WU - Brago, King Eternal + tamiyo, field researcher
WB - siege rhino + Athreos, God of Passage
WR - Nahiri, the Harbinger + Aurelia, the Warleader
WG - Trostani Discordant + Armada Wurm
UB - hostage taker + ashiok, nightmare weaver
UR - Thousand-Year Storm + Expansion / Explosion
UG - prophet of kruphix + shardless agent
BR - Master of Cruelties + dreadbore
BG - Meren of Clan Nel Toth + Vraska, Golgari Queen
RG - Sarkhan Vol + xenagos, the reveler
sheoldred, whispering one
vorinclex, voice of hunger
stormtide leviathan
iona, shield of emeria
Tidehollow sculler
Battle screech
elvish piper
quicksilver amulet
corpse dance
Puppeteer clique--
karmic guide--
Medomai the Ageless--
intruder alarm--
krenko, mob boss--
thraben doomsayer--
deadeye navigator--
seedborne muse
imperious perfect
Cabal therapist
Bloodthrone vampire
1x Hostage Taker to fallen shinobi
1x Search for Azcanta to emry, lurker of the loch
1x Meloku the Clouded Mirror to spell pierce
roalesk to prophet
spike feeder - wilderness rec
rampaging baloths to Garruk, Primal Hunter
vampire hexmage, thespian stage, 2x dark depths, crop rotation.
Jace, wielder of mysteries < gush
Laboratory maniac < deadeye navigator
Hollow one < erratic portal
Praetors grasp < mikaeus
putrid imp < night's whisper
basking rootwalla < experiment one
gurmag angler < liliana, death's majesty
Tasigur, the Golden Fang < diregraf ghoul
bridge from below
satyr wayfinder < kessig prowler
stitcher's supplier
vengevine < polukranos
mesmeric orb < selesnya signet
glimpse the unthinkable < Vampire Nighthawk
hedron crab
ensnaring bridge < talisman of resilience
psychatog < compulsive research
thought scour
deep analysis < arcane denial
mystic retrieval
anger < purphoros
burning inquiry < jackal pup
golgari gt < nissa worldwaker
golgari signet > chalice of the void
blood moon < 1x Flames of the Firebrand
magus of the moon
life from the loam < kodama's reach
weather the storm
leonin arbiter
1x Conclave Tribunal > Heliod, Sun-Crowned
1x Wilderness Reclamation > The First Iroan Games
brago, king-eternal > Dream Trawler
Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice > Haktos the Unscarred
karmic guide > Taranika, Akroan Veteran
subterranean tremors > Underworld Breach
enclave cryptologist > Thassa's Intervention
spike feeder
archangel of thune
Kunoros, Hound of Athreos
zuran orb > oblivion stone
1x Basking Rootwalla > spike feeder
1x Angel of Sanctions > archangel of thune
anax, hardened in the forge ------ char
thassa's oracle
merfolk secretkeeper
careful study
stinkweed imp ----- xathrid necromancer
Nightmare Shepherd ---- contagion
academy rector ------ taranika
form of the dragon ------ greater gargadon
Kiora Bests the Sea God ----- stormtide leviathan
1x Sword of Truth and Justice ----- shadowspear
shared summons ------ yavimaya elder
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
mindslaver ----- urza, academy headmaster
Phoenix of Ash ----- young pyromancer
bosh, iron golem ------ winds of abandon
ancient grudge ------ nature's claim
woe strider ------ dread return
saheeli, sublime artificer ----- sarkhan
soulfire grand-master ----- silverblade
benalish marshal ----- angel of serenity
nature's claim ----- ancient grudge
palace jailer ----- brightling
eldrazi displacer ---- spear of heliod
battle screech ------- ----- force of virtue
dragon hunter
mirran crusader
Alirios, Enraptured
witchclaw talisman---praetors grasp
aether vial
tymaret calls the dead
Phoenix of Ash
Kraul Harpooner
earl of squirrel
icehide golem
on thin ice
alexander clamilton
Staying Power, isochron sceptre, angel's grace, silence,
supreme verdict ---- soulherder
Shatter the Sky ----- terminus
young pyromancer
earl of squirrel
painful truths
dream halls
paradox engine
topsy turvy
"Ach! Hans, Run!"
