Colorless (40)
Land (16)
Creature (13)
Gold (40)
Creature (34)
- 1x Akroan Hoplite
- 1x Anax and Cymede
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Athreos, God of Passage
- 1x Battlewise Hoplite
- 1x Chronicler of Heroes
- 1x Daxos of Meletis
- 1x Ephara, God of the Polis
- 1x Fanatic of Xenagos
- 1x Fleecemane Lion
- 1x Horizon Chimera
- 1x Iroas, God of Victory *list*
- 1x Karametra, God of Harvests *f-etch*
- 1x Keranos, God of Storms
- 1x Kiora's Follower
- 1x Kragma Warcaller
- 1x Kruphix, God of Horizons
- 1x Mogis, God of Slaughter
- 1x Nyx Weaver
- 1x Pharika, God of Affliction
- 1x Pharika's Mender
- 1x Phenax, God of Deception
- 1x Polis Crusher
- 1x Prophet of Kruphix
- 1x Ragemonger
- 1x Reaper of the Wilds
- 1x Sentry of the Underworld
- 1x Shipwreck Singer
- 1x Siren of the Silent Song
- 1x Spellheart Chimera
- 1x Stormchaser Chimera
- 1x Tymaret, the Murder King
- 1x Underworld Coinsmith
- 1x Xenagos, God of Revels
Instant (3)
Enchantment (1)
Sorcery (2)
White (56)
Creature (39)
- 1x Aegis of the Gods
- 1x Akroan Skyguard
- 1x Archetype of Courage
- 1x Cavalry Pegasus
- 1x Celestial Archon
- 1x Dawnbringer Charioteers
- 2x Eagle of the Watch
- 1x Eidolon of Countless Battles
- 1x Elite Skirmisher
- 1x Evangel of Heliod
- 1x Fabled Hero
- 1x Favored Hoplite
- 1x Ghostblade Eidolon
- 1x God-Favored General
- 1x Heliod, God of the Sun
- 1x Heliod's Emissary
- 1x Hopeful Eidolon
- 1x Hundred-Handed One
- 1x Lagonna-Band Elder
- 1x Lagonna-Band Trailblazer
- 1x Leonin Snarecaster
- 1x Loyal Pegasus
- 1x Nyx-Fleece Ram
- 1x Nyxborn Shieldmate
- 1x Observant Alseid
- 1x Oreskos Sun Guide
- 2x Oreskos Swiftclaw
- 1x Ornitharch
- 1x Phalanx Leader
- 1x Scholar of Athreos
- 1x Soldier of the Pantheon
- 1x Supply-Line Cranes
- 2x Traveling Philosopher
- 1x Vanguard of Brimaz
- 2x Wingsteed Rider
Instant (10)
Enchantment (6)
- 1x Banishing Light
- 1x Chained to the Rocks
- 1x Dictate of Heliod
- 1x Ephara's Radiance
- 1x Ordeal of Heliod
- 1x Sunbond
Artifact (1)
Blue (56)
Creature (33)
- 1x Aerie Worshippers
- 1x Arbiter of the Ideal
- 1x Battlefield Thaumaturge
- 1x Benthic Giant
- 1x Breaching Hippocamp
- 1x Chorus of the Tides
- 1x Cloaked Siren
- 1x Coastline Chimera
- 1x Crackling Triton
- 1x Crystalline Nautilus
- 1x Dakra Mystic
- 1x Daring Thief
- 1x Deepwater Hypnotist
- 1x Godhunter Octopus
- 1x Hypnotic Siren
- 1x Kraken of the Straits
Master of Waves
- 1x Nimbus Naiad
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 1x Prescient Chimera
- 1x Prognostic Sphinx
- 1x Sage of Hours
- 1x Sealock Monster
- 1x Shipbreaker Kraken
- 1x Sigiled Starfish
- 1x Siren of the Fanged Coast
- 1x Sphinx's Disciple
- 1x Thassa's Emissary
- 1x Triton Fortune Hunter
- 1x Triton Shorestalker
- 1x Vaporkin
- 1x Vortex Elemental
- 1x War-Wing Siren
Instant (14)
Enchantment (4)
Sorcery (4)
Artifact (1)
Black (56)
Creature (37)
- 1x Abhorrent Overlord
- 1x Agent of the Fates
- 1x Archetype of Finality
- 2x Baleful Eidolon
- 1x Black Oak of Odunos
- 1x Brain Maggot
- 1x Cavern Lampad
- 1x Disciple of Phenax
- 1x Erebos's Emissary
- 1x Fate Unraveler
- 2x Felhide Brawler
- 2x Felhide Minotaur
- 1x Felhide Petrifier
- 1x Forlorn Pseudamma
- 1x Gnarled Scarhide
