cube colorwheel

Moderate Cube

By zig13

Score: 0

Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


Also on CubeTutor:

The plan is to largely recreate the drafting experience of sets from recent years.

Recent limited formats have been characterized by solid Creatures alongside sub-par spells (including removal) placing the focus on Creature combat.

As is convenient and standard for a cube, 'packs' contain 15 random cards from the whole cube of any rarity. Without rarity to control the distribution of bombs I elected to do away with bombs and jank completely and fill the cube with cards on largely the same moderate power level. The exceptions are a few cards that are better off starting in the sideboard and the 20 'Gold' multicolored cards which

I found early-on that colour intensity complicates things as the cost/downside of having multiple mana symbols in a spell cost is very variable. I decided then to restrict the cube's mono-coloured spells to have a maximum of 1 coloured mana symbol in their cost. A side effect of this is that no fixing is required to build a fairly reliable two coloured deck and as such the cube contains no fixing.

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