infinity elemental
garbage elemental D
blurry beeble
magical hacker
more or less ----------- aetherling
sly spy
baral, chief of compliance ----- gifts given
lore seeker
demonic consultation
angel's grace
1x Deep Analysis
Power play
Deal broker
Iterative analysis
Weight advantage
Assemble the rank and vile - silence
Hired heist
Doom whisperer
Regal behemoth
Caller of the untamed
Volatile chimera
Mogg War marshal
Grenzo, havoc raiser ------- 1x Manic Vandal
Selvala, heart of the wilds
Ulamog, the infinite gyre
Kozilek, butcher of truth
Inverter of truth
jeweled amulet
ashnod's altar
sylvan tutor
Mikaeus, the unhallowed
paradigm shift
wake thrasher
"Ach! Hans, Run!" ----- form of the dragon
Castle Locthwain
kjeldoran outpost
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath / ice-fang coatl
soulherder / teferi, time raveler
Skyknight Vanguard
Lim-Dul's Vault / Hostage Taker
tidehollow sculler
Klothys, god of destiny
hellkite overlord ------ contagion
nicol bolas, the ravager
doran, the siege tower / siege rhino
yidris, maelstrom wielder
Tamiyo, Field Researcher
zurgo helmsmasher
rafiq of the many
maelstrom wanderer
man-o'-war ---------- capsize
ashnod's altar ------ phyrexian altar
dakra mystic ------ thassa's oracle
ensnaring bridge ----- sword of truth and justice
doom whisperer ------ demonic consultation
declaration in stone ----- angel's grace
vengevine - rude awakening
soul's attendant - thraben inspector
leonin relic-warder -
mirri's guile
kessig wolf run
sweltering suns ----- trash for treasure
siege rhino - pernicious deed
broodmate dragon
glare of subdual
massacre wurm
debtor's knell
stonecoil serpent
bolas's citadel ------ yawgmoth's bargain
Tocatli Honor Guard
The Abyss
Rhonas the Indomitable
Ritual of Subdual
Breya, Etherium Shaper ------ hollow one
sprouting thrinax
maelstrom wanderer
guided passage
fervent charge
Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
Kess, Dissident Mage
resplendent angel
brutal hordechief
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
bloom tender
realm razer
Rith's Charm
angelic destiny ------ ravages of war
nether void ------ gonti
Scryb Ranger
the tabernacle at pendrell vale
Jinxed Choker
Ankh of Mishra
Lone Missionary
Smallpox ------ diabolic edict
relic seeker
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
genju of the realm
1996 world champion
1x Deal Broker
Life from the Loam ------- wild mongrel
Smallpox ----- diabolic edict
Titania, Protector of Argoth ----- thrun
pattern of rebirth
bear umbra
wild growth ---- mayor of avabruck ------------- carpet of flowers
elephant guide
Soltari Priest
Mana Vortex
Land Equilibrium
Rising Waters
Dust Bowl
song of the dryads ---- satyr wayfinder
sundering growth
krosan grip
lightning mauler
kalonian hydra ----- earl of squirrel
hostage taker ---- tezzy, agent of balls
witchclaw talisman ------ dark petition
necropotence --------- vampire hexmage
grave pact
geralf's messenger
gary the salesman
phyrexian obliterator
marath, will of the wild (without errata)
midnight reaper
cruel celebrant ---- athreos
sunblast angel
kira, great glass-spinner
mayor of avabruck
master of waves
assemble the rank and vile
staying power ----- karmic guide
cavalier of night
shallow grave
corpse dance
Sling-Gang Lieutenant
curse of the shallow graves
seasoned pyromancer
zuran orb ---- jeweled amulet
Anje's Ravager ------ seasoned pyromancer
sorin, solemn visitor ---------- magister of worth
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
Elspeth Tirel
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
Chandra, Awakened Inferno
Tibalt, Rakish Instigator
