cube colorwheel

The Greatest War In History

By RousseausDisciple

Score: 1

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You and your friends are waging a massive war across the planes. As a planeswalker, you have the ability to move your forces from plane to plane and battle to battle as you please, but you are directing forces on Lorwyn, Dominaria, Alara, Kamigawa, and Innistrad. Layers upon layers of interaction abound. I encourage you to explore the cube and let me know what's obviously missing, or what is just always a wasted pick. I intend for this to be a dynamic, complex cube that never gets stale, but as this is a first draft, I'm sure I'm missing staples that need to be here.

Colorless (84)

Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)

Gold (73)

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Cards 480
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years