cube colorwheel

New Ravnica Cube 360

By TabooTyler

Score: 2


Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


This cube is a collection of cards from Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, and War of the Spark. There are 20 cards featured from each guild, 20 addition cards from GRN/RNA focused around gate synergies and general removal, 30 lands including 2 of each guild gate, and 110 cards from War of the Spark. The cards within each guild are focused around their main components (example Orzhov focused around Afterlife/Death and Taxes strategy) while War of the Spark has a strong focus on planeswalkers, amass, and proliferate. The cube is well balanced between colors and CMCs allowing for easy playability. This cube is meant to simulate what it felt like playing drafts or prereleases during the New Ravnica era. The cube has 360 cards meaning that it supports an 8 player draft or a 4 player sealed. This has probably been the most work that I have put into a Cube so I hope you all enjoy.

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