cube colorwheel

Ravnica Multiverse

By the1dean

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Ravnica World description -

The multiverse has descended onto Ravnica! This 540 cube includes the best cards from every block that fits the Ravnica themes. The cards have been strictly chosen to fit Ravnica themes. Black, for example, is balanced across haunt/lifegain (Orzhov), unblockable and mill (Dimir), recycling (Golgari), and aggro with disruption (Rakdos).

Many fantastic cards that don’t fit Ravnica color-theme combinations had to be excluded (mana tithe, damnation).

The breakdown of cards by color is:

B, G, R, U, W: 59 each, total 295 - Gold cards: 13 each guild, total 130 - Hybrid cards: 5 each guild, total 50 - Artifacts: 1 each guild + 15 generic, total 25 - Lands: 10 each guild, total 40 -

For those interested, the cube design uses the following themes -

Selesnya Themes - Aggro, Token, Protection, Buff/pump

Keywords - Convoke, Populate (token abilities)

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Aggro: Dryad Militant, Watchwolf, Loxodon Hierarch - Token: Guildmages, Trostani, Vitu-Ghazi - Protection: Glare of Subdual, Privileged Position - Buff/pump: Phytohydra, Tolsimir Wolfblood -

Boros themes - Weenie, Burn/lifegain, First/double strike, Combat tricks

Keywords - Radiance, Battalion

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Weenie: Boros Recruit, Skynight Legionaire, Wojek Halberdiers - Burn/lifegain: Lightning Helix, Brion Stoutarm *oversized*, Brightflame - First/double strike: Boros Swiftblade, Wojek Halberdiers - Combat trick: Master Warcraft, Boros Charmfoil -

Rackdos Themes - Aggro, Disrupt (Card discard, Land destruction), Rats, Damage

Keywords - Hellbent, Unleash

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Aggro: Rakdos Cackler, Avatar of Discord, Hellhole Flailer - Disrupt: Rakdos Augermage, Helldozer, Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace - Rats: Hellhole Rats, Pack Rat, Ogre Slumlord, Ratcatcher - Damage: Rain of Gore, Pain Magnification, Dreadbore -

Gruul Themes - Beatdown, Trample, Buff/pump, Removal

Keywords - Bloodthirst, Bloodrush

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Beatdown: Borborygmos, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Ulasht, the Hate Seed - Trample: Giant Solifuge, Scab-Clan Mauler - Buff/pump: Anything with the Gruul keywords - Removal: Clan Defiance, Savage Twister -

Azorius Themes - Tap/detain, Bounce/exile, Flying, Protection/control

Keywords - Forecast, Detain

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Tap/detain: Guildmages, Loxodon Gatekeeper, Archon of the Triumvirate - Bounce: Skymark Roc, Azorius Charm, Flickerform - Flying Pride of the Clouds, Azorius First-Wing, Dovescape -
Protection/control: Supreme Verdict, Judge's Familiar, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV -

Orzhov Themes - Benefit at death, Life steal, Protection, Reanimate

Keywords - Haunt, Extort

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Benefit at Death: Blind Hunter, Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Cry of Contrition - Life Steal: both Ghost Councils, anything with extort - Protection: High Priest of Penance, Souls of the Faultless, Pillory of the Sleepless - Reanimate: Debtors' Knell, Immortal Servitude

Izzit Themes - Sorcery/Instant, Card Draw, Copy spell Keywords - Replicate, Overload

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Sorcery/Instant: Electrolyze, Guttersnipe, Mizzium Mortars - Card Draw: Both Niv-Mizzets, Mercurial Chemister - Copy spell: Guildmages, Djinn Illuminatus

Dimir Themes – Mill, Unblockable, Tutor, Copy Creature, Cast enemy spells

Keywords – Transmute, Cipher

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Mill: Consuming Aberration, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Circu, Psychic Strike - Unblockable/damage player: Dimir Cutpurse, Szadek, Lord of Secrets anything with Cipher - Tutor: anything with transmute - Copy Creature: Dimir-doppleganger, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind - Cast enemy spells: Mindleech Mass, Nightveil Spectre? -

Simic Themes - +1/+1 Counters, Hexproof, Card draw, Creature create/morph

Keywords – Graft, Evolve

Iconic Ravnica Cards - +1/+1 Counters: Master Biomancer, Experiment Kraj, Cytoplast Manipulator - Hexproof: Simic Sky Swallower, Simic Charm - Card draw: Research, Fathom Mage, Biomantic Mastery - Creature create/morph: Momir Vig, Leafdrake Roost, Omnibian, Rapid Hybridization

Golgari Themes - Recycle, Reanimate, Powered from graveyard, Sacrifice

Keywords - Dredge, Scavenge

Iconic Ravnica Cards - Recycle: anything with dredge or scavenge - Reanimate: Gleancrawler, Sisters of Stone Death - Powered from graveyard: Vulturous Zombie, Deathrite Shaman - Sacrifice: Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Savra, Golgari Germination -

Check out my Pure Ravnica cube.

Gold (180)

Creature (123)

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Cards 540
Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years