Sabertooth Outrider (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Become Immense (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Treasure Cruise (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)
Write into Being (FATE-REFORGED)Epic Confrontation (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Coat with Venom (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)
Glacial Stalker (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Ainok Bond-Kin (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Monastery Flock (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)
Lightning Berserker (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Bring Low (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Silumgar Spell-Eater (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)
Dromoka Captain (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Humble Defector (FATE-REFORGED)Death Frenzy (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)
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