
MY first cube it is a peasant cube

It is a 540 card cube that serve upto 12 players


Dimir UB: Zombies and Disruption, minor Gravematter

Rakdos RB: Disruption and Aristocrats, minor Reanimator

Orzhov WB: Lifegain and Aristocrats, minor Token / vampire tribal

Golgari GB: Gravematters and Saporling Tokens, minor Midrange

Selesnya GW: Tokens and Aggro, minor Midrange

Boros RW: Wide Aggro and Heroic, minor Tokens

Izzet UR: Spellmatters and Card Draw matters, minor Flying

Gruul GR: Monster Stompy, minor Midrange

Simic UG: Value and Ramp, minor Disruption

Azorius UW: Flying and Tempo, minor Heroic

Gold (150)

Creature (81)

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Cards 540
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years