Cards | 25 |
Date added | 2 years |
Last updated | 2 years |
Top Draft Picks
1.0 | Coalhauler Swine |
3.0 | Durkwood Boars |
5.0 | Giant Warthog |
5.3 | Gristleback |
5.8 | Ilharg, the Raze-Boar |
6.24 | Archetype of Endurance |
6.69 | Brindle Shoat |
7.57 | Bladetusk Boar |
8.0 | Gore Swine |
8.12 | Brindle Boar |
8.2 | Festerhide Boar |
8.76 | Flinthoof Boar |
8.89 | Decimator of the Provinces |
9.0 | Bristling Boar |
9.33 | Copperhoof Vorrac |
10.0 | Goretusk Firebeast |
10.75 | Kessig Dire Swine |
11.67 | Nettle Swine |
13.2 | Outland Boar |
Argothian Swine | |
Bronzeplate Boar | |
Charging War Boar | |
Clockwork Vorrac | |
Crashing Boars | |
Ironhoof Boar |