cube colorwheel

Modern Archetype Cube

By Kaelicus

Score: 0

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A modern cube which features archetypes from the best of the draft formats. Featured is the Spider Spawning Mill Deck from Innistrad, the Exalted lists from M13/Shards, the Rebels archetype from MMA/Time Spiral, the Defenders deck from ROE and RTR, The sacrifice deck from Innistrad/Scars of Mirrodin, and other notable archetypes from formats past. Ideally, each archetype should be accessible from any 2-3 color combination of its representative colors (i.e GB, UG, UB, or BUG-colored spider spawning) with enough overlaps to make it work.

Green (1)

Sorcery (1)

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Cards 1
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

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8.78 Spider Spawning