Cards | 7 |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
Top Draft Picks
5.77 | Genju of the Spires |
8.82 | Legion's Landing Flip |
9.2 | Genju of the Cedars |
10.6 | Genju of the Fens |
11.92 | Genju of the Fields |
12.78 | Sarcomancy |
Genju of the Falls |
Cards | 7 |
Date added | 5 years |
Last updated | 5 years |
5.77 | Genju of the Spires |
8.82 | Legion's Landing Flip |
9.2 | Genju of the Cedars |
10.6 | Genju of the Fens |
11.92 | Genju of the Fields |
12.78 | Sarcomancy |
Genju of the Falls |