
180 cards designed for 4 players to Winston Draft with.

There's almost no mana fixing, so it's advised to keep to 2 colors at most. If you're base-Green, you might be able to get away with 2 splash colors.

Color Breakdown


Every white creature is either a soldier or creates soldiers. There is a mix of aggressive creatures like Soldier of the Pantheon, ETB creatures like Militia Bugler as well as self-bouncers like Kor Skyfisher, and Lords like Valiant Veteran

White can also be used as a splash color for vampire synergies, giving access to another blood-artist effect in Cruel Celebrant and a cluster-bomb of vampire tokens with Call to the Feast. There are also a few low-mana-value mono-white vampires to use as filler.


Blue has lots of cantrips, unsummons, counterspells, and wizards. This color will help value decks reach the late-game and take advantage of their superior card advantage.

Most wizards have powerful ETB abilities with a variety of effects. Some are cantrips like Augur of Bolas, some affect the board state like Merfolk Trickster, and others like Archaeomancer bring back previously cast spells.

Blue is also a strong secondary color for Soldier decks with access to 4 powerful soldier synergy pieces (Harbin, Vanguard Aviator, Yotian Tactician, Zephyr Sentinel, and Skystrike Officer). The additional options to return your own creatures to your hand are especially potent for Soldiers with cards like Reverent Hoplite and Captain of the Watch.


Black is a broad color that works with many tribal synergies. The most prominent are Vampires, Warriors, Elves, and Soldiers.

The most unique archetype that Black offers in this cube is a self-sacrifice theme which relies on a combination of creatures that create creatures when they die such as Carrier Thrall (or that simply come with tokens), sacrifice outlets like Blood Bairn, and "blood-artist" effects that trigger when creatures die like Falkenrath Noble.


Red is another great supporting color, offering great tools for Wizards, Vampires, and Warriors.

The removal is very potent, with Lightning Bolt killing almost every creature in the cube (before anthem affects are applied), and most of the non-creature spells being some form of direct damage.

The tools for Wizards are very powerful, providing lots of cards such as Young Pyromancer and Rockslide Sorcerer that turn each instant and sorcery you cast into extra damage or board presence. Harmonic Prodigy is also a great tool that can double up on tokens from Murmuring Mystic, spells returned from Ardent Elementalist, untap triggers from Thermo-Alchemist and much much more. It's like a turbo version of Naban, Dean of Iteration.


Elves. They mana-ramp, and they make tokens. Some good payoffs for ramping are Steel Exemplar, Terra Stomper, Penumbra Wurm, Ulamog's Crusher, and Colossal Skyturtle.

When you're on the token strategy, lords like Imperious Perfect, and Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen are vital for closing out the game. Black is a great option with Shaman of the Pack, and White is another powerful option for a general token strategy with access to cards like Phantom General and Ironroot Warlord.

Besides elves, Green is great for Warrior decks. All the elf tokens you create are also Warriors, so they all synergize with cards like Blood-Chin Rager, Kargan Intimidator, and Bramblewood Paragon.

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Cards 180
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year