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Grim Guardian
- 1x Hythonia the Cruel
- 1x Insatiable Harpy
- 1x Keepsake Gorgon
- 1x Loathsome Catoblepas
- 1x Marshmist Titan
- 1x Master of the Feast
- 1x Mogis's Marauder
- 1x Nighthowler
- 2x Pharika's Chosen
- 1x Returned Centaur
- 1x Servant of Tymaret
- 1x Shrike Harpy
- 1x Spiteful Returned
- 1x Squelching Leeches
- 1x Tormented Hero
- 1x Warchanter of Mogis
Instant (9)
- 1x Bile Blight
- 1x Cutthroat Maneuver
- 1x Fated Return
- 1x Feast of Dreams
- 1x Hero's Downfall
- 1x Lash of the Whip
- 1x Necrobite
- 1x Pharika's Cure
- 1x Silence the Believers
Artifact (1)
Sorcery (6)
- 1x Asphyxiate
- 1x Drown in Sorrow
- 1x Extinguish All Hope
- 1x March of the Returned
- 1x Read the Bones
- 1x Sanguimancy
Enchantment (3)
Red (56)
Creature (37)
- 1x Akroan Conscriptor
- 2x Akroan Crusader
- 1x Archetype of Aggression
- 1x Bladetusk Boar
- 1x Borderland Minotaur
- 2x Deathbellow Raider
- 1x Everflame Eidolon
- 1x Fanatic of Mogis
- 1x Felhide Spiritbinder
- 1x Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
- 1x Flamespeaker Adept
- 1x Forgestoker Dragon
- 1x Gluttonous Cyclops
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 1x Kragma Butcher
- 1x Minotaur Skullcleaver
- 1x Mogis's Warhound
- 1x Nyxborn Rollicker
- 1x Oracle of Bones
- 1x Pharagax Giant
- 1x Prophetic Flamespeaker
- 1x Purphoros, God of the Forge
- 1x Purphoros's Emissary
- 1x Rageblood Shaman
- 1x Reckless Reveler
- 1x Satyr Hoplite
- 1x Satyr Nyx-Smith
- 1x Satyr Rambler
- 1x Sigiled Skink
- 1x Stormcaller of Keranos
- 1x Thunder Brute
- 2x Two-Headed Cerberus
- 1x Wild Celebrants
- 1x Wildfire Cerberus
Instant (9)
- 1x Coordinated Assault
- 1x Fall of the Hammer
- 1x Fated Conflagration
- 1x Lightning Strike
- 1x Magma Jet
- 1x Magma Spray
- 1x Riddle of Lightning
- 1x Searing Blood
- 1x Titan's Strength
Artifact (1)
Sorcery (6)
- 1x Blinding Flare
- 1x Bolt of Keranos
- 1x Flurry of Horns
- 1x Harness by Force
- 1x Spite of Mogis
- 1x Twinflame
Enchantment (3)
Green (56)
Creature (42)
- 1x Agent of Horizons
- 1x Arbor Colossus
- 1x Bassara Tower Archer
- 1x Boon Satyr
- 1x Centaur Battlemaster
- 1x Charging Badger
- 1x Courser of Kruphix
- 1x Eidolon of Blossoms
- 1x Golden Hind
- 1x Graverobber Spider
- 1x Hero of Leina Tower
- 1x Humbler of Mortals
- 1x Karametra's Acolyte
- 1x Leafcrown Dryad
- 1x Nemesis of Mortals
- 1x Nessian Asp
- 1x Nessian Courser
- 1x Nessian Demolok
- 1x Noble Quarry
- 1x Nylea, God of the Hunt
- 1x Nylea's Disciple
- 1x Nylea's Emissary
- 1x Nyxborn Wolf
- 1x Oakheart Dryads
- 1x Pheres-Band Raiders
- 1x Pheres-Band Thunderhoof
- 1x Pheres-Band Tromper
- 1x Renowned Weaver
- 1x Satyr Hedonist
- 1x Satyr Piper
- 1x Sedge Scorpion
- 1x Setessan Oathsworn
- 1x Snake of the Golden Grove
- 1x Spirespine
- 1x Staunch-Hearted Warrior
- 1x Swarmborn Giant
- 2x Swordwise Centaur
- 1x Sylvan Caryatid
- 2x Voyaging Satyr
- 1x Vulpine Goliath
Instant (5)
- 1x Aspect of Hydra
- 1x Colossal Heroics
- 1x Fated Intervention
- 1x Setessan Tactics
- 1x Warriors' Lesson
Enchantment (3)
Sorcery (5)
Artifact (1)
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Cards | 360 |
Date added | 8 years |
Last updated | 8 years |
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