cube colorwheel

Suprisingly draftable masters

By VennyIsAsleep4119

Score: 0


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This is Surprisingly Draftable Masters!!!, the follow up to the initial custom set Oddly Draftable Masters. This set intends to expand upon the theme of giving some fun archtypes some love, as well as give some tribes not often seen the love they deserve! The sets are meant to be played together in a pseudo-block constucted format for maximum chaos or to be drafted by their lonesome. I recommend drafting each set individually, and if you enjoy them separately, build constructed 60 card decks harking back to the days of block constructed for a truly chaotic experience.

  • The Themes

    • Gruul Satyrs- The first tribe we stepping up to the plate is the Satyrs. This tribe is held together by skin of their... hoofs? In all seriousness, this tribe is actually fun and janky with a focus on aggro supported by Gallia of the Endless Dance as their tribal support plus engine.

    • Rakdos Skeleton- Next up to bat is are the "Spooky Scary Skeletons, Send shivers down your spine!".... ok I'll leave... This tribe has one main theme, dying a lot, and then some how not actually dying. they serve as both an engine for all of the sacrifice effects, as well as a very consistent aggro force that just keeps on keeping on.

    -Azorius Fliers- This basically the movie birds put into a magic the gathering setting. Basically draft favorable winds and precede to beat face with birbs.

    -Boros Samurai- Training, Honor, and the code of Bushido, these are the ingredients needed to make the perfect aggro deck, but We've added one more ingredient into the build... Kamigawa Set Design..... Where to begin.... Samurai are actually pretty solid in a more watered down environment all things considered. They might be the strongest clan for literal attacking and blocking fairly.

    -The Myr- Finally to round out the tribes we have the colorless myr. They give the Set, and the Block, much needed mana fixing in the "diamond" myr as well as having insane combo potential. No memes here just Myr doing.... Myr things I guess??

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