a usually casual deck designed around a unifying theme or idea, such as a single artist or only -cost spells. This is a very broad category, as almost any part of the card can be part of the theme.
Latest decks

![Seasons Past feature for [PRE-PRIMER] Burning Autumn](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/shadows-over-innistrad/seasons-past/mtg-cards/_user-added/femme_fatale-seaso_EE46d5N.png)

![Living Lore feature for The Devil's Lore ver. 2.0 [Frontier]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/commander-2021/living-lore/mtg-cards/_user-added/femme_fatale-living-lore-c21-16177843770.jpg)

a usually casual deck designed around a unifying theme or idea, such as a single artist or only -cost spells. This is a very broad category, as almost any part of the card can be part of the theme.