
Champion of the Parish Elite Vanguard Isamaru, Hound of Konda Mardu Woe-Reaper Mother of Runes Savannah Lions Soldier of the Pantheon Steppe Lynx Student of Warfare Accorder Paladin Hand of Honor Imposing Sovereign Kami of Ancient Law Kor Skyfisher Seeker of the Way Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Wall of Omens Blade Splicer Brimaz, King of Oreskos Fiend Hunter Flickerwisp Hallowed Spiritkeeper Kor Sanctifiers Mirror Entity Monastery Mentor Soltari Champion Stonecloaker Wall of Reverence Cloudgoat Ranger Geist-Honored Monk Reveillark Wingmate Roc Exalted Angel Sun Titan Angel of Serenity Ajani Goldmane Gideon Jura Elspeth, Sun's Champion Condemn Mana Tithe Path to Exile Swords to Plowshares Disenchant Unexpectedly Absent Council's Judgment Lingering Souls Spectral Procession Armageddon Cataclysm Wrath of God Rout Terminus Honor of the Pure Journey to Nowhere Spirit Bonds Banishing Light Cage of Hands Ghostly Prison Oblivion Ring Spear of Heliod Enclave Cryptologist Augur of Bolas Coralhelm Commander Looter il-Kor Phantasmal Image Snapcaster Mage Waterfront Bouncer Willbender Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Man-o'-War Wake Thrasher Clever Impersonator Dungeon Geists Glen Elendra Archmage Master of Waves Meloku the Clouded Mirror Mulldrifter Prognostic Sphinx Aetherling Jace Beleren Jace, Architect of Thought Inkwell Leviathan Brainstorm Force Spike Arcane Denial Counterspell Cyclonic Rift Daze Into the Roil Mana Leak Memory Lapse Miscalculation Reality Shift Remand Telling Time Dissolve Forbid Hinder Thirst for Knowledge Fact or Fiction Condescend Dig Through Time Ancestral Vision Ponder Preordain Compulsive Research Tinker Windfall Deep Analysis Upheaval Treasure Cruise Rhystic Study Control Magic Opposition Treachery Thassa, God of the Sea Bloodsoaked Champion Carnophage Diregraf Ghoul Gravecrawler Tormented Hero Vampire Lacerator Blood Scrivener Dauthi Horror Dauthi Slayer Nezumi Graverobber Oona's Prowler Pack Rat Pain Seer Bone Shredder Hypnotic Specter Lifebane Zombie Mardu Strike Leader Royal Assassin Vampire Nighthawk Braids, Cabal Minion Nekrataal Skinrender Puppeteer Clique Shriekmaw Grave Titan Tasigur, the Golden Fang Tombstalker Liliana Vess Dark Ritual Entomb Diabolic Edict Go for the Throat Malicious Affliction Tainted Pact Ultimate Price Dismember Hero's Downfall Snuff Out Duress Inquisition of Kozilek Reanimate Thoughtseize Chainer's Edict Demonic Tutor Exhume Hymn to Tourach Buried Alive Consuming Vapors Crux of Fate Living Death Unburial Rites Mind Twist Profane Command Animate Dead Necromancy Necropotence Phyrexian Arena Recurring Nightmare Gnarled Scarhide Master of the Feast Firedrinker Satyr Frenzied Goblin Grim Lavamancer Jackal Pup Monastery Swiftspear Spikeshot Elder Stromkirk Noble Ash Zealot Borderland Marauder Hellspark Elemental Keldon Marauders Lightning Mauler Plated Geopede Stormblood Berserker Torch Fiend War-Name Aspirant Young Pyromancer Chandra's Phoenix Dualcaster Mage Goblin Rabblemaster Guttersnipe Manic Vandal Zo-Zu the Punisher Avalanche Riders Flametongue Kavu Hellrider Hero of Oxid Ridge Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs Siege-Gang Commander Stormbreath Dragon Zealous Conscripts Inferno Titan Greater Gargadon Chandra, Pyromaster Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Burst Lightning Lightning Bolt Incinerate Lightning Strike Magma Jet Searing Blaze Searing Spear Brimstone Volley Char Staggershock Fireblast Chain Lightning Faithless Looting Firebolt Arc Trail Mizzium Mortars Pyroclasm Arc Lightning Molten Rain Pillage Slagstorm Burning of Xinye Rolling Earthquake Repercussion Sulfuric Vortex Arbor Elf Birds of Paradise Elvish Mystic Experiment One Fyndhorn Elves Joraga Treespeaker Jungle Lion Llanowar Elves Wild Dogs Wolfbitten Captive Fauna Shaman Mayor of Avabruck Sakura-Tribe Elder Scavenging Ooze Strangleroot Geist Sylvan Caryatid Vinelasher Kudzu Wall of Roots Wild Mongrel Eternal Witness Predator Ooze Reclamation Sage Troll Ascetic Viridian Shaman Yavimaya Elder Chameleon Colossus Polukranos, World Eater Wickerbough Elder Acidic Slime Deranged Hermit Thragtusk Wolfir Silverheart Rampaging Baloths Avenger of Zendikar Hornet Queen Terastodon Woodfall Primus Garruk Relentless Garruk Wildspeaker Birthing Pod Mutagenic Growth Naturalize Beast Within Explore Farseek Rampant Growth Call of the Herd Cultivate Kodama's Reach Harmonize Plow Under Primal Command Green Sun's Zenith Exploration Rancor Wild Growth Song of the Dryads Courser of Kruphix Geist of Saint Traft Swans of Bryn Argoll Sphinx's Revelation Supreme Verdict Nightveil Specter Psychatog Baleful Strix Undermine Rakdos Cackler Army Ants Murderous Redcap Dreadbore Burning-Tree Emissary Boggart Ram-Gang Bloodbraid Elf Firespout Dryad Militant Qasali Pridemage Kitchen Finks Mirari's Wake Obzedat, Ghost Council Tidehollow Sculler Utter End Gerrard's Verdict Putrid Leech Spiritmonger Putrefy Pernicious Deed Trygon Predator Mystic Snake Simic Sky Swallower Shardless Agent Gelectrode Izzet Charm Mindswipe Keranos, God of Storms Figure of Destiny Boros Reckoner Ajani Vengeant Boros Charm Phyrexian Revoker Lodestone Golem Molten-Tail Masticore Solemn Simulacrum Triskelion Wurmcoil Engine Myr Battlesphere Sundering Titan Everflowing Chalice Black Vise Bonesplitter Cursed Scroll Elixir of Immortality Infiltration Lens Nihil Spellbomb Skullclamp Sol Ring Ankh of Mishra Coldsteel Heart Lightning Greaves Mind Stone Ratchet Bomb Runechanter's Pike Shrine of Burning Rage Sun Droplet Sword of the Meek Winter Orb Basalt Monolith Chromatic Lantern Coalition Relic Crystal Shard Grafted Wargear Hall of Triumph Jinxed Choker Loxodon Warhammer Mimic Vat Quietus Spike Sword of Vengeance Tangle Wire Erratic Portal Helm of Possession Icy Manipulator Nevinyrral's Disk Quicksilver Amulet Smokestack Thran Dynamo Engineered Explosives

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