaw Beast
- 1x Plated Slagwurm
- 1x Putrefax
- 1x Quilled Slagwurm
- 1x Roaring Slagwurm
- 1x Rot Wolf
- 1x Rotted Hystrix
- 1x Slith Predator
- 1x Spinebiter
- 1x Sylvok Explorer
- 1x Tangle Angler
- 1x Tangle Asp
- 1x Tangle Mantis
- 1x Tangle Spider
- 1x Tanglewalker
- 1x Tel-Jilad Archers
- 1x Tel-Jilad Chosen
- 1x Tel-Jilad Exile
- 1x Tel-Jilad Fallen
- 1x Tel-Jilad Lifebreather
- 1x Tel-Jilad Outrider
- 1x Tel-Jilad Wolf
- 1x Thrun, the Last Troll
- 1x Thundering Tanadon
- 1x Tornado Elemental
- 1x Troll Ascetic
- 1x Trolls of Tel-Jilad
- 1x Tyrranax
- 1x Viridian Acolyte
- 1x Viridian Betrayers
- 1x Viridian Corrupter
- 1x Viridian Emissary
- 1x Viridian Joiner
- 1x Viridian Lorebearers
- 1x Viridian Scout
- 1x Viridian Shaman
- 1x Viridian Zealot
- 1x Vital Splicer
- 1x Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
- 1x Wurmskin Forger
Instant (26)
- 1x Battlegrowth
- 1x Beast Within
- 1x Bloodscent
- 1x Blunt the Assault
- 1x Carrion Call
- 1x Echoing Courage
- 1x Ferocious Charge
- 1x Fresh Meat
- 1x Glissa's Scorn
- 1x Leeching Bite
- 1x Mirran Mettle
- 1x Mutagenic Growth
- 1x Nourish
- 1x Noxious Revival
- 1x Oxidize
- 1x Pistus Strike
- 1x Predator's Strike
- 1x Slice in Twain
- 1x Stand Together
- 1x Tel-Jilad Defiance
- 1x Tel-Jilad Justice
- 1x Turn to Dust
- 1x Unnatural Predation
- 1x Untamed Might
- 1x Wing Puncture
- 1x Withstand Death
Artifact (1)
Sorcery (20)
- 1x All Suns' Dawn
- 1x Beacon of Creation
- 1x Channel the Suns
- 1x Corrosive Gale
- 1x Creeping Corrosion
- 1x Creeping Mold
- 1x Deconstruct
- 1x Genesis Wave
- 1x Green Sun's Zenith
- 1x Journey of Discovery
- 1x Lead the Stampede
- 1x One Dozen Eyes
- 1x Praetor's Counsel
- 1x Pulse of the Tangle
- 1x Reap and Sow
- 1x Rebuking Ceremony
- 1x Rude Awakening
- 1x Sylvan Scrying
- 1x Tooth and Nail
- 1x Triumph of the Hordes
Enchantment (6)
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Cards | 1150 |
Date added | 9 years |
Last updated | 8 years |
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