Jace, Architect of Thought
wild growth
perimeter captain
phyrexian unlife
Pawn of ulamog
Yasova draconclaw
capsize ---- tradewind rider
venerable knight ---- marath will of the wild
chromatic lantern ------- powder keg
leonin arbiter
umbral mantle
evil presents --------- liliana, the last hope
gifts given
praetor's grasp
Kharis & The Beholder -------- warden of the first tree
Inzerva, Master of Insights ------- 1x Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
Diabolical Salvation ------- ox of agonas
empyrial archangel ------ 1x Avenger of Zendikar
experimental frenzy
searing spear --------- eidolon of the great revel
mul daya channelers ------ nightpack ambusher
mirri's guile ------ den protector
beast within ------ wild growth
faeburrow elder ------- remorseful cleric
freed from the real -------- ancestral vision
wake thrasher ---------- Thassa's Intervention
aphetto alchemist ------- kiora's follower
stifle ------- thing in the ice
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth --------- darksteel colossus
chalice of the void--------- robot chicken
ugin the ineffable
secure the wastes -------- 1x Baneslayer Angel
ethersworn canonist
aven mindcensor --------- 1x Ranger-Captain of Eos
artifact mutation ------ 1x Ancient Grudge
Omnath, Locus of Mana
icy manipulator
treasure map
Celestine Cave Witch (Playtest)
Command the Chaff (Playtest)
Abian, Luvion Usurper (Playtest)
Evil Boros Charm (Playtest)
Bear with Set's Mechanic (Playtest)
Frontier Explorer (Playtest) ----------- 1x Shatter the Sky
Gold Mine (Playtest)
Geometric Weird (Playtest)
Lazier Goblin (Playtest) -------- 1x Firebolt
Interplanar Brushwagg (Playtest)
Growth Charm (Playtest)
Impatient Iguana (Playtest)
Innocuous Insect (Playtest)
Mirrored Lotus (Playtest) -------------- shadowspear
Problematic Volcano (Playtest) --------- 1x Sweltering Suns
Puresteel Angel (Playtest) ----------- 1x Duplicant
Buried Ogre (Playtest)
Frogkin Kidnapper (Playtest)
Witty Demon (Playtest)
Wizened Arbiter (Playtest) ------------- spectral procession
Zyym, Mesmeric Lord (Playtest)
isochron for ashnods
Zurs weirding
Phyrexian unlife
Irreverent Revelers
nykthos, shrine to nyx
1x Supreme Will ---------- pemmin's umbra
Lutri, the spellchaser --------- 1x Thousand-Year Storm
Luminous Broodmoth
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate ------------- noose constrictor
Verge rangers
Consider twinflame/ dualcaster/ lutri, the spellchaser/ heat shimmer
Insult / Injury -------- 1x Koth of the Hammer
Reality Smasher --------- 1x Oblivion Stone
Fiend artisan --------- 1x Gurmag Angler
Song of Creation
Paradox Engine
Ethereal forager -------- very cryptic command
Free commander specific spells with an erratad condition
Kelsien, the plague
Jegantha the wellspring ------- mul daya channelers
Omnath, Locus of Mana
Thought-knot seer --------- hedron archive
Grumgully, the Generous
Take out the abyss for nether void again
Bring to light
Lurrus of the Dream-Den --------- 1x Cruel Celebrant
Heartless act ------- heir of falkenrath
titanos rex
Rielle, the Everwise --------- 1x Ral Zarek
shark typhoon -------- jace, memory adept
great oak guardian
Brokkos, Apex of Forever
mass extinction
kinnan, bonder prodigy
Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast
stonecoil serpent
nature's cclaim
gilded goose
winota, joiner of forces
Eldritch evolution ------------- kalonian hydra
Force of vigor
Muddle the mixture
Summoners pact ------ 1x Wickerbough Elder
Pact of negation
Slaughter pact
ankh of mishra
leonin arbiter ------- village
ghost quarter
field of ruin
1x Vizier of Remedies ----- solemnity
