cube colorwheel

Zirda minus Zirda, my Cycling Cube

By lizziemeg

Score: 0


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Zirda minus Zirda, my Cycling Cube was built in the hopes of pleasing a variety of Magic players while celebrating the history of the Cycling mechanic. Whether simply taking advantage of the modal nature of the cards (i.e. play or pitch), building some sort of draw/discard engine, or aiming to carefully arrange a board / graveyard state, Cycling gives players enough leeway to find good uses for "bad" cards. Most notably, some players will initially question the inclusion of Changeling cards in this cube, as well as the Tribal tag. I'm still exploring whether this particular angle is worth the attention, but there wasn't quite enough Cycling cards to completely fill an 8-player Draft on Singleton, so I'm seeking to empower the couple handfuls of Cycling cards which actually do care about Tribal synergy. Try it before you judge, alright?

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Cards 360
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years