a deck that uses and mana.
Gambling by geereg
Ghyrson and his merry band of timmys by Rukis
controlled burn v1.1 by roxiecascades
Jori en Tiny Leaders by Glayden
Izzet Discard Control by TheGreatBrando98
Magic twins by rorrostark
Tolarian Armory by ZuranSorcerer
Adeliz, the Cinder Winn! (Budget) by mechanicalpanda
Adeliz, the tiny wizards by SarcasticOnion
How Tiny Is-It? by FlashnR
Izzet Tiny by NabilboSwaggins
Jori En INFINITE TURNS Tiny Leaders by verdebirde
Neon-Izzet by m0nsta
Fifty Shades of Nin copy by xalphaSWIFTx1
Jori En was here. by fly
Jori En, Tempo Diver by Sedliak
What Izzet? Lands Control? I Can't Tell... by YerpyMoose
Tiny Counter and Burn (Help Needed) Budget!! by kryptobrodie
Finding Jori! by nevadathestate
Jori En back at it again by AfatBulbasaur
Jori En, One Shot by Firebirddy
Jori En, Deck Diver by SilverEchidna
Jori En Tiny Leaders by Mafik326
Nin hits herself for the win by mtghypatia
Jori En's Tiny Control (WIP) by zmickelson
Pain is Inevitable, Scooping is Optional by 10b
Jori En, Tiny aggro/tempo by Cocacowlah
Jori-En Tiny Diver by bensnowclark
Unlimited Draw Works by Nivix
Jori En Tiny Aggro Tempo by N3w3ra
Yasova Dragonclaw: Tiny Badass by Nitrobadger
Jori En, Tiny Ruin Diver by CoryDean
Jori En, Ruin Diver - Tiny Leaders Controll by suwi
Jori En, Tempo Driver by number61971
Jori En, Spell Factory REBORN by therealbigcheez
Jori Tiny Leader Storm/Prowess by ThEnvy_1991
Tiny Nin, Haunting your dreams. by Kala
Tiny Nin, Forcefeed & Counterburn (Help Wanted) by Scrubadubdub
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