temporal manipulation ------- 1x God-Eternal Kefnet
capture of jingzhou
awakening zone ------- gilded goose
Force of negation - - - - - - tradewind rider
Force of virtue
bear umbra
force of vigor ----------- 1x Curse of Predation
nostalgic dreams
guided passage
scheming symmetry
suppresion field
dreadhorde invasion
ad nauseam
angel's grace
spoils of the vault
sedraxis specter
TAKE OUT - freed from the real, pemmin's aura, jegantha, selvala, wake thrasher
PUT IN - pact of negation, muddle the mixture, guided passage, gifts given, elder gargaroth
TAKE OUT - kiki-jiki, mirror breaker, splinter twin, deciever of exarch, pestermite, zealous conscripts, marath, will of the wild
PUT IN - lukka, coppercoat outcast, gamble, supreme will, hold the perimeter, , abolish,
rites of intiation
chandra's incinerator
Red time walk
take out academy rector, kiora bests the sea god, form of the dragon
put in barrin, tolarian archmage, ancient grudge?, yorion
Valakut Awakening
Legion Angel ---- Gisela, the Broken Blade
3 in the sideboard automatically
Skyclave Apparition --- academy rector
Emeria's Call
Flip --- gideon of the trials
Nighthawk Scavenger --- assemble the rank and vile
Felidar Retreat
Bala Ged Recovery
Flip --- nature's claim
Glasspool Mimic
Flip --- glasspool mimic
Turntimber Symbiosis
Kargan Intimidator --- stormblood beserker
Thieving Skydiver ---- kiora bests the sea god
Inscription of Abundance --- first iroan games
Hagra Mauling
Flip --- malicious affliction
Skyclave Shade --- smallpox
Skyclave Relic --- chromatic lantern
Bloodchief's Thirst --- wretched confluenced
Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass
Flip ---- castle embereth
Agadeem's Awakening
Flip --- 1x Spoils of the Vault
Kazandu Mammoth
Flip --- verdurous gearhulk
Jwari Disruption
Luminarch Aspirant --- imposing sovereign
Field of Ruin ---- the tabernacle at pendrell vale
Omnath, Locus of Creation --- tamiyo, field researcher
Steppe Lynx --- skymarcher aspirant
Akoum Hellhound --- stromkirk noble
Gyrus, Waker of Corpses
Plated Geopede --- robber of the rich
Dire Fleet Daredevil --- embereth shieldbreaker
Proteus Staff --- 1x Sword of Truth and Justice
Puppeteer Clique
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre --- darksteel colossus
Notion Thief --- scarab god
Aminatou, the Fateshifter
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Reality Scramble ---- squee, goblin nabob
Transmogrify --- magus of the moon
The Birth of Meletis --- wall of omens
Felidar Guardian ---- declaration in stone
Intruder Alarm --- ethereal forager
Bloodline Keeper
Flip --- oona's prowler
Krenko, Mob Boss --- arc lightning
Steward of Solidarity
Thraben Doomsayer ----- hallowed spiritkeeper
Tempt with Vengeance ---- legion warboss
Polymorph ---- alexander clamilton
Gravecrawler ----- putrid imp
Elvish Piper ---- song of the dryads
Fearless Fledgling ---- isochron sceptre
Sprout Swarm ---- rhonas, the indomitable
Essence Warden
Rhythm of the Wild ---- "ach hans"
Grumgully, the Generous
wilt ---- return to nature
Impact Tremors
--- purphoros, god of the forge
Heliod, Sun-Crowned --- Gideon Jura
Spike Feeder --- Tarmogoyf
Archangel of Thune --- orim's chant
Basri's Lieutenant - leonin warleader
Exalted Angel
Bastion of Remembrance
Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger --- plaguecrafter
Hero's Downfall --- dreadbore
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds --- wall of roots
Umbral Mantle --- ratchet bomb
Selesnya Signet
Golgari Signet
Panoptic Mirror --- sentinel's dispatch
Dreadhorde Invasion --- mardu strike leader
Talisman of Curiosity
Talisman of Unity
Talisman of Impulse
Krosan Grip
