
Here's my 450-card pauper cube. The cube is split up into the following card categories:

7 cards for each guild (UW, BU, BR, GR, GW, GU, RW, BW, UR and BG)

3 cards for each tri-color (Naya, Bant, Grixis, Esper and Jund)

61 cards for each color

45 artifact/colorless cards

15 utility lands

Now some of the ways I came up with the guilds/tri-color combinations vs. color vs. artifact/colorless was by determining which colors you had to play in order for the card to function correctly and to the intent of how the card was designed.

For instance, Jilt is a Red/Blue card in my cube, even though it's technically just blue. Same for Parasitic Strix; it's considered Dimir colors (Blue/Black). Sulfur Vent is a Grixis card, Soliton is a blue card, etc. The only ones that I considered to be colorless was Horned Helm, Cranial Plating and each of the Golems from Mirrodin (Tangle, Razor, etc.) The reason for Horned Helm was because you could easily equip it in a non green deck and the instant speed equip is usually irrelevant (whereas Neurok Stealthsuit would be more relevant and therefore probably a blue card). The Myr are the same way; sure their intent is to color fix, but in a lot of ways their intent (as demonstrated in Mirrodin block drafts) is just as a 1/1 Mind Stone effect.

The Golems are more debatable, but for now I left them as a non color spell, even though I could easily see them as a mono color card, for separation purposes. Which would be fine for this cube, considering I used the whole cycle of them.

I also added in 2 un-cards for each color, just to spice things up a bit. I aimed to grab cards that weren't broken on their own and are generally fun to play, even in a non-Un environment. For instance, The Fallen Apart could easily be a 4/4 with a drawback for 2BB (which is what he essentially is in this cube). Double-Header is essentially a Boomerang on a 2/3 Flying body (since a majority of all the cards are two-word cards). But even then, for 3UU it's not broken, just solid (especially when compared to Riftwing Cloudskate).

Anyways, draft it, enjoy it, and feel free to let me know how it turns out for you. I'm always open to suggestions and comments.

Colorless (88)

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Estimated price 130.87
Cards 450
Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years