cube colorwheel

Pauper Cube (jan 2023)

By TightGarbage

Score: 1


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Now with uncommon gold cards to push archetypes.

WU - Flyers; evasion, inevitability, ninjas. ETB recursion. Midrange.
WB - Sacrifice; value, Recursion, removal. Midrange.
WR - Wide aggro; trumpet blast effects. Aggro.
WG - +1/+1 counters creatures; proliferate, combat tricks. Midrange.
UB - Graveyard control; loot, recursion, card advantage. Control.
UR - spells; burn, prowess, spell mastery, flashback. Midrange.
UG - ramp; large creatures, hexproof, kicker, monstrosity. Control.
BR - Aggressive aristocrats; sacrifice, death triggers, unearth, cheap removal, rummage, Aggro.
BG - Graveyard creature value. Midrange
RG - Beat down. Strong creatures, Trample, combat tricks Aggro.

Three color archetypes are supported but must prioritize fixing.

Colorless (110)

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Cards 180
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years