cube colorwheel

Top Of The Trash Heap

By AndyMakes

Score: 0

Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


This cube is restricted to cards that are A) Rare and B) cost less than 50 cents--preferably less than 30 cents--at the time I put the cube together.

The goal is to create a space where fun (if not necessarily good) cards can see play. The focus is on interesting cards that are simply overcosted or awkward so no straight up unplayable cards here.

The lack of commons also creates an unusual space where standard elements of the game such as spot removal are harder to come by.

Gold (83)

Gold (83)

White (96)

White (96)

Blue (96)

Blue (96)

Black (95)

Black (95)

Red (96)

Red (96)

Green (96)

Green (96)

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