Figure of Destiny --- skyknight vanguard
Seasoned Hallowblade --- god-eternal oketra
Triskelion --- manifold key
Neoform --- sarkhan vol
Scheming Symmetry
Cruel Tutor ---- drana, liberator of malakir
Deadly Rollick but it's any creature ---- contagion
Putrid Goblin --- kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Safehold Elite
Ashnod's Altar --- Sword of body and mind
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage
Ankh of Mishra --- Sword of Light and Shadow
Scourge of the Skyclaves --- liliana's trumph
Corpse Dance --- Liliana, Dreadhorde General
Freed from the Real --- muddle the mixture
Street Wraith --- phyrexian arena
Pemmin's Aura --- pact of negation
Kinnan, Bonder ProdigyGC --- nissa, steward of elements
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker --- rekindling phoenix
Splinter Twin --- phoenix of ash
Pestermite --- Capture of Jingzhou
Deceiver Exarch --- supreme will
Village Bell-Ringer --- charming prince
Zealous Conscripts --- forked bolt
Incubation Druid --- berserk
Altar of the Brood --- kuldotha forgemaster
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim --- soldier of the pantheon
Valakut x4
Flash --- laboratory maniac
Sea Gate Stormcaller --- spell pierce
Mirage Mirror --- Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
Storm's Wrath --- dreadhorde arcanist
Dark Depths --- parallax wave
Thespian Stage --- agadeem's awakening
Vampire Hexmage --- street wraith
Crop Rotation --- cultivate
Elvish Reclaimer --- kodama's reach
Knight of the Reliquary -- trostani discordant
Harrow -- search for tommorow
Worldspine Wurm -- voracious hydra
Expansion / Explosion -- the royal scions
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling -- polymorph
Palinchron -- dream halls
Laboratory Maniac ---stifle
Thousand-Year Storm --- fire / ice
Shallow Graves
Jeskai Ascendancy
Azami, Lady of Scrolls
Priest of Titania
Magus of the Wheel
M'Odo the Gnarled Oracle
Urza's Contact Lenses
Wake Thrasher
Bag of Holding
squirrels nest
Gaddock Teeg
Vryn Wingmare
Urza's Tower but you get the whole set x4 (12 total)
Cloudpost but you get the whole set x4 (12 total including vesuva
Archive Trap ---- sower of temptation
Archon of Emeria ----- battle screech
Personal Tutor
Maralen of the Mornsong
Opposition AgentGC ---- wretched confluence
Magus of the Order
Agadeem's Awakening
Into the North
Jace, Mirror Mage
Dockside Extortionist
The Gitrog Monster
Squandered Resources
Rain of Filth
Sylvan Scrying
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
Jeska's WillGC
Yawgmoth's Bargain
Aetherflux Reservoir
Archon of Valor's Reach
Fire Covenant
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
Mox Amber
City of Traitors
Geometric Weird (Playtest) (re-examine)
Krark, the Thumbless
Emberwilde Captain
Fall from Favor
Spirit of the Labyrinth
Archon of Coronation
Freed from the real combo cuts:
Freed from the Real --- court of cunning
Umbral Mantle --- cloudpost
pemmin's umbra's --- sower of temptation
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds ---- magus of the order
Kinnan, Bonder ProdigyGC ----- gaddock teeg
1x Sword of War and Peace --- karn, the great creator
1x Sword of Truth and Justice --- proteus staff
1x Sword of Light and Shadow
Sword of body and mind
assemble the rank and vile
sentinel dispatch
the tabernacle at pendrell vale
academy rector
kiora bests the sea god
form of the dragon
isochron scepter
orim's chant
arc lightning
alexander clamilton
spoils of the vault
tradewind rider
rhonas the indomitable
put some signets back in idiot
necro2711 says... #1
Omnath, Locus of Mana
March 3, 2020 5:55 a.m.