a deck that costs less money than a deck of the same format or strategy. This is a fairly subjective term.
General Kreat, the Boltbringer by Goblinette
Soundwave, Tokens by jasonhuebner
Vega 140 by jasonhuebner
Budget Karlov Duel Commander by Holograph273
shrine control by sboy4
Kess MidKiki 1v1 by rulafx
Prossh, Skyraider of Kek by rajcak
Knowledge is Power by geekoftheages
Thousand Cuts: Tetsuko EDH [PRIMER] by Daedalus19876
Kess Reanimator 1v1 by rulafx
Sram Equipment by Lengels
Kraken Tap Dancing on Your Face by Zwelleriox
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit (Attack small creatures) by Chernik
Mr. Steal Yo' Boy by VampiricJace
I guess you wanted to resolve that spell... by Sauronek2
Hey Paul, bro, this thing has a turbo right? by Kragmork
Walking Dead by aekrusty
Alesha, God's scourge by Kragmork
Atraxa - Count for Counters by heartofwolf
Kari Zev by arthurxisde
$35 Glass Cannon by K34
Mayael and the Boys by sucioCasual
Skithiryx Competitive Budget 1v1 by Emil
Rampnath with Manakul by GryZer
Let 'em Die 1v1 by SmokeyBear15
Alesha by AlexOAwesome
Brago, King of the slow duel by mattpowers
Sphinx Spellburn (Arjun) by Katzen_Rache
Varolz the Value King by LusciousCabbage
$2 French Kaseto Voltron by kyrhal
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