cube colorwheel

Pauper Duel Commander Cube

By UndeadSpider1990

Score: 6


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Pauper Duel Commander Cube

The intended ruleset for this cube is:

  • 8 players, 3 packs
  • Each pack contains 15 commons and 1 uncommon, i.e. one Commander in each pack
  • 1v1 games
  • Players start with 25 life
  • Uncommon cards are only legal as Commanders, not within the deck
  • Color identity rules apply*
  • By special exception to the standard Rules of Pauper Duel Commander†, Common creatures in this cube are legal as Commanders
  • Mainboard must be at least 40 cards PLUS Commander, i.e. 41+ cards minimum
  • You may draft additional uncommon creatures (Commanders) but only one can be included in the Command Zone.
  • If for any reason you are unable to draft a valid Commander, congratulations, you win the booty prize. Generate yourself a Transguild Courier and get brewing!
  • There are two custom "coupon" cards in this cube. The Keleth and Rograkh card is redeemed at the start of deckbuilding for a copy of both Keleth, Sunmane Familiar and Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh. They can be played as Commander only if they are played together (you can't mix-and-match other Partners this way).

Note that while Tappedout doesn't support sorting by color identity, the following cards are miscategorized:

  • Momentary Blink (registers as white; should be gold)
  • Benalish Sleeper (registers as white; should be gold)
  • Rally the Peasants (registers as white; should be gold)
  • Wizard Replica (registers as colorless; should be blue)
  • Khalni Garden (registers as colorless; should be green)
  • Woodland Acolyte (registers as white; should be gold)

Note also that "Armix and Toggo" are in this cube. Due to a tappedout bug they are not currently appearing. (They're a "coupon" card)

* Color Identity Rules:

† Pauper Commander Rules:

Common (360)

White (60)

Green (57)

Black (58)

Blue (57)

Red (58)

Colorless (38)

Gold (32)

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Cards 385
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 months