cube colorwheel

Pauper All-Star Cube

By Y2Krj

Score: 9


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This is a Pauper cube based on Adam Styborski's famous model.

These are the archetypes you can expect:

Azorius: Evasion, enters-the-battlefield effects and bounce/removal to outpace opponent

Dimir: Removal, card draw and recursion to take over; you P1P1 Pestilence, etc

Rakdos: Burn spells, removal and haste all piled up, with sacrifice effects and recursion for late game push

Gruul: Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus burn and/or combat tricks

Selesnya: Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus combat tricks

Orzhov: Tons of removal and evasive creatures, with tokens, sacrifice effects and recursion

Golgari: Recursion and removal with sacrifice effects and big monsters late game

Simic: Bounce opponent creatures as you ramp into big threats and fight effects; you P1P1 Capsize, etc

Izzet: Burn spells, evasive creatures and card draw to take over the game and hold on long enough to win

Boros: Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus burn

Not officially supported colors, but doable: Bant (GWU): Enters-the-battlefield creatures with bounce and enchantment removal

Esper (WUB): Enters-the-battlefield creatures with bounce and removal

Grixis (UBR): Every kind of removal and counterspell you could want, plus graveyard recursion

Jund (BRG): Great removal and creatures: JUND 'EM OUT!

Naya (RGW): Token-making effects and the spells to go with them

Mardu (WRB): The best removal suite in the cube with a splash of recursion and sacrifice effects

Sultai (UBG): Enters-the-battlefield creatures and removal/bounce; you P1P1 Cavern Harpy, etc

Abzan (BGW): Powerful removal, some recursion and great use of sacrifice effects along the way

Jeskai (RWU): Splashing white evasion and/or removal into the blue-red spells deck

Temur (GUR): Green creatures and value paired up with blue-red bounce and burn

4+ color decks aren't supported at all, and you will probably lose badly trying to force them.

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Cards 419
Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years