Sandsteppe Outcast (FATE-REFORGED)Swarm of Bloodflies (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Valorous Stance (FATE-REFORGED)
Butcher's Glee (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Valorous Stance (FATE-REFORGED)Keeper of the Lens (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)
Smite the Monstrous (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Hooting Mandrills (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)Twin Bolt (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)
Bathe in Dragonfire (FATE-REFORGED)Stratus Dancer (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Horde Ambusher (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)
Evolving Wilds (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Summit Prowler (DRAGONS-OF-TARKIR)Dismal Backwater (KHANS-OF-TARKIR)
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