cube colorwheel

''Worst Sets'' Cube (360)

By dsdude3021

Score: 1


Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy



-Saviors of Kamigawa

-Dragons Maze


-Fallen Empires


I know this might sound insane in many ways, but I decided to make a cube based on some of the 'worst sets' in magic the gathering history. No, i'm not talking about sets that are infamous for breaking the game or a set that was just not fun for anyone when it was standard. The power level and mechanics in these sets were bad, and the large majority of these cards themselves don't even work well for limited.

Optional Rule

Just as an experiment, I'm going to see what the effect on the drafting experience would be if:

-Every card costs less to cast (Effectively reducing each cards converted mana cost). This effect does not reduce the CMC of a card to below 1 and does not have the ability to reduce from its CMC (only its